Associate Professor
It is one of the oldest faculties founded in 1938. The Faculty trains competitive highly qualified specialists in the field of history, archeology, ethnology and international relations, who have creative thinking and mobility in the field of professional activity. The Faculty offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs. Multilingual education programs have been implemented at all levels. Students acquire an in-depth knowledge of two foreign languages in the specialty "International Relations".
Graduates of the Faculty of History can teach history and socio-political disciplines in schools, colleges, universities, and work as employees in scientific institutions, museums, archives, excursion and tourist bureaus, and education departments.
The Faculty has three departments: the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History, the Department of World History and International Relations, the Department of History of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
The Faculty is a well-known scientific center of Kazakhstan. Scientific schools are formed on the basis of three scientific centers: the Center for Ethno-Cultural and Historical-Anthropological Research, the Scientific Research Center "Tulgatanu" and the Saryarka Archaeological Institute.
Dates and facts
The Faculty of History was established in 1938 on the basis of the Karaganda Teachers' Institute. The contingent of students of the Faculty of History in the first year was 50 people. K. Zholumbetov was appointed the first dean, the head of the Department of History – K.I. Medelets, a graduate of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. It is noteworthy that the teachers at the faculty were major scientists known outside of Kazakhstan, among them V. A. Romanovsky, the first candidate of Historical Sciences. By the beginning of his work in Karaganda, he was already a well-known scientist, a representative of the Ukrainian historical school of Professor M.S. Grushevsky. For his scientific and social views, V. A. Romanovsky was convicted and exiled to Kazakhstan for 5 years, serving his term in Karlag. After his release from 1940 to 1947, he worked at the Historical Faculty of the Karaganda Teachers' Institute, where he headed the Department of History and brilliantly taught the pre-revolutionary history of Russia, Ukraine and other republics of the USSR. After the war, during the re-evacuation, he went to Russia, to Stavropol, where he headed the Department of History of the USSR until 1971. The traditions of studying the history of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the Soviet Union, laid down by V. A. Romanovsky, were continued at the Faculty of History in subsequent years. In addition to V. A. Romanovsky, K. B. Baitasov, A. B. Beisenov, M. O. Ospanov, and Rymar worked at the Faculty of History. The first class of historians took place in 1940 and consisted of 33 people.
The Faculty of History developed, trained specialists for the field of education, public service. During the Great Patriotic War, many teachers and students of the faculty went to the front to defend their Homeland, many of them did not return. The Faculty continued to train personnel even during the harsh war years.
In 1941, Kali Zhuasov, a young 17-year-old, entered the History Department of the Karaganda Teachers' Institute. In 1943, he successfully completed his studies and was left as a teacher of the Department of History. For more than 50 years, until his death in 1995, K. Zhuasov worked at the Faculty of History. His biography is unique: a student, a teacher, a deputy director of the first teacher's institute, then the Pedagogical Institute, for almost 30 years – the dean of the historical, philological and historical faculties of the Institute and the university, for 10 years-the head of the Department of the History of the USSR of Karaganda State University.
Among the graduates of the military and the first post-war years, D. A. Shaimukhanov, the first Doctor of Historical Sciences in Central Kazakhstan, Professor (graduated in 1946), who was elected secretary of the Karaganda Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, who worked for many years as the rector of the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute of Physical Education, head of the Departments of the History of the CPSU of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute and Karaganda State University; M. K. Kulybekov (graduated in 1946) - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Karaganda Higher School of Militia and Karaganda State University; A. K. Kryukov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the Department of the Karaganda Cooperative Institute of the Centrosoyuz; S. S. Satarov, Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan, in different years headed the regional and city departments of education; R. N. Spanov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Karaganda State University.
On the basis of the orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (of July 5, 1952) and the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR (of August 4, 1952), the Karaganda Teachers' Institute was reorganized into a pedagogical institute: "In order to meet the needs of schools in Central Kazakhstan for more highly qualified teaching staff...".
In the early 1950s, historians were trained at the Faculty of History and Philology. 8 teachers worked at the Department of History: head of the Department K. N. Medelets (after the departure of V. A. Romanovsky), K. B. Baitasov, M. S. Bekbergenov, L. G. German, K. Zh. Zhuasov, S. I. Imankulov, Zh. B. Koishibaev. Two candidates of Sciences, specialists in world history K. I. Medelets and M. I. Boguslavsky worked at the Department of History.
In the 1980s, the Faculty of History had 3 departments, namely the history of the USSR, general History, and the history of Kazakhstan. At the faculty there was a museum-laboratory of archaeological and ethnographic research.
The 1990s were a new stage in the development of the university and the faculty, in particular. The legislative acts for the structural restructuring of the university were the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 573 of May 7, 1996 and the order of the Ministry of Education No. 143 of May 23, 1996, aimed at optimizing the structure of the universities of the republic. By these decisions, the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute was attached to the Karaganda State University named after Ye.A. Buketov. During the reorganization of the structure of the university, the Department of History of Kazakhstan was divided into two: for the humanities and natural sciences.
Today, the Faculty of History is a team of like-minded people who preserve and multiply the traditions of previous generations of historians. The Faculty consists of three departments: the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History, the Department of World History and International Relations, and the Department of History of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Specialists are trained in four educational programs for bachelor's degrees, three educational programs for master's degree, and one educational program for a PhD degree.
The faculty has 46 teachers, including doctors, candidates, masters of sciences, eight holders of the Republican title "Best University Teacher".
Today, the faculty has 329 students, 49 postgraduates, 4 doctoral students. Of these, 120 people are holders of a state educational grant. Their share has increased by 20% over the past three years. Representatives of different regions of Kazakhstan, citizens of Tajikistan, Georgia, Russia, and Belarus are among the students.
Innovative programs:
6B01408-History, fundamentals of law and Entrepreneurship,
6B02205-History and Islamic Studies with knowledge of the Arabic language
Multilingual programs:
5B020200/6B03105-International Relations.
Dissertation council:
on the program 6D020300-History
Accreditation and leadership:
The faculty's programs are nationally accredited by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and hold worthy positions in national rankings:
Rating of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency:
1st place-6B01408 History, Fundamentals of Law and Entrepreneurship (Bachelor's degree)
2nd place-6B01601/5B011400 History (Bachelor's degree)
2nd place-5B020800 Archeology and Ethnology (bachelor's degree)
2nd place-6B02204/5B020300 History (Bachelor's degree)
2nd place - 7M01601601/6M011400 History (Master's degree)
2nd place - 7M02205301/6M020300 History (Master's degree)
Rating of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency:
2nd place-5B020800 Archeology and Ethnology (bachelor's degree)
2nd place-6B02204/5B020300 History (Bachelor's degree)
2nd place-8D02205301/ 6D020300 History and Archaeology (doctorate)
Atameken rating:
2nd place-6B01601/5B011400-History
2nd place – 6B03105-International Relations
Partner Universities:
Higher School of Social Sciences-EHESS (France)
The Himalayan Research and Cultural Center at the University of j.Nehru (India)
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Research (Germany)
The Institute named after him. Max Planck (Germany)
Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Information & Policy Analysis Center, Univ. of Central Florida (USA)
Charles University (Czech Republic)
Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev (Kyrgyzstan)
International Institute for Advanced Training (Germany)
International Center for Scientific Information and Education N. B. Mikhailova (Germany)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Arizona State University (USA)
Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Policy, Central European University (Hungary)
The Center for Asian Studies at the University of St. Petersburg. Nehru (India) Professorial
Buller A.-Referent of the Social Ministry of the State of Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart, Germany)
Variku K.-Professor of the University of j.Nehru (New Delhi, India)
Veverkova K.-Doctor of ThDr, Associate Professor, Dean of the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Eremina L.-Professor at the Institute of International and Public Relations, Prague (Czech Republic)
E. Kiskyulya-Professor at the Max Planck Institute (Germany)
M. Koch-Professor at the Institute of International and Public Relations, Prague (Czech Republic)
Korovushkin D. G.-Professor of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation (Russia)
Lashek Ya. - Professor of Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)
Murakami Yu. - Professor at Ehime University
T. Travisani - Professor at the University of l’Orientale (Italy)
Tashagyl A. - Professor of the University of Yede-Tepe, (Turkey)
Turazh A. - Professor at the University of Leiden (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Grant funds for projects:
The Great Patriotic War and women of Kazakhstan at the front and in the rear: women's stories and everyday life, MES RK. Head is a Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Saktaganova Z. G. (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018-2020). The oldest cities of Kazakhstan (study of urban and cultural and economic centers of the Bronze Age). Head is a PhD, Associate Professor V. V. Varfolomeev (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018-2020).
Historical knowledge as the basis of spiritual modernization and renewal of the national consciousness of the young generation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (based on the materials of Central Kazakhstan). Head is a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Tuleuova B. T. (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018-2020)
Study and documentation of cultural landscapes of Central Kazakhstan using modern technology and interdisciplinary methods. Head is a PhD, Associate Professor D. A. Dzhumabekov (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018-2020)
Mining and metallurgical production of the Saryarki tribes in the system of the Eurasian steppe civilization. Head is a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor S. U. Zhauymbayev (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015-2017)
History of urban everyday life in Central Kazakhstan in the second half of the twentieth century (1946-1991) as a factor of social tension and deviant behavior. Head is a Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Saktaganova Z. G. (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015-2017).
Archaeological and anthropological research of the Early Pegazinsky burial grounds of Bada. Head is a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor V. V. Varfolomeev (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015-2017)
Ulytau onirinin toponymicas. Head is a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhakin M. S. (Initiative project, 2015-2017).
Shet onirinin tarikhy: 1824-2017 zh. Head-PhD, Associate Professor Zhakin M. S. (Initiative project, 2017-2018)
Monuments of ancient metallurgy of Central Kazakhstan. Head-Ph. D., Professor S. U. Zhauymbayev (MES RK, 2018-2020)
Formation of information culture of Kazakhstan youth as a factor of growth of intellectual potential of society. Head is a Ph.D., Associate Professor Myrzakhmetova A. Zh. (Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020-2022).
Employment opportunities:
Graduates of the faculty are in demand in the labor market. In the first months after graduation, 85% of graduates are employed in their specialty.
Many graduates of the faculty have built a successful career in the profession:
Aimagambetov A. K. - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
R. Abydkerov - Senator, previously deputy akim of Karaganda region
Abdikarimov O.A. - Chairman of the Republican Public Council for Preventing Corruption under the NDP "Nur Otan", previously Speaker of the Mazhilis and the Senate, Member of Parliament
Abil E.A. - Director of the Institute of State History of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, previously Rector of Kostanay Pedagogical University
K. K. Aktaeva - Deputy director of the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ashlyaev S.A. - Adviser to the President of Kazmunaygas, previously a member of parliament, Minister of Culture and Information
Baekenov B. - President of the Association of Security Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Lieutenant General, previously Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the National Security Committee, Head of the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. K. Bisenbayev - Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda-Kazakhstan", previously Press Secretary of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E. S. Dyusetaev - Akim of Karkaraly district, previously Head of the Akim's Office of Karaganda region;
Yertysbayev E. K. - public figure, previously Minister of Culture, Information and Sports, Adviser to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Georgia
Nurmaganbetov E. N. - Director of the Karaganda Regional Museum of Local History
Prokopenko L.A. - Head of the Department. Sector of the Secretariat of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan
Syzdykova Zh. S – Head of the Department of the ISAA of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
S. F. Mazhitov - Director of the Republican State Institution "Kogamdyk kelisim", previously Director of the Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tuleuov T. S. - Director of the Center for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Karaganda region
M. E. Shaikhutdinov - Director of the IMEP at the First President's Foundation