This is the third level of university education. Doctoral programs have a scientific and pedagogical orientation. Doctoral students receive fundamental methodological and research training. The duration of the doctoral studies is 3 years.
The languages of instruction in doctoral studies are Kazakh and Russian, some subjects are studied in English.
Training is conducted in full-time format with the use of distance technologies.
An academic year in doctoral studies is divided into two semesters. Each semester consists of 15 weeks. There are vacations between the semesters. The total duration of the vacations during the academic year is not less than 7 weeks, except for the graduation course.
In order to pass to the next course of study, a doctoral student must fully complete the annual individual curriculum and receive positive grades in all examination disciplines and practices.
The educational program includes theoretical, practical and research training. During the training a doctoral student has the opportunity to independently form the trajectory of his study, to choose the academic disciplines and the research direction of the doctoral thesis. Preparation of the dissertation is carried out under the supervision of two scientists - domestic and foreign.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the mastering of at least 180 academic credits by a doctoral student, including all types of educational and scientific activities. Upon graduation, the doctoral student must defend a thesis. Upon successful completion of the doctoral program and the defense of the thesis, a doctoral student is awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Current academic year
8D01101-Pedagogy and psychology
8D01301-Pedagogy and methodology of primary education
8D01701-Kazakh language and literature
8D01702-Foreign language: two Foreign languages
8D04102-State and local government