head of department
reserve colonel
tel .: +7 7212 35-60-66
E-mail: vk_buketov@ksu.kz
Universitetskaya 28 str., building №3,
office №119
The military department trains reserve officers for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The students of the department are university students who passed a special selection.
Training of students is carried out on six military registration specialties:
1. Use of subdivisions and parts of radiation, chemical, biological protection.
2. Use of flamethrower and smoke subdivisions and units.
3. Operation and repair of weapons and means of radiation, chemical, biological protection, technical means of environmental control.
4. Combat use of combined arms subdivisions, units and formations.
5. Organization of radiation, chemical, biological protection of military operations of the Armed Forces, ecological safety and environmental protection.
6. Organization of educational and ideological work in the ground forces.
The military department is headed by a reserve colonel Abishev Kairat Baltashevich. The military department reports to the Military Education Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the university.