The Scientific Council is a collegial body that is authorized to carry out the strategic management of the university. The Council is responsible for evaluating the implementation of the university’s strategic objectives.
The Board is headed by the Chairman of the Board–Rector of the university. The Board consists of members of the Board, representatives of academic staff, administrative and managerial staff, and students.
The members of the Council are elected by secret ballot for a term of 3 years.
The work of the Council is held in the mode of meetings with a frequency of once a month.
Members of the Board:
3. Zhetpisbayeva Bakhytgul Asylbekovna – Vice-rector for strategic development, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.
4. Tazhbayev Yerkeblan Muratovich – Vice-rector for scientific work, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor.
5. Nussupbekov Bekbolat Rakhishevich – acting Vice-rector for academic affairs, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor.
6. Syzdykov Meiyrzhan Zhakenuly – Vice-Rector for social and cultural development.
Representatives of the teaching staff:
7. Abildina Saltanat Kuatovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education.
8. Adanov Kuanyshbek Bulanovich – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports.
9. Aimukhanov Aitbek Kalievich – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Radiophysics and Radioelectronics.
10. Aitbaeva Bakyt Manatovna – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of the Practical Course of the Kazakh Language.
11. Beisenova Aigul Amanzhanova – PhD, Head of the Department of Political Science and Sociology.
12. Burkeev Meiram Zhunusovich – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry.
13. Davletbaeva Nazgul Bakytovna –Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Dean of the Faculty of Additional Education.
14. Dzhumabekov Zhambyl Azmukhanovich –Candidate of Historical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of History.
15. Yeshkeyev Aibat Rafkhatovich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations.
16. Zhartai Zhanibek – PhD, Deputy Dean for scientific work.
17. Zhumashev Rymbek Muratovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Patriotic History.
18. Zeinidenov Asylbek Kalkenovich – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology.
19. Ibraev Niyazbek Khamzauly – Director of the Institute of Molecular Nanophotonics.
20. Imanbekov Mirlan Meirambekovich – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty.
21. Ishmuratova Margarita Yulaevna – Director of the Biotechnology and Eco-Monitoring Research Park.
22. Kazimova Dinara Ashubasarovna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology.
23. Kusbekov Duman Karibekovich – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology.
24. Loman Valery Grigoryevich – Director of the Saryarka Archaeological Institute.
25. Masalimov Abay Sabirzhanovich – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry.
26. Sadykov Kanat Ibragimovich – Doctor of Medicine, Head of the Department of Basic Military Training and Martial Arts.
27. Serikbaev Abzal Mukhametzhanovich – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Law.
28. Talzhanov Serikbolat Aldungarovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Geography.
29. Tleuzhanova Gulnaz Koshkimbaevna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
30. Tuite Eldos Ergazievich – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Philology
31. Turlaev Andrei Viktorovich – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law.
32. Tykezhanova Gulmira Mengalievna – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Physiology.
33. Khussainova Zhibek Seitovna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics.
34. Shelestova Tatyana Yuryevna – PhD, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation.
Representatives of the administrative and managerial staff:
36. Arinova Olga Tastanbekovna – Head of the Strategic Development Department, QMS and Accreditation, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.
37. Gagolina Svetlana Viktorovna – Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences.
38. Zhorabekov Arman Nurmakhanovich – Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs.
39. Zhumabekov Meiram Kenesovich – Head of the Press Service, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
40. Zhunusova Marina Kabdulkalymovna – Chairman of the trade union committee of the university.
41. Kalieva Asiya Tolegenovna – Head of Human Resources Department.
42. Karstina Svetlana Gennadievna – Head of the Postgraduate Education Department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
43. Kassymov Serik Sagimbekovich – Head of Science and Commercialization Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
44. Kizdarbekova Antonina Serikovna – Corporate Secretary, Candidate of Juridical Sciences;
45. Minayeva Yelena Viktorovna – Head of International Cooperation Department, Candidate of chemical Sciences.
Student representatives:
46. Ablayev Alfarabi Alpysbaiuly – the 4th year student of the Pedagogical Faculty, Member of the Student Parliament.
47. In Andrei Aleksandrovich – the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics.
48. Irkirbayev Danial Yerkinovich – the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Economics.
№ заседания |
Issues addressed |
Speakers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
1.1 |
On the readiness of the university for the new 2020-2021 academic year |
September |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for academic affairs |
1.2 |
Report of the Chairman of the Board – Rector on the activities of the university for the 2019-2020 academic year and the tasks for the upcoming academic year |
Chairman of the the Board – Rector |
2 |
2.1 |
On the results of the admissions campaign in 2020 |
October |
Executive secretary of the selection committee |
2.2 |
Training of specialists for the implementation of inclusive education at the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov |
Commission |
2.3 |
On the social and living conditions of students in university dormitories |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for social and cultural development |
2.4 |
On the approval of the scientific supervisors of students in the specialties of Master’s programme and doctoral studies and topics of dissertation research of undergraduates |
Head of the Postgraduate Education Department |
3 |
Ways of increasing the global competitiveness of higher and postgraduate education |
November |
Commission |
3.2 |
Digital infrastructure of the university and the prospects for its modernization |
Commission, heads of the Information Technology and Telecommunications Center, Distance Education Center |
3.3 |
On the development of student self-government institutions at the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov |
Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs, Member of the Board, vice-rector for social and cultural development |
4 |
4.1 |
Report of the grant holders of the Republican competition “The best teacher of the university” on the implementation of the schedule |
Head of the Science and Commercialization Department |
4.2 |
On the results of specialized accreditation of educational programs in areas and levels of training (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies) |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for strategic development, Director of the Strategic Development Department |
4.3 |
On the approval of the candidacies of the chairpersons and the composition of the certification commissions for 2021 |
Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Head of the Postgraduate Education Department |
5 |
5.1 |
On the main results of the research activities of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov in 2020 and prospects for the current year |
January |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for scientific work |
5.2 |
On the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov (June – December 2020) |
Commision |
5.3 |
On the implementation of the Action Plan of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for social and cultural development |
6 |
6.1 |
Training of pedagogical personnel for work in the conditions of distance learning |
February |
Commission |
6.2 |
On the possibilities of using the best world practices in the system of assessing the quality of education |
Commission, Head of the Education quality monitoring department |
6.3 |
State and development prospects of the scientific library of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for strategic development |
6.4 |
On the consideration of educational programs in the specialties of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies for the 2021-2022 academic year |
Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Head of the Postgraduate Education Department |
7 |
7.1 |
On the state and prospects of international cooperation at the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov |
March |
Head of the International Cooperation Department |
7.2 |
Opportunities provided by the university to meet the career expectations of doctoral graduates and their professional development |
Head of the Postgraduate Education Department |
7.3 |
On the modernization of academic and methodical base of the university |
Commission |
8 |
8.1 |
On the progress of the implementation of the Development Strategy of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov for 2017-2021: results of 2020 |
April |
Commission |
8.2 |
On the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy of the Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov |
Commission |
8.3 |
On the state and development prospects of the university publishing house |
Director of the Publishing office |
9 |
9.1 |
Об итогах fulfillment of the educational work plan of the university for the academic year 2020-2021 |
May |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for social and cultural development |
9.2 |
On the consideration of curricula and academic calendars for the 2021-2022 academic year |
Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Head of the Postgraduate Education Department |
9.3 |
Approval of the work plan of the Academic Council of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov for the 2021-2022 academic year |
Academic secreatry |
10 |
10.1 |
On the main results of the educational activities of the Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov for the 2020-2021 academic year |
June |
Member of the Board, vice-rector for academic affairs |
10.2 |
On the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council (January-May 2021) |
Commission |
10.3 |
Approval of the report of the Chairman of the State Examination Commission on the discipline “Modern history of Kazakhstan” |
Chairman of the State Examination Commission |
Scientific Secretary - Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Culture, PhD Doctor Tutinova Nurgul Erkanatovna
28, Universitetskaya str., main building, office № 229
work phone: +7 7212 356414, e-mail: