head of department
PhD, Professor
Tel.: +77 7212 770438
E-mail: foreign_lang@ksu.kz
St. Mukanova, 1, Building №9, aud.218
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Department of the theory and methodology of foreign language training prepares the specialists in the sphere of English, German, French, Turkish, Japanese and Russian as a foreign languages, provides the program of bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees.
Students of the department have the opportunity to study in various languages: "English / German", "English / French", " English/Chinese", “English/Turkish”, “English/Japanese” , "Russian as a foreign language/English". The training program includes such relevant disciplines as "IT-technologies in education", "Digital educational resources", "Innovative technologies in the organization of the educational process at school", "Fundamentals of Inclusive Education", "Management in the field of language education". Students will receive special knowledge in the field of early learning of foreign languages, trilingual and multilingual education.
In accordance with the received level of training, graduates of the department will be able to teach a foreign language in educational organizations, educational centers and language courses, work as translators, carry out methodological or managerial activities in the system of advanced training of teachers, departments of education, engage in research work in universities and scientific institutions.
The department's research interests include issues of multilingual and foreign language education, theoretical and applied aspects of linguodidactics, early learning of a foreign language, intercultural communication, etc.
The department provides continuity of specialists training through the system of bachelor-master-doctoral studies, implements joint educational programs with foreign partner universities, namely Shihezi University (China) and Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russia), Ataturk University(Turkey), Kastamonu University (Turkey). The Department provides an opportunity to implement academic mobility and international cooperation programs. In 2023, an agreement on double-degree Bachelor program within the speciality «B0175-Foreign language: two foreign languages» was signed with the Tashkent State Pedagogical
University named after Nizami (Tashkent city, the Republic of Uzbekistan).
Since 2023-2024 academic year, Spencer Harrison, Fulbright Scholarship holder, English teaching assistant from the US Embassy, has been working at the department.
On October 13th, 2023, in the implementation of "University-school" program, a new branch was opened at the secondary school №15 in Karaganda. The branch is a center for students’ teaching practices organized for professional skills enhancement of pre-service FL teachers
Dates and facts
The department traces its history back to 1991, when the first admission to the specialty "German language" was carried out. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor B.A. Zhetpisbayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.K. Tleuzhanova, Master of Humanities B.Zh. Zhankina, Senior teachers Kagazbayev Zh.A., A.S. Ibrayeva, G.I. Abisheva, S.A. Smailov were at the origins of the development of the department and the formation of the specialty.
The first head of the department in the period from 1994 to 1998 was Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zhetpisbayeva B.A. Over the years, the department was headed by Associate Professor Kagazbayev Zh.A. (2003-2007), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kopzhasarova U.I. (2007-2010), Candidate of Philological Sciences Zhakupova S.Kh., Candidate of Philological Sciences Mazhit Z., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Uteubayeva E.A. (2010-2013), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Akbayeva G.N. (2013-2017), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tleuzhanova G.K. (2018-2019). Today the department is headed by PhD Sarzhanova G.B.
The first graduation of German language specialists took place in 1996; the number of graduates was 63 people. Since 1998, Turkish citizens have been trained under this program. Students from Russia, Germany and China studied at the department with the development of the academic mobility program.
Over the years, the department has expanded the number of educational programs to four. Master's program 6M011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages was opened in 2006. Preparation of doctoral students under the program 6D011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages began in 2014. The number of graduates of the program who received a degree of PhD is 6 people.
Important dates:
1991: first admission to the specialty "German".
1993: start of cooperation with DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service, receiving the first DAAD scholarships
1996: the first graduation of students of the specialty "German"
2000: first graduation in the specialty "French".
2001: opening of the Department of English Speech Practice
2003: foundation of the Department of English Language Methodology
2006: opening of a magistracy in the specialty 6M011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
2008-2011: professional activity at the department of DAAD lecturer Thomas Spiker (Germany)
2010-2011: professional activity at the department of doctoral student of the Sorbonne University JulienParé (France)
2011: chair branch opening at the base of Karaganda MPI “Gymnasium № 93”
2011-2014: professional activity of DAAD lecturer, PhD Katharina Buck (Germany) at the chair
2012: chair branch opening at the base of Karaganda MPI “Gymnasium № 97”
2012: doctoral studies opening in the specialty 6D011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
2013: the first enrolment in “Foreign Philology” (Chinese) specialty
2013: cooperation agreement signing with Shihezi University (China), Shihezi University first students training (China)
2013: international practice organization for German Universities students (University of Leipzig, W. Humboldt University, Berlin, University of Cologne)
2014-2017: professional activity of DAAD lecturer Stefan Kehl (Germany) at the chair
2014: educational program international accreditation 5В011900, 6М011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages in the international agency ACQUIN (Germany)
2016-2017: professional activity of Italian language educator Eliana Consolo (Italy) at the chair
Over five years, student numbers are on the increase: in the bachelor’s program it has increased from 198 to 639 people, in the Master’s degree programme from 17 to 111 people, and in the doctoral program from 6 to 16 people as well.
The chair employs 30 teachers, including Candidates and Masters of Science, 5 holders “The Best University Teacher”, as well as Republican Award and Science Scholarship laureates.
Educational programs:
Dual degree program with Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russia).
Dissertation Board:
2017: Dissertation Board opening on award of the PhD degree in the specialties 6D010000 - Education and 6D011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages.
Employment: bachelor students’ employment rate is 88%, Master Degree and PhD students is 100%.
Accreditation and Leadership:
The chair programs have national accreditation and take leading place in the national rankings: the Master’s program “Foreign language: two foreign languages” took the second place in the IQAA National ranking in 2018 and 2019.
Educational programs
6В01705 - Foreign language: two foreign languages (English – German/French/Chinese languages): Baccalaureate.
Studying in this specialty, students acquire knowledge in the field of language, foreign language, trilingual education, the current state of foreign language training in Kazakhstan, the updated content of secondary education, the basics of pedagogical acmeology and innovative methods and technologies in the field of foreign language education and methods of educational work. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree in education and will be able to work as teachers of foreign languages in secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, in technical and vocational educational institutions, educators in preschool institutions; teachers of foreign language courses; translators, specialists in education departments, training institutes.
7М01701901 - Foreign language: two foreign languages (English - German / French / Chinese): Master's degree.
The program is aimed at in-depth scientific, linguistic and pedagogical training. Graduates receive an academic master's degree in pedagogical sciences and will be able to work in the field of higher and postgraduate education, organize the educational process in the field of foreign language training, engage in scientific, pedagogical and research activities.
The program is aimed at training scientific and pedagogical personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and the research sector, with in-depth scientific, linguistic and pedagogical training. Graduates receive an academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD and can work in universities and research institutes.
Teacher profiles