1. The project.
AP09058188 Development of the electrostatic energy analyzer for the study of corpuscular flows in outer space.
2. Urgency.
The study of the dynamics of electron flows is of great interest for various problems arising in the construction of the theory of radiophysical devices, the formation and transportation of electron beams in plasma and vacuum, injection of electron beams into plasma in laboratory conditions and in space (active experiments), etc.
The solution of problems related to highly sensitive analysis (substances in microelectronics, biology, ecology, archeology, etc.; particle fluxes in interplanetary space in cosmic physics and geophysics, etc.) became possible thanks to the development and application of the so-called physical methods of analysis. Moreover, at present, of the physical methods, the most widespread are spectroscopic methods, of which a group of actively developing methods of corpuscular spectroscopy should be distinguished, including methods of electron spectroscopy. However, there is a wide range of unresolved problems in this area, which determines the need for detailed theoretical and practical research. For example, the problems of modern spectral analysis are being updated, which need to be solved under conditions of a sharp increase in the requirements for the sensitivity and resolution of the supporting equipment, the complication of the geometry of the experiment, the need to simultaneously study several parameters, accelerate the research process, etc.
Space exploration cannot be imagined without modern technology and technology. Every year, hundreds of satellites are launched into orbit to explore extraterrestrial space, which are equipped with advanced equipment that makes it possible to remotely study physical processes, their impact on the Earth, and register various space objects. Spectrometers, as the main instrument for space exploration, began to be used more than half a century ago. The main analyzing element of the spectrometer is the energy analyzer. In general, the modeling of energy analyzers for research in space is an urgent problem of science.
The creation of analytical instruments for working on mobile objects in space research, in addition to high analytical characteristics, additionally imposes on their design stringent requirements for weight, dimensions, mechanical strength, vibration and thermal effects, etc.
One of the serious problems in the development of systems for energy analysis of charged particles beams is the determination of the deflecting field and the calculation of the shape of the deflecting electrodes. The search and selection of electrode configurations of the device is dictated by the simplicity of its manufacture and the possibility of high-quality energy analysis due to the correction or compensation of electro-optical aberrations.
3. Purpose: the development of a new type efficient electrostatic energy analyzer for space research, having a small mass and sizes.
4. Expected and achieved results.
Expected results:
Mirror type efficient electrostatic energy analyzers, having small dimensions and weight, intended for work in space research will be developed and designed.
Based on the results of the implementation of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for the entire period of the project implementation, the following will be obtained:
- 2 (two) articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the scientific direction of the project, included in 1 (first), 2 (second) or 3 (third) quartiles in the Web of Science database;
- 3 (three) articles or reviews in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic edition recommended by CCESME MOS RK;
- 1 (one) utility model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 1 (one) monograph in English;
- 1 (one) textbook;
- 1 (one) electronic textbook
- 5 (five) reports (theses) in the materials of international conferences.
Achieved results.
The possibility of creating effective energy analyzers of corpuscular flows on multipole electrode systems is theoretically substantiated. The electrode system capable of creating electrostatic fields with focusing properties that can be used as effective energy analyzers of charged particle flows has been selected. The calculation and analysis of equipotential portraits of electrostatic octuplet-cylindrical fields to determine the electrode configuration of the mirror analyzer are carried out. The graphical visualization of equipotential portraits of electrostatic octupole-cylindrical fields with different weight contributions of a cylindrical field and a circular octupole is given. Trajectories of charged particles motion in the axially-symmetric octupole-cylindrical field constructed on the basis of a superposition of fields of a cylindrical mirror and a circular octupole are calculated by using an approximate-analytical method for calculating trajectories. The integro-differential equation of charged particle motion in the octupole-cylindrical field is determined.
Based on the results of research on the project theme 3 scientific publications were published in 2021, including 1 article in the journal recommended by CCESME MOS RK and included in the Scopus database, 2 reports in the materials of international conferences.
5. Research Group.
1. Scientific supervisor - Kambarova Zhanar Tursynovna, PhD, associate professor of the Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, Buketov Karaganda University.
Scopus Author ID: 55543382800
WoS Researcher ID: AAV-8669-2020
Link to the profile in the Scopus database:
Link to the profile in the Web of Science database:
Group members:
2. Tusupbekova Ainur Kaiyrzhanovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Radiophysics and Electronics, Buketov Karaganda University.
Scopus Author ID: 56242322500
WoS Researcher ID: AAW-2257-2020
Link to the profile in the Scopus database:
Link to the profile in the Web of Science database:
3. Kopbalina Kymbat Bagdatkyzy, master of pedagogical sciences on specialty “Physics”, senior lecturer of the Department of Physics, Karaganda Technical University.
Scopus Author ID: 56167615600
Link to profile in the Scopus database:
Link to profile in the Web of Science database:
4. Saulebekova Dalila Armanovna, bachelor in Physics, master in Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 1st year doctoral student of the Institute Curie (Paris, France).
Scopus Author ID: 57193514628
Link to the profile in the Scopus database:
Link to the profile in the Web of Science database:
5. Tazhibai Narymbet, 1st year Master's student, Faculty of Physics and Technology, E.A.Buketov KarU.
6. Publication list.
1. Kambarova Zh.T., Saulebekov A.O., Kopbalina K.B., Tussupbekova A.K., Saulebekova D.A. About the possibility of creating an efficient energy analyzer of charged particle beams based on axially-symmetrical octupole-cylindrical field // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal. – 2021. – Vol.18, No.2 (36). - pp. 96-102. (CCESME MOS RK, Scopus – percentile 23%). https://up.buketov.edu.kz/phtj/2021_18_2_36/15.pdf
2. Kambarova Zh.T., Saulebekov A.O. Calculation and selection of the geometry of an energy analyzer with an electrostatic field for the study of corpuscular flows [Raschet i vybor geometrii energoanalizatora s elektrostaticheskim polem dlya issledovaniya korpuskulyarnykh potokov] // Proceedings of the XXXI International Conference “Radiation Physics of solid bodies” (Sevastopol, July 5 - July 10, 2021). - Moscow: FGBNU "Scientific Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies", 2021. - pp.357-362. [in Russian]. http://rftt.ru/Программа%20конференции.pdf
3. Kambarova Zh.T., Saulebekov A.O. Features of modeling corpuscular-optical systems for the analysis of charged particle fluxes [Osobennosti modelirovaniya korpuskulyarno-opticheskikh sistem dlya analiza potokov zaryazhennykh chastits ] // Abstracts of the International Scientific and Practical Conference and “Problems of Modern and Applied Mathematics” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the M.V. Lomonosov (Nur-Sultan, June 4, 2021). - Nur-Sultan, 2021. - pp.182-186. [in Russian].