1. Project name "AR 08052518 Formation of the information culture of the youth in Kazakhstan as a growth factor for intellectual potential of the society".
2. Relevance of the research: The entry of modern society into the digital era necessitates the formation and development of information culture of youth. The effectiveness of the socialization process and the success of the adaptation of a young person to the accelerating processes of the evolution of society depend on the development of interaction skills in the information field. More and more "traditional" types of activity are gradually shifting into the information field; Currently, online education and remote work, the Internet of Things, online shopping, Internet mobbing have become a necessary part of the life of a modern person. The situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated the process of expanding the information field.
3. Expected and achieved results.
- A sociological analysis of the results of field research was carried out, a focus group study was carried out, trainings were organized and conducted on the problems of the information culture of Kazakhstani society, to determine the positive and negative aspects of the information culture of Kazakhstani youth.
- In total, 12 focussed interviews were conducted, among them 3 focus groups with schoolchildren of the Karaganda region, 1 focus group with school teachers in the Karaganda region, 4 focus groups with students of universities in the Karaganda region, 2 focus groups with teachers of universities and TVE, 2 focus groups with parents.
- The sociological survey data were obtained online using questionnaires in Google Forms using nominal, interval and ordinal scales in the research toolkit.
- Upon completion of the collection of primary data, they were encrypted and encoded. The resulting primary data was converted from Google Forms answer tables into the electronic format of the IBM SPSS STATISTICS program, the most common program in the field of computerized data analysis.
- Scientifically grounded results were obtained for the development of analytical materials, monographs, scientific articles, practical recommendations.
- Studied the practical experience of the Center for Youth Study at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. There was a presentation of the interim results of the research on the project.
- Trainings were conducted among secondary school students, students, teachers of secondary educational institutions, teachers and students of TVE and higher educational institutions.
- Prepared and published reporting materials in the following categories: "Teachers of universities and colleges", "Parents of students of secondary schools", "Students of higher educational institutions and TVE", "Students of secondary schools", "Teachers of secondary schools".
4. Names and surnames of members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any, and links to the corresponding profiles.
Myrzakhmetova A.Zh., Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Project Manager
Khlebnikov I.D., researcher, Senior Lecturer
Rezvushkina T.A., researcher, Senior Lecturer
Karaseva N.V., researcher, Senior Lecturer
5. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.
Copyright certificates:
1. Results of the survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society" in the direction of "Students of secondary schools": Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated October 5, 2021 No. 20658. Type of copyright: a work of science.
2. Results of the questionnaire survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Teachers of universities and colleges": Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright from 19 October 2021 No. 21002. Type of copyright: a work of science.
3. Results of the questionnaire survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Students of higher educational institutions and TVE": Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated October 19, 2021 No. 21001. Type of copyright: a work of science.
4. Results of the survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Parents of secondary school students": Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright from 26 October 2021 No. 21163. Type of copyright: a work of science.
5. Results of the survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Teachers of secondary schools": Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated October 22 2021 № 21093. Type of copyright: a work of science.
Articles published in the journals of the Committee for quality assurance in education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1. A. Myrzakhmetova, I. Khlebnikov, T. Rezvushkina N. Karaseva Regulatory framework for the formation of information culture of modern Kazakhstan youth // Bulletin of Karaganda University. – History series. Philosophy. – 2020. – Vol. 3 (99). – P. 114-127. DOI 10.31489/2020HPh3/114-127
2. Khlebnikov I.D. The study of value representations of a sociocultural community construction considering the interdisciplinary interaction of history and empirical sociology // Bulletin of Karaganda University. – History series. Philosophy. – 2020. – Vol. 3 (99). – P. 153-161. DOI 10.31489/2020HPh3/153-161
3. Мырзахметова А.Ж., Хлебников И.Д., Момошева Н.К. Казахстанский опыт развития информационной грамотности молодежи // Bulletin of Karaganda University. – History series. Philosophy. – 2021. – Vol. 2 (102). – P. 107-116.
4. Хлебников И.Д., Мырзахметова А.Ж., Момошева Н.К. Исследование этнокультурной толерантности как составляющей информационной культуры студенческой молодежи // Bulletin of Karaganda University. – History series. Philosophy. – 2021. – Vol. 3 (103). – P. 65-76
Articles published in materials of international conferences:
5. Мырзахметова А.Ж., Хлебников И.Д. Развитие критического мышления при помощи методов качественного и количественного анализа // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций: Материалы II международной научной конференции. (г. Таганрог, 15 октября 2020 г.) – Moscow; Berlin: Direct-Media, 2020. – P. 127 – 132. https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book_red&id=55498707
6. Акульбекова Н.З., Мырзахметова А.Ж. Интеграция медиа и информационной грамотности в учебные программы дисциплины «Русский язык» среднего образования Республики Казахстан // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций: Материалы II международной научной конференции. (г. Таганрог, 15 октября 2020 г.) – Moscow; Berlin: Direct-Media, 2020. – P. 222–228. https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book_red&id=55498707
7. Карасева Н.В., Резвушкина Т.А. Политико-правовые аспекты информатизации в Казахстане // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций: Материалы II международной научной конференции. (г. Таганрог, 15 октября 2020 г.) – Moscow; Berlin: Direct-Media, 2020. – P. 342–347. https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book_red&id=55498707
8. Мырзахметова А.Ж. Зарубежный опыт развития медиа и информационной грамотности // Актуальные проблемы исторической науки: материалы Республиканской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной 70-летию к.и.н., доцента Бейсенбековой Н.А. – Караганда, 2020. – P. 177-182. https://up.buketov.edu.kz/info/file/%D0%A1%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%20%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%84.15-16.10.2020.pdf1.
9. Мырзахметова А.Ж. Построение современного информационного общества: казахстанский опыт // Современные технологии обеспечения качества образования в высших учебных заведениях: материалы Международной научно-методической конференции, посвященной 25-летию факультета международных отношений и 30-летию кафедры международного права КазНУ им. аль-Фараби. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2021. – P. 84-89. http://www.kaznu.kz/ru/18913/news/one/20948/
10. Хлебников И.Д. Эффективность использования информационных технологий и ресурсов в учебном процессе вуза // Современные технологии обеспечения качества образования в высших учебных заведениях: материалы Международной научно-методической конференции, посвященной 25-летию факультета международных отношений и 30-летию кафедры международного права КазНУ им. аль-Фараби. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2021. – P. 150-153. http://www.kaznu.kz/ru/18913/news/one/20948/
11. Хлебников И.Д. Развитие медиаграмотности в условиях реализации языковой политики в университете // Непрерывное образование в контексте Будущего: сборник научных статей по материалам IV Международной научно-практической конференции (г. Москва, Россия, 21-22 апреля 2021 года). – Moscow: ГАОУ ВО МГПУ, ООО "А-Приор", 2021. – P. 551-556 https://ino.mgpu.ru/articles/sbornik-nauchnyh-statej-nepreryvnoe-obrazovanie-v-kontekste-budushhego/
12. Хлебников И.Д., Донецкая Н.А. Цифровая грамотность как фактор удовлетворенности студентов качеством образовательных услуг // Непрерывное образование в контексте Будущего: сборник научных статей по материалам IV Международной научно-практической конференции (г. Москва, Россия, 21-22 апреля 2021 года). – Moscow: ГАОУ ВО МГПУ, ООО "А-Приор", 2021. – P. 191-196 https://ino.mgpu.ru/articles/sbornik-nauchnyh-statej-nepreryvnoe-obrazovanie-v-kontekste-budushhego/
13. Карасева Н.В. Особенности дистанционного обучения в вузах и организациях профессионального образования в период COVID-19 // Непрерывное образование в контексте Будущего: сборник научных статей по материалам IV Международной научно-практической конференции (г. Москва, Россия, 21-22 апреля 2021 года). – Moscow: ГАОУ ВО МГПУ, ООО "А-Приор", 2021. – P. 292-297 https://ino.mgpu.ru/articles/sbornik-nauchnyh-statej-nepreryvnoe-obrazovanie-v-kontekste-budushhego/
14. Карасева Н.В. Анализ медиа и цифровой грамотности студенческой молодежи Казахстана (на примере городов Караганда, Темиртау и Сарань) // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций: материалы III международной научной конференции / Таганрогский институт имени А. П. Чехова (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «РГЭУ (РИНХ)»; Уральский государственный педагогический университет; научные редакторы Н. А. Симбирцева, И. В. Челышева. – Электрон. дан. – Таганрог: [б. и.]; Екатеринбург: [б. и.], 2021. – P. 29-35 https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46786753
15. Мырзахметова А.Ж. Состояние медиа и информационного пространства в Республике Казахстан // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций : материалы III международной научной конференции / Таганрогский институт имени А. П. Чехова (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «РГЭУ (РИНХ)»; Уральский государственный педагогический университет ; научные редакторы Н.А. Симбирцева, И.В. Челышева. – Электрон. дан. – Таганрог: [б. и.]; Екатеринбург: [б. и.], 2021. – P. 50-54. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46786753
16. Резвушкина Т.А. Информационная культура казахстанской молодежи: доступ к информационным ресурсам и их использование в период пандемии COVID-19 // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций: материалы III международной научной конференции / Таганрогский институт имени А. П. Чехова (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «РГЭУ (РИНХ)»; Уральский государственный педагогический университет; научные редакторы Н. А. Симбирцева, И. В. Челышева. – Электрон. дан. – Таганрог: [б. и.]; Екатеринбург: [б. и.], 2021. – P. 60-66. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46786753
17. Хлебников И.Д. Социальный портрет ученика основной школы в контексте развития медиаобразования // Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций: материалы III международной научной конференции / Таганрогский институт имени А.П. Чехова (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО «РГЭУ (РИНХ)»; Уральский государственный педагогический университет; научные редакторы Н. А. Симбирцева, И. В. Челышева. – Электрон. дан. – Таганрог: [б. и.]; Екатеринбург: [б. и.], 2021. – P. 249-254. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46786753
Articles published in scientific journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
18. Карасева Н.В. Анализ предпочтений использования социальных сетей молодежью: глобальный и локальный контекст // Toraigyrov University Bulletin. – Humanitarian series. – 2021. – № 1. – P. 111-123 https://doi.org/10.48081/PEMN9824
Отчетные материалы:
19. Myrzakhmetova A.Zh., Khlebnikov I.D., Rezvushkina T.A., Karaseva N.V. Results of the survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Teachers of universities and colleges". - Karaganda, 2021. – 90 p.
20. Myrzakhmetova A.Zh., Khlebnikov I.D., Rezvushkina T.A., Karaseva N.V. Results of the questionnaire survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Parents of secondary school students". - Karaganda, 2021. – 107 p.
21. Myrzakhmetova A.Zh., Khlebnikov I.D., Rezvushkina T.A., Karaseva N.V. The results of the questionnaire survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Students of higher educational institutions and TVE". - Karaganda, 2021. – 97 p.
22. Myrzakhmetova A.Zh., Khlebnikov I.D., Rezvushkina T.A., Karaseva N.V. Results of the questionnaire survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Students of secondary schools". - Karaganda, 2021. – 79 p.
23. Myrzakhmetova A.Zh., Khlebnikov I.D., Rezvushkina T.A., Karaseva N.V. Results of the questionnaire survey within the framework of the research project AR08052518 "Formation of information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of society": report on the category "Teachers of secondary schools". - Karaganda, 2021. – 95 p.
1. AP08052672 «Synthesis and study of photoprocesses in graphene quantum dots»
2. Scientific novelty:
Graphene and its derivatives with sp2 hybridization are widely used in energy and environmental materials, such as energy storage, photovoltaics, photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic generation of hydrogen/hydrocarbon fuels and photocatalysis of organic pollutants.
Graphene oxide and its modifications, unlike graphene, is a more convenient material for researchers, since it is easy to obtain and also used for practical purposes. The quantum confinement effect is applicable not only to graphene, but also to graphene oxide. This led to the new type of carbon nanostructures – graphene quantum dots. Such quantum dots have a discrete band gap and exhibit photoluminescent properties.
Compared to traditional semiconductor quantum dots and organic dyes, photoluminescent carbon-based quantum dots have high solubility in aqueous solutions, chemical inertness and resistance to photobleaching. For example, generation and transport of electrons in graphene dots were used for solar cells, organic light emitting diodes (OLED), photodetectors, photocatalysts and supercapacitors. Extinction-controlled fluorescence has been developed for sensors of biomolecules, metal ions, and toxic/hazardous substances. Also, an undoubted advantage is their low toxicity and high biocompatibility compared to semiconductor quantum dots, which makes them very promising for biophysical and medical applications, for example for bioimaging, biosensors, drug delivery, and medical diagnostics.
At present there are practically no works devoted to the systematic and comprehensive study of graphene quantum dots obtained by laser ablation, which is the aim of present Project. In this project, the relationship between the parameters of laser radiation and the optical, structural and morphological properties of the obtained graphene dots will be established.
3. Project aim – is the synthesis of quantum dots based on graphene and its derivatives by pulsed laser ablation method and the study of photoprocesses in them.
4. Expected and achieved results:
– the effect of the nature of the solvent on the size, structure, and optical properties of graphene oxide in dispersions has been studied. It is shown that, after laser ablation, twofold increase in the luminescence ability of GO can be achieved in an aqueous solution;
– the influence of the energy density of laser radiation on the properties of GO in aqueous dispersions was studied. It was shown that the distribution of particles becomes uniform when laser pulses with an energy density of 21 J/cm2 were used;
– the dependence of the size, structure and optical properties of graphene dots on the ablation time was considered. It was shown that quantum dots based on graphene oxide can be obtained after centrifuging a GO dispersion before ablation and at an irradiation time of at least of 30 minutes;
– the properties of graphene dots obtained by ablation by laser radiation of various wavelengths was studied. It was shown that, upon ablation by laser radiation with λgen=532 nm, the particle size distribution is more uniform, the lateral sizes of particles are smaller, and their fluorescence intensity is higher than in the samples obtained at λgen=355 nm.
– a preparation method for oquantum dots based on rGO and NGO has been developed. It was shown that centrifugation is an important stage in sample preparation, which prevents concentration quenching of the fluorescence of graphene dots;
– the effect of the duration of laser ablation of reduced graphene oxide sheets on their structure, composition and optical properties was studied. After ablation for 30 minutes, the fluorescence intensity increases threefold. After ablation, rGO dispersions exhibit long-lived luminescence;
– the effect of laser ablation of nitrogen-doped graphene oxide on its optical properties was investigated. After laser irradiation of NGO a noticeable increase in fluorescence intensity by ~11.0 and 8.5 times for 30 and 60 minutes, respectively, was obtained. The samples under study exhibit long- lived luminescence after ablation.
5. Names and surnames of research team members:
No |
Name and suername |
Web of Science (ResearcherID) |
Scopus AuthorID |
1 |
Seliverstova E., PhD, Project supervisor |
2 |
Afanasyev D., PhD |
3 |
Temirbayeva D. |
4 |
Omarova G. |
5 |
Alikhaidarova E. |
– |
6 |
Menshova E. |
– |
– |
6. Publications:
articles, included in Clarivate Analytics and Scopus databases:
1. Seliverstova E., Ibrayev N., Menshova E., Alikhaidarova E. Laser modification of structure and optical properties of N-doped graphene oxide // Materials Research Express, 2021, Vol. 8, No. 11, P. 115601 (IF 1,62; WoS Q4; Процентиль Scopus 42). https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2053-1591/ac31fc/meta
articles, included in CCES and RSCI databases
2. Селиверстова Е.В., Ибраев Н.Х., Меньшова Е.П. Синтез и исследование дисперсий оксида графена при различном времени лазерной абляции // Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. – 2020. – T. 96, №. 9. – С. 159–164. (IF РИНЦ 0,037). https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44097355
3. Seliverstova E.V., Ibrayev N.Kh., Temirbayeva D.A., Omarova G.S. Optical properties of ablated graphene oxide in aqueous dispersions // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Physics series. – 2020. – Vol. 99, № 3. – P. 6–12. doi 10.31489/2020Ph3/6–12 (IF КазБЦ 0,048) https://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/10126
conference abstracts and proceedings:
4. Селиверстова Е., Темирбаева Д., Омарова Г. Влияние лазерной абляции на оптические и структурные свойства дисперсий оксида графена // Фундаментальные и прикладные вопросы физики: междунар. конф. Секция II (сентябрь 2020). – Ташкент, 2020. – C. 51–53.
5. Seliverstova E.V., Ibrayev N., Menshova Ye.P. Effect of laser energy density on structure features of graphene oxide in aqueous dispersion // Modern Problems in Science: Abstracts of VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Prague, Czech Republic 2020. – P. 574 – 576. https://isg-konf.com/ru/modern-problems-in-science-ru/
6. Seliverstova E., Ibrayev N., Menshova E. Synthesis and study of optical properties of reduced graphene oxide quantum dots // 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967). – St. Petersburg, 2021. – P. 62. http://terenin-2021.ru/img/TMS-2021_Abstracts.pdf
7. Seliverstova E., Ibrayev N., Menshova E. Long-lived luminescence and transient absorption of graphene oxide quantum dots, prepared by laser ablation // Advanced Carbon Nanostructures ACNS’2021: 15th International Conference. – Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2021. – P. 68. http://acns2021.ioffe.ru/
1. IRN, Project name:
AP08052675 - "Development of new nanocomposite materials for photocatalytic decomposition of water"
2. Relevance.
The need to implement this project on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is dictated by the implementation of the Strategy "Efficient use of energy and Renewable Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Sustainable development until 2024" (dated November 14, 2006).
Nanomaterials attract considerable attention of researchers, production and the general public in various applications. Reducing the size of macroscopic materials to nanoscales can have a critical impact on its properties. It is expected that the total sales volume of the global nanotechnology market will reach $75.8 million by 2020. Currently, there are no suppliers, retail sales, applications or advisory bodies in this area in Kazakhstan, despite the fact that national interest in the use of nanomaterials is growing. A number of key areas for nanomaterials can be identified, for example, solar energy (production of solar panels for terrestrial applications and space), oil refining, drilling and bitumen mining (production of modern valves for pumps with nanocoating), mechanical engineering (production of equipment for water purification based on nanotechnology).
3. The aim of the project is the synthesis of nanostructured films based on nanorods, titanium dioxide nanotubes, graphene oxide and silver nanoparticles and the study of their electric transport, photoelectric, optical and photocatalytic properties.
4. Expected and achieved results.
In 2020-2021 . as a result of the conducted research, the goals and objectives of section 1 of the project devoted to the development of technology for the production of titanium dioxide nanorods and nanotubes with high photocatalytic activity, the synthesis of semiconductor films based on titanium dioxide nanorods with the best photocatalytic activity, the production of semiconductor films based on titanium dioxide nanotubes with the best photocatalytic activity, the study of the electric transport properties of films, their surface morphology, structure, specific surface area and optical characteristics are fully fulfilled.
In 2020, work has also begun on the synthesis and investigation of the properties of new nanocomposite materials based on nanostructured films of titanium dioxide and graphene oxide, the development of methods for deposition of graphene sheets on the surface of films formed by TiO2 nanorods, the development of methods for deposition of graphene sheets on the surface of films formed by TiO2 nanotubes, the study of the influence of the preparation conditions of nanostructured materials on their specific surface area, structure, electrophysical, optical and photocatalytic properties.
In 2021, work began on the application of localized plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles to improve the photocatalytic properties of nanostructured TiO2 and graphene films. The work carried out corresponds to the calendar plan and the technical specification of the Contract.
As a result of the implementation of the project tasks , the following results were obtained:
1. Development of technology for producing titanium dioxide nanorods and nanotubes with high photocatalytic activity:
- Conditions for the production of semiconductor thin films with controlled morphology, specific surface area and photocatalytic activity have been investigated.
1.1 Synthesis of semiconductor films based on titanium dioxide nanorods with the best photocatalytic activity
- films formed by TiO2 nanorods were obtained at different temperatures of hydrothermal synthesis. To obtain films with different morphologies, the furnace temperature and synthesis duration were varied in the range from 1200C to 2000C and from 6 to 24 hours, respectively. The conditions under which the maximum photocatalytic activity of the films is observed are determined.
1.2 Production of semiconductor films based on titanium dioxide nanotubes with the best photocatalytic activity:
- the production of films based on TiO2 nanotubes was carried out by the method of 2-stage electrochemical anodizing of metal foil. It was found that an increase in the anodizing voltage leads to an increase in the inner and, accordingly, the outer diameter of TiO2 HT, while their growth rate also increases. So for a film formed by HT TiO2 obtained at anodizing voltages of 20 V, its thickness is 16.1 microns, and at 60 V it is 36.7 microns. For a film synthesized at 20 V, the photocurrent density is 4 times higher than that of a film obtained at 60 V. An increase in the anodizing voltage leads to a change in the diameter and length of the nanotubes, which in turn lead to a change in the specific surface area of the samples. So, for a film obtained at a voltage of 20 V, its active area was 974 cm2 / cm2, and for a film of 60 V 406 cm2 / cm2, which also has a difference of almost 3 times.
1.3 Investigation of electric transport properties of films, their surface morphology, structure, specific surface area and optical characteristics:
- the study of the electric transport properties of films made of HC and HT TiO2 was carried out by plasma resonance spectroscopy. In films from HC, its value is 28.7 at 120 0C, and for HC at 180 0C it is 15.6, which may indicate that in HC the electron density in the trap states is less. The same can be observed in films formed by HT TiO2. So, at 20V, the recombination rate was 38 s-1, and at 60 V 57 s-1. The lifetime of the electrons teff at 120 is lower than in films from HC 1800C. The resistance to electronic transport in HC and HT TiO2 (Rw) for films obtained at 180 0C and 20V, respectively, is less than that of the others.
2. Synthesis and investigation of properties of new nanocomposite materials based on nanostructured films of titanium dioxide and graphene oxide:
- Methods of deposition of graphene nanolists on the surface of TiO2 nanorods and nanotubes have been developed. The method of deposition of graphene nanostructures includes the method of electrochemical deposition and the method of airbrush spraying.
2.1 Development of a technique for deposition of graphene sheets on the surface of films formed by TiO2 nanorods:
- nanocomposite materials have been synthesized: TiO2 nanorods-graphene oxide. Sheets of reduced graphene oxide were deposited electrochemically on the surface of HC TiO2 at a deposition duration of 1, 3 and 5 minutes. The influence of the preparation conditions of nanostructured materials on their specific surface area, structure, electrophysical, optical and photocatalytic properties is investigated. The addition of TiO2 rGO to the HC structure significantly increases the specific surface area of nanostructures. So, for HC films, the specific area before deposition of graphene oxide was 29.3 m2/g, after it increased to 63.1 m2/g, and the volume of adsorbed gas was the same. In HC TiO2 / rGO_3 min, a low recombination coefficient and a long electron lifetime are observed.
2.2 Development of a technique for deposition of graphene sheets on the surface of films formed by TiO2 nanotubes
- New nanocomposite materials based on titanium dioxide and graphene oxide nanotubes have been obtained. Electrochemically, sheets of reduced graphene oxide were deposited on the surface of TiO2 HT at a deposition duration of 1, 3 and 5 minutes. The influence of the preparation conditions of nanostructured materials on their specific surface area, structure, electrophysical, optical and photocatalytic properties is investigated. The addition of TiO2 rGO to the HT structure significantly increases the specific surface area of nanostructures. Which indicates that in these cells, electrolyte recovery at the electrolyte/catalyst interface (graphene oxide) occurs more efficiently than in the others.
2.3 Investigation of the influence of the preparation conditions of nanostructured materials on their specific surface area, structure, electrophysical, optical and photocatalytic properties
- the influence of the preparation conditions on the specific surface area, structure, electrophysical, optical and photocatalytic properties has been determined.
3. Application of localized plasma resonance of metal nanoparticles to improve the photocatalytic properties of nanostructured TiO2 and graphene films:
- Optimized manufacturing technology and synthesis of LF Ag by laser ablation. The second harmonic of a solid-state Nd laser was used for synthesis: YAG laser (SOLAR LQ 215, λgen=532 nm, Eimp =90 MJ, τ=10 ns). In the alcohol solution , large sizes of LF Ag are formed during laser ablation . For silver, the average size is 97 nm. According to the optical density of silver nanoparticles, the plasma resonance spectrum of silver nanoparticles in alcohol has a maximum at a wavelength of 406 nm and a half-width of 46 nm. Similarly, a colloidal solution of silver nanoparticles was synthesized by the method of chemical reduction of metal ions from silver nitrate salt (AgNO3) in an ethanol solution with sodium borohydride (NaBH4). To obtain a TiO2 semiconductor shell, TIPT ethanol solutions with concentrations from 0.002 to 0.05 mol/l and LF Ag were mixed with thorough mixing. The resulting mixture was stirred for 12 hours on a multifunctional PTR–35 rotator at room temperature in the dark. The surface morphology of silver nanoparticles was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy. Silver nanoparticles with a size of about 10-20 nm.
3.1 Synthesis of Ag nanoparticles and core-shell nanoparticles of Ag/TiO2 composition
- To obtain LF silver, sodium borohydride weighing 0.001 g was dissolved in 25 ml of ethyl alcohol. A solution of silver nitrate in a ratio of 0.0045 g per 10 ml was dissolved in ethyl alcohol. A solution of sodium borohydride, cooled to -2 ° C, was added to the resulting AgNO3 solution with constant stirring in several stages of 50 µl. Freshly prepared colloidal solutions of LF silver were used for the synthesis of a semiconductor shell from titanium dioxide. To obtain Ag/TiO2 structures with different shell thickness, the concentration of TTIP in solution was changed. TTIP with concentrations from 0.002 to 0.05 mol/l was added to the reaction vessel containing 1 ml of the prepared silver LF solution. The absorption spectra of synthesized colloidal solutions were recorded using a Cary 300 UV-Vis spectrophotometer.The presence of an absorption band with a maximum at 394 nm with a half-width equal to =95 nm indicates the formation of silver LF.
3.2 Development of a technique for the introduction of Ag nanoparticles and core-shell nanoparticles of the Ag/TiO2 composition into nanostructured films:
- Introduction of silver nanoparticles into titanium dioxide nanotubes by physical sorption from solutions. Silver nanoparticles were obtained by citrate reduction of AgNO3 in an aqueous solution. The restoration was carried out as follows. A solution of AgNO3 - 16.99 mg per 100 ml of H2O was prepared separately. The prepared solution was poured into a heat-resistant dish and brought to a boil. Then 10 µl of an aqueous solution of Na3C6H5O7 - 19.99 mg per 2 ml was added to the boiling solution of AgNO3. The resulting solution was boiled for 1 hour. After that, H2O was topped up to 200 ml. The average size of silver particles is 85 nm. The dispersion of the obtained values for the dispersion of silver particles is minimal and ranges from 5 to 10 nm.
3.3 Investigation of the effect of plasma resonance of silver nanoparticles on the photocatalytic activity of nanocomposites:
- The effect of plasma resonance of silver nanoparticles doped into the pores of titanium dioxide nanotubes on photocatalytic activity was investigated. Concentration dependence was investigated. To determine the effect of silver nanoparticle concentrations on the photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite, its value was varied by holding the film in a solution where nanoparticles are deposited. The deposition time varied from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
5. The names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if available, and links to the relevant profiles.
№ |
Full name of a member of the research group |
Post |
ID |
1 |
Serikov T. M. |
Project Manager |
Researcher ID: O-2377-2017 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4302-9674 Author ID Scopus: 56669712000 |
2 |
Omarova G.S. |
Junior research assistant |
Researcher ID: AAR-2124-2020 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2900-2168 Author ID Scopus: 56669661100 |
3 |
Sadykova A. E. |
Junior research assistant |
Researcher ID: AAK-7985-2021 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0148-3078 Author ID Scopus: 57200382854 |
4 |
Zhanbirbaeva P.A. |
Laboratory assistant |
5 |
Kuanyshbekova A.B. |
Laboratory assistant |
6. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.
1. Serikov T.M. Nanostructured titanium dioxide materials for photovoltaics and photocatalysis /Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov. Karaganda:, 2021. P.160 (в печати)
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- publication in rating scientific journals of the CIS:
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