head of department
Tel.: +7 (7212) 356430
E-mail: tanin.alibek@gmail.com
st. Universitetskaya 28, building №2
The Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations trains specialists in the field of mathematics, offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs.
The students of the department have the opportunity to study in three directions, namely natural science, scientific and pedagogical and pedagogical. The curriculum includes such topical disciplines as Calculus of Variations and Optimization Methods, Selected Issues of Analysis, and Designing Advanced Scientific Research in the Natural Science Environment. Students will receive specialized knowledge in the field of fundamental mathematics.
Graduates of the department will be able to work as teachers of mathematics in schools and colleges, employees of research institutes, mathematicians-programmers in areas using automated administration systems.
The scientific interests of the department are related to the study of boundary value problems for the heat equation with a fractional load, nonclassical problems of mathematical physics and pseudo-Volterra integral equations, boundary value problems of heat conduction in degenerate domains with special boundary conditions, the theory of approximation of functions.
Dates and facts
The department "Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations" was formed in 2006 as a result of the merger of two fundamental departments of the Faculty of Mathematics, namely "Mathematical Analysis" and "Differential and Integral Equations".
Before the formation of the university, the Department of Mathematical Analysis was part of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute. At that time, the department was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor V.A. Nam. With the opening of the university in 1972, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute M.A. Perevertun was invited to head the department, who worked in this position until 1978. Over the years, the department was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Smailov Yesmukhanbet Saydakhmetovich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Akishev G.A., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhantlesov Zh .Kh., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kusainova L.K.
In 1983, at the department under the leadership of Professor Smailov E.S. a postgraduate course was opened, in 1999 - a magistracy, and in 2001 - a doctorate in the specialty 01.01.01-Mathematical Analysis. In the period from 1996 to 2000, doctoral dissertations were defended by Smailov E.S., Bokaev N.A., Nursultanov E.D., Kusainova L.K. In different years, under the guidance of professors Smailov E.S., Bokaev N.A., Nursultanov E.D., Kusainova L.K., Associate Professor Akishev G.A. more than twenty graduates of the department have defended their candidate dissertations.
The deserved recognition of the Karaganda Mathematical School is the opening in 2000 of the Council К.14.50.03 for the defense of candidate dissertations in the specialty 01.01.01-Mathematical Analysis at the Academician Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University.
The department "Differential and Integral Equations" was opened immediately after the organization of the Academician Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University in 1972. At the time of opening, the department had 3 associate professors (at that time half of the graduated teachers of the faculty), 2 senior teachers and 2 assistant teachers. The teaching staff of the department delivered lectures on differential equations, integral equations, equations of mathematical physics, methods of mathematical modeling, methods of mathematical physics and special courses.
The first head of the department was Associate Professor Iglikov Abdrakhman Iglikovich. Heads of the department in different years were C.Ph.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor Smatov T.S., C.Ph.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor Yu.I. Eleftheriadi, C.Ph.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor Omarov T.E., C.Ph.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor Abdymanapov S.A., C.Ph.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor Ramazanov M.I., D.Sc., professor Kusainova L.K., C.Ph.-Math. Sci., associate professor Koshkarova B.S., C.Ph.-Math. Sci., Associate Professor Zhanbusinova B.Kh.
The department has opened a postgraduate course in the specialty 01.01.02 - Differential equations and mathematical physics since 1992, magistracy - since 1995. During the existence of the department, 8 candidate dissertations, 2 doctoral dissertations were defended.
For the period from 2005 to the present, 5 candidate dissertations have been defended (Koshkarova B.S., Shayakhmetova B.K., Orumbaeva N.T., Esenbaeva G.A., Iskakova G.Sh.), 2 doctoral dissertations (Ramazanov M.I. 2006, Akishev G.A. 2010) and 1 dissertation for a PhD degree in Mathematics (Kosmakova M.T.).
Doctoral studies have been opened in the specialty "6D060100-Mathematics" and have been conducted since 2015.
The Dissertation Council was opened for the defense of a doctoral dissertation in the specialty 6D060100-Mathematics for 3 years.
In 2018, the specialty 5В012600-Mathematics-Physics was opened.
The department employs 10 teachers, 7 of them have scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences, 3 holders of the republican title "The best teacher of the university": Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M.I. Ramazanov-2009, 2020; Ph.D. Orumbaeva N.T. - 2018; PhD in mathematics Kosmakova M.T. - 2019.
Growth of the contingent of students in the educational program 5В060100 / 6В05401-Mathematics over the past 5 years:
2016-2017 academic year - 40 students,
2017-2018 academic year – 45 students,
2018-2019 academic year – 47 students,
2019-2020 academic year – 47 students,
2020-2021 academic year – 53 students.
Growth of the contingent of students in the educational program 5В012600 / 6В01502.1-Mathematics-Physics in 3 years:&
2018-2019 academic year – 32 students,
2019-2020 academic year – 67 students,
2020-2021 academic year – 87 students.
Foreign citizens from Mongolia, China, as well as other regions of Kazakhstan study on the programs of the department.
Employment of graduates is 100%.
Dissertation Councils:
Dissertation Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) under the program 6D060100-Mathematics. For 3 years, 11 doctoral students have defended in the council, including 4 from Karaganda Buketov University, 5 from ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, 2 from SKSU named after M. Auezov.
Accreditation and Leadership:
All programs of the department have national accreditation of the IQAA Agency and take worthy positions in national ratings:
Educational program 5В060100 / 6В05401-Mathematics for the 2019-2020 academic year in the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" takes the 1st place, 3rd place - in the IAAR rating.
The educational program 7М01501001-Mathematics for the 2019-2020 academic year took 2nd place in the IQAA ranking.
The educational program 7M054092001-Mathematics for the 2018-2019 academic year took 3rd place in the IQAA ranking.
The educational program 6D060100 / 8D054092001-Mathematics for the 2018-2019 academic year took 1st place in the IQAA ranking.
Funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Boundary value problems for the heat conduction equation with a fractional load.
- Pseudo-Volterra integral equations and non-classical evolutionary boundary value problems" for 2018-2020.
- Boundary value problems of heat conduction in degenerate regions with special boundary conditions.
Educational programs
6B05401 “Mathematics”: Bachelor’s degree. During the learning process, the student will learn to perform mathematical calculations to solve everyday problems; draw conclusions based on information presented in various forms (in tables, diagrams, graphs), build mathematical models of boundary and extreme problems, apply methods of differential and integral calculus in the study of functions and convergence of series, in solving boundary and extreme problems. Students have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree in natural sciences and will be able to work as mathematics teachers in schools and colleges, mathematicians-programmers.
6B01502.1 “Mathematics-Physics”: Bachelor’s degree. In the process of learning, the student will learn to freely link the theoretical basis obtained with the current issues of modern development of science and education, independently describe physical processes using mathematical tools, explain the basic theorems and statements of higher mathematics in an accessible form, choose the most optimal ways to solve mathematical problems, build a structured chain of obtained knowledge for a complete analysis of physical phenomena. Students have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree in education and will be able to teach in schools and colleges, tutoring centers.
7M01501001 “Mathematics”: Master’s degree. In the process of training, a postgraduate student will learn how to introduce the latest achievements of pedagogical and scientific discoveries into the educational process, professionally carry out scientific research, use a creative approach in professional activities, in organizing methods of transferring educational material to achieve high results in learning, etc. Graduates receive an academic master's degree in pedagogical sciences and will be able to work in higher educational institutions, research organizations, in the bodies of the public administration system.
7M05409201 “Mathematics”: Master’s degree. In the course of training, a postgraduate student will learn to analyze research related to approximation theory, determine differential properties of a function, draw conclusions about the relationship of functional spaces, solve boundary value problems for the heat equation in areas degenerating into a point at the initial or final time, solve singular integral equations of Volterra II kind, understand the theoretical foundations of the subjects studied in the learning process and their application in research activities, etc. Graduates receive an academic degree of Master of Natural Sciences and will be able to work in higher educational institutions, in research institutes, in design, technological and design organizations, in the bodies of the public administration system.
8D05401 “Mathematics”: Doctoral studies. In the process of training, a doctoral student will learn to independently carry out research activities in the field of integral transformations and their applications, model theory, theory of boundary value problems, theory of functions using modern research methods and information and communication technologies. Graduates receive a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree and will be able to work in higher educational institutions, research institutes, design, technological and design organizations, public administration bodies, etc.