head of department
doctor PhD
associate professor
Tel.: +7 7212 35-64-30
E-mail: modth1705@mail.ru
Universitetskaya street, 28a, building 2
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Prof. T.G. Mustafin Algebra, Mathematical Logic and Geometry Department provides a wide range of educational services aimed at training specialists in theoretical mechanics, fluid and gas mechanics, theory of mechanisms and machines, mechanics of deformable solids. All educational areas of the department are provided with modern laboratory classes. The department offers bachelor's and master's degree programs.The master's degree program includes a research training module.
Graduates of the department will be able to work in educational organizations, in scientific-industrial and industrial organizations, if they have a master's degree, they will be able to teach at a university. The scientific interests of the department are related to the study of the theory of models, structural mechanics, mechanics of a deformable solid, the theory of elasticity and plasticity, soil mechanics and foundations.
Facts and Dates
Department of "Algebra, geometry and mathematical logic" was formed in 1997 through the merger of two basic departments of the Faculty of Mathematics: "Higher Algebra" and "Geometry and Topology".
The Department of Higher Algebra was opened in September 1967 at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute (KPI). The first head of the department was the rector of KPI, Associate Professor S.B. Baimurzin. In March 1972, on the basis of the Department of Higher Algebra KPI, the head of which was the rector of the pedagogical institute, Associate Professor. S.B. Baimurzin, was created Department of Higher Algebra of the University.
The department was headed by professor T.G. Mustafin, senior teacher N.T. Mochernyuk, Associate Professor K.Zh. Zhetpisov, Associate Professor T.H. Makazhanova.
Professor T.G. Mustafin, in parallel with the creation of the Department staff, did a lot of work with the students, the future teachers of the department, namely K. Zhetpisov, T. Nurmagambetov, M. Tserr, A.R. Yeshkeev, E. Nurkhaidarov.
Since 2013 to 2021, the department was headed by Professor Eshkeev A.R., who is a student of Professor T.G. Mustafin. Eshkeev A.R. known as a specialist in the field of model theory, in particular, in the field of Jonsson theories. Yeshkeev is well known in the world logical community as a specialist in the field of model theory, in particular, in the field of Jonsson theories. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor Kasymetova M.T., since August 2022, the department has been headed by associate professor Medeubaev N.K.
In 2014, the Department of Mechanics, which trains specialists in the direction of "Mechanics joined to the professor T.G. Mustafin Algebra, Mathematical Logic and Geometry Department". The Department of Mechanics was founded in 2004. The head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences. K.A. Tursunov. Then the magistracy was opened on the educational program "Mechanics". Since 2021, the educational program "Robotics and Mechatronics" has been opened.
Accreditation and Leadership:
Educational programs
6В05402 – «Mechanics»: bachelor's degree. The program is aimed at the study of methods in the field of theoretical mechanics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, gas and plasma mechanics machines and robotic systems. In the learning process, the student will learn to use the optimal methods for solving problems, describe the simplest properties of subject areas and make inferences when solving problems, use the knowledge gained when solving applied problems. Apply knowledge and understanding at a professional level, to formulate arguments and to solve the problems in the field of study. Students have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English. Graduates will receive a bachelor's degree in natural science and will be able to work as engineers in scientific and industrial institutions, mechanical engineers and the heads of construction companies..
7М05402 –«Mechanics»: master'sdegree. The program is aimed at training masters graduates who will able to apply the principles of mathematical, numerical and experimental modeling of real mechanical and natural scientific processes, to justify the choice and application of methods, techniques and standard design solutions in the study of mechanical models; use innovative information computer technologies for research and solving problems in mechanics; develop software systems using modern computer technology; to evaluate the current directions of research in mechanics, taking into account the world trends in the development of science and technology; generate your own new scientific ideas, implement solutions, calculations and a comprehensive analysis of the results; to communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community (scientific publications, participation in scientific seminars, symposia, conferences), expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge. In the learning process, a master student learns the fundamental theoretical foundations of mechanics, the main basic methods and their application in researches and solving the practical problems. Undergraduates have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English. Graduates receive a master's degree in natural sciences and will be able to teach the disciplines of mechanical and mathematical cycles at a university, secondary, professional institutions, engage in research activities, work in the positions provided for the bachelor of mechanics.
"6B07107 - Robotics and mechatronics": bachelor's degree. The program is aimed at training highly qualified engineering and technical personnel capable of performing professional activities in the field of design and research. In the process of education, students undergo training in natural sciences and general engineering disciplines, sufficient for independent implementation of educational and real projects, as well as for continuing education in educational programs of the master's program. Graduates will receive a bachelor's degree in engineering and technology and will be able to work as a scientific researcher in the field of mechatronics and robotics, an engineer in scientific and industrial institutions, an engineer in industrial institutions, a technical engineer, a design engineer or a self-employed person.
«8D05402-Mechanics» Doctoral studies (PhD). The program is aimed at preparing of competitive PhD doctors of the scientific and pedagogical direction, possessing modern competencies and skills, techniques and technologies that contribute to solving issues that arise in industrial enterprises, specialized research and educational organizations, in construction by providing deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of mechanics and robotics. Graduates of doctoral studies are awarded the degree «Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)» in the educational program «8D05402- Mechanics». The area of professional activity of graduates in the educational program «8D05402- Mechanics» is research activities in the field of mechanics and robotics. The objects of professional activity of graduates are activities in scientific, industrial and production organizations. Functions of the graduate's professional activity are design and construction of new buildings; calculation of necessary objects using new engineering programs; comprehensive inspection of hydraulic structures; проектирование зданий и сооружений; research work in areas related to the use of mechanics and robotics; creation and use of mechanical and mathematical models for solving applied problems of natural science, technology, economics and management by effective methods; development of the theoretical foundations of the experiment, tools, methods of planning and processing of the experiment; development of software systems, bringing them to the level of practical implementation using modern computer technology; development of algorithmic provision for the processes of collection, presentation, processing and use of information.