doctor PhD
associate professor
Tel.: +7 7212 356450
st. Universitetskaya, 28 A, building №2
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The faculty trains highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and engineering personnel with high adaptability in the field of professional activity, who are able to successfully work in the fields of education, industry and business.
Currently, the Faculty provides training in 11 bachelor's, master's, and PhD programs. The faculty consists of 4 departments: Physics and Nanotechnology, Engineering Thermophysics named after Professor Akylbayev Zh. S., Transport and Logistics Systems, Radiophysics and Electronics. There is a dissertation council for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the program 6D060400-Physics. Graduates of the faculty teach in schools, colleges, universities, are engaged in research activities, work as employees of research centers, laboratories.
The faculty's teaching staff conducts applied and fundamental research in various branches of physics. Our faculty is guided by the generally recognized models of leading Russian and foreign university schools that implement a portfolio of multi-level educational programs and actively develop scientific research. Doctoral students of the department have the opportunity to participate in scientific developments, use the unique equipment of the Research Institute of the faculty.
The Faculty has specialized laboratories and classes on the methodology of teaching physics, a laboratory of nanotechnology, a SMART office, specialized rooms for the physics of pulsed phenomena in heterogeneous environments and machine-building drawing. At the disposal of students are modern reading rooms, a scientific library.
Dates and facts
The Faculty of Physics was founded in 1963 on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute. The dean of the faculty until 1966 was T. K. Keltenev, from 1966 to 1969 – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor V. N. Nam, from 1969 to 1972-Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor K. M. Aryngazin.
The physics department had 2 departments: the Department of Physics (Head of the Department, Associate Professor V. P. Usyk) and the Department of General Technical Disciplines (Head of the Department, Rah G. I., then Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B. M. Vakholsky); 6 laboratories.
Zh.S.Akylbayev, B. Aleshin, K. M. Aryngazin, A. G. Vinogradov, K. T. Yermaganbetov, I. P. Zhilenkov, G. K. Karataeva, G. A. Ketsle, B. K. Kusainova, B. S. Kakenov, V. G. Ivanchinova, M. Madeev, B. N. Nikhanbayeva and others worked at the Department of Physics, and A. F. Lepeshkin, V. E. Klochko, A. A. Tim, O. V. Prusakov and others worked at the Department of General Technical Disciplines.
The best graduates and young teachers of the Department of Physics were sent to the target graduate school of the leading universities of the country: in 1965, Zh. S. Akylbayev, K. M. Aryngazin (Kirov KazGU, Almaty), in 1967, K. T. Ermaganbetov (IFP SB of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk), G. A. Ketsle, B. Aleshin, M. Madeev (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow). The ranks of teachers and staff of the department were supplemented by its talented graduates, excellent students: in 1965 – K. Z. Alzhanov, S. D. Daribekov, V. Yu. Eskova, M. Abishev, Yu. A. Soynikov, in 1970-Yu. N. Antipov, V. E. Gladkov, S. S. Kontaev, V. V. Bryukhanov.
In 1972, on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute, Karaganda University was established, which at that time was the second university of the Republic. At the Faculty of Physics, there were already five departments, the heads of which were appointed young candidates of sciences: general physics (Head of the Department L. F. Ilyina), theoretical physics (Head of the Department Zh. S. Akylbayev), Optical methods of research and analysis (Head of the Department A. I. Perevertun), Radioelectronics (Head of the Department L. A. Krauss), solid state physics (head of the department T. A. Kuketaev).
At the suggestion of the first rector of the university, Ye. A. Buketov, Aryngazin K. M. became the first dean of the Faculty of Physics of KarSU (from 1972 to 1974). During his work, Aryngazin K. M. headed the Department of Theoretical Physics, the Department of General and Theoretical Physics, was the dean of the FPC for more than 10 years, and served as the Vice-Rector for Science of the IPK at KarSU for 7 years.
In subsequent years, the faculty was headed by Zh.S. Akylbayev, A.I. Perevertun, B.K. Kusainova, L. F. Ilyina, T. A. Kuketaev, A.Zh. Turmukhambetov, K.S. Baktybekov, N.Kh. Ibraev, A. O. Saulebekov, B.R. Nusupbekov.
At the beginning of 1980, a new department was opened at the faculty – the Department of Thermophysics, which included 6 departments.
Currently, 1080 people study at the faculty, including the holders of the state educational grant (50%), the sign "Altyn belgi", foreign citizens.
Employment opportunities:
The employment rate of graduates of the faculty is 85%.
Academic mobility:
Students of the faculty are trained at Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Karaganda Technical University, etc.
Dual degree programs:
The Faculty has signed agreements on joint training of masters with well-known universities in Russia
Program 15.04.06 "Mechatronics and Robotics" (TUSUR, Tomsk, Russia) – 7M05309002 "Technical Physics" (KarU, Karaganda, Kazakhstan);
Program 12.04.03 " Photonics and Optoinformatics "(NRU MEPhI (Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies, Moscow, Russia) - 7M07110801 "Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials (by field of application)" (KarU, Karaganda, Kazakhstan);
Program 2.04.03 "Photonics and Optoinformatics" (NRU MEPhI (Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies, Moscow, Russia) - 7M07109901 "Electronics of communication systems and telecommunications technologies" (KarU, Karaganda, Kazakhstan).
Material base:
The faculty has 46 educational laboratories, 12 computer classes and multimedia rooms, 7 research laboratories, 4 diploma design rooms, 5 research institutes:
- Research Institute of “Molecular Nanophotonics”;
- Scientific Center “Nanotechnologies and Functional Nanomaterials”;
- Research Center “Ion-Plasma Technologies and Modern Instrumentation”;
- Research Center “Alternative Energy”;
- Interfaculty Laboratory of “Electron Microscopy”.
Scientific publications of the faculty:
The international scientific journal "Eurasian Physical Technical Journal", is included in the world database Scopus in four areas: Energy; Engineering; Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy. According to the results of 2019, he received a rating indicator Cite Score 0.2 with the highest percentile of 16 % in energy.
The scientific journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University: Series "Physics" is included in the scientometric database of Thomson Reuters and the List of Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science MES RK.
Today, the faculty has 7 doctors of science, professors and 22 candidates of science, associate professors. Among them there are 20 holders of the republican title "Best University Teacher": Sakipova S. E.-2006; Ibraev N. H.-2007, 2011; Koketai T. A.-2008, 2017; Tazhigulova G. O. Aikeeva A. A. Nusupbekov B. R.-2010; Abilkasimova G. K.-2014; Zatneiko A.M.-2015; Ermanbetov K. T. Khasenov A. K.-2016; Zeinidov A. K. Musenova E. K.-2017; Koketai T. A. K. Shaidenova.M.-2018; Makhanov K. M. Chirkova L. V. Kambarova, Zh. T. Aimukhanov A. K. D. Karabekova.Zh. - 2019; Tanasheva N. K., Serikov T. M.-2020.
Young scientists are awarded with scholarships and grants of national and international level: scholarships for young scientists, prizes of the akimat and the Rector's office in the field of science.
Accreditation and leadership:
The faculty's programs are nationally accredited by IQAA and hold worthy positions in national rankings.
Rating 2020: 6B01503 "Physics" – 1; 6B01504 "Physics-Informatics" – 1
6B05304 "Physics" - 2; 6B05303 "Technical physics" – 2; 6B06201 "Radio engineering, Electronics and telecommunications" – 3; 6B07105 "Transport, transport equipment and technologies" – 2; 6B07102 "Instrument making" – 3; 6B07103 "Heat power engineering" - 3; 6B11201 "Life safety environmental protection" - 5; 6B11301 "Organization of transportation, movement and operation of transport" – 2; 7M01501101 "Physics" – 2
7M05309002 "Technical Physics" – 2; 7M07110401 "Transport, transport equipment and technologies" – 3; 7M07110001 "Devices and methods of quality control and diagnostics" - 1; 7M07109801 "Heat power engineering" – 4; 7M07110801 "Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies" - 2; 7M11315101 "Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport" - 2.
Rating of Atameken 2020: 5B011000 "Physics" - 6; 5B060400 "Physics" - 2; 5B071300 "Transport, transport equipment and technologies" – 3; 5B071700 "Heat power engineering" – 5; 5B071900 "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" – 10; 5B090100 "Organization of transportation, movement and operation of transport" -17.
Humboldt University (Germany)
Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Institute of Technical Thermophysics (Ukraine)
Kemerovo State University (Russia)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (Russia)
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University (Russia)
Texas Tech University (USA)
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Russia)
Tomsk State University (Russia)
University of Tartu (Estonia).
The faculty cooperates with the enterprises of the region: JSC "Republican Radiotelekorporation Kazakhstan", Karaganda branch of JSC "Kazteleradio", CC "Ecoexpert", LLP" Aqua — Rem", LLP" Kazstroyproekt 2010", LLP" KAZCENTRELECTROPROVOD", LLP" Transtelecom", LLP" Kamkor Locomotive", JSC"Kazakhtelecom".
Joint projects:
The Faculty implements joint projects with the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Nazarbayev University, Chemical and Metallurgical Insitute named after Zh. Abishev in Karaganda.