The University has its own museum of history. It exists since 2002. Here you can learn about the formation and development history of one of the first state universities of Kazakhstan. Museum visitors are offered free guided tours in Kazakh, Russian or English languages.
The museum is headed by Tursynbayeva Karlygash Aitbaikyzy
The exposition area of the museum is 505 sq.m. and includes 4 zones:
The first zone "Establishment of the university". Here you can see the gallery of rectors, documents related to the opening of the university, its official attributes. The exposition gives an idea about the formation of the University from the founding of the Teachers' institute in 1938, its transformation into the pedagogical institute in 1952, and then into a state university in 1972.
The museum works every day except Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 18.00, the break is from 13.00 to 14.00.
Our address is: 28, Universitetskaya str., main building, tel.: +7 7212 35-63-19.
Directions by bus to the stop "Universitet": № 40, 118, 145, 146, 02, 07.
The university has a museum dedicated to the first rector, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, member of the USSR Writers' Union, laureate of the State Prize Yevney Arstanovich Buketov. The museum was founded in 1992. Its exposition area is 324 sq. m.
The museum is headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Ilyasov Shamil Amangeldyevich.
The museum exposition reproduces the environment in which E.A. Buketov worked, his personal belongings, items from his study. Museum visitors can feel the spirit of Buketov's time, the creative atmosphere of his office, in which Evney Arstanovich created strategic plans for the development of the university, wrote scientific works, wrote poetry and dreamed.
The museum is open every day, except Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 18.00 with a break from 13.00 to 14.00.
Our address: 38, Gogol street, academic building of the History Faculty, tel .: +7 7212 51-38-46.
Directions by bus to the stops "Bowling", "Meditsinskiy universitet", "Khlebozavod № 2": № 04, 07, 7, 43, 53.
The museum has its own history. On March 26, 1981, an archaeological and ethnographic exhibition with an area of 190 sq.m. was opened for the first time at the Karaganda State University.
In 1985, a new scientific exposition was created, built by the efforts of employees of the laboratory of archaeological research: I.V. Rudkovsky, V.G. Loman, V.A. Novozhenov, A.Yu. Chindin, under the overall authority of Doctor of History V.V. Evdokimov. The ethnographic section of the museum was designed by Kh.A. Bekbalakova and E.R. Usmanova. The materials on display in the museum were formed as a result of the archaeological and ethnographic practice of students of the Faculty of History. The museum has become the pride of the university, demonstrating the achievements of ancient cultures, economy and life of the Kazakh people.
The exposition of the museum reflects the history of ancient tribes and the latest achievements of archeology, combines ancient artifacts and objects of material culture of the Kazakh people.
The exposition contains 20 showcases representing all epochs of human history, from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, as well as the economy and life of the Kazakh people, an installation of rock carvings (petroglyphs) in life size, a reconstruction of a Bronze Age burial, ancient Turkic stone statues, an old yurt is exhibited.
To increase student youth awareness of Central Kazakhstan historical and cultural heritage and to popularize it both domestically and internationally, we created five museum-based educational podcasts, each of which deals with the art-historical findings of the researchers from the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Buketov Karaganda University, and uploaded them to such international platforms as Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Anchor by Spotify. The podcasts were created within the framework of the internal grant funding project «Regional Historical and Geographical Features and Non-Formal Educational Space: a Field of Interaction».
Podcast team:
Project manager – Anna N. Kalizhanova, master of philology, senior lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University
Writer & Reviewer – Marina V. Bedelbaeva, candidate of historical sciences, head of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Buketov Karaganda University
Editors – Anna N. Kalizhanova, master of philology, senior lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University & Tatyana Yu. Shelestova, PhD, associate professor at Buketov Karaganda University
Translator from Russian to English – Alexandra V. Ossipovich, master of arts, lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University
Translators from Russian to Kazakh – Kamila T. Ibrakhimova, master of pedagogical sciences, lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University & Bayan T. Rakhimbayeva, senior lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University
Proofreader – Jim Ryan, master of arts in MATESOL, ESL teacher at Clallam County Literacy Council
Voice over specialist – Kira G. Garkusha, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor at Buketov Karaganda University
Audio engineers – Zhanna S. Bazylova & Konstantin D. Zaytsev
Activity creators – Anna N. Kalizhanova, master of philology, senior lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University, Zhansaya A. Budikova, 1st-year master's student at Buketov Karaganda University, Perizat A. Kuanova, master of arts, lecturer at Buketov Karaganda University
The museum is run by Bedelbayeva Marina Vasilievna
Museum visitors will be offered a free guided tour.
The museum is open every day, except Saturday and Sunday, from 9.00 to 17.00 with a break from 13.00 to 14.00. Address: 28, Universitetskaya str., main building.
Tel.: +7 (72 12) 35-61-47.
Travel by buses to the bus stop “University”: № 02, 07, 40, 118, 145, 146.
The museum was opened in 1969 at the zoology department of Karaganda State University. Today the museum is located at the Biology and Geography Faculty of the university.
The head of the museum is Kazimova Aiman Eginbaevna.
Visiting the museum, you will learn about the species composition of animals and plants in Kazakhstan, South-East Asia, South America, Australia.
1 Capreolus pygargus Сібір елігі Сибирская косуля
3 Ursus arctos Қоңыр аю Бурый медведь
4 Vulpes vulpes Кәдімгі түлкі Обыкновенная лиса
4 Vulpes vulpes Кәдімгі түлкі Обыкновенная лиса
5 Passer montanus Жауторғай Полевой воробей
5 Passer montanus Жауторғай Полевой воробей
6 Nyctea scandiaca Ақ жапалақ Белая сова
6 Nyctea scandiaca Ақ жапалақ Белая сова
7 Aythya fuligula Айдарлы сүңгуір Хохлатая чернеть
8 Tadorna tadorna Италақаз Пеганка
9 Anas acuta Бізқұйрық үйрек Шилохвость
10 Anser albifrons Ақмаңдайлы қаз Белолобый гусь
11 Spatula querquedula Даурықпа шүрегей Чиро́к-трескуно́к
12 Anas crecca Ысылдақ шүрегей Чирок-свистунок
13 Haliaeetus albicilla Аққұйрықты субүркіт Орлан белохвост
15 Phalacrocorax carbo Үлкен суқұзғын Большой баклан
16 Accipiter nisus Қырғи Ястреб-перепелятник
17 Anser anser Сұр қаз Серый гусь
18 Egretta garzetta Кіші аққұтан Малая белая цапля
19 Tadorna ferruginea Сарыалақаз Огарь
20 Podiceps cristatus Үлкен сұқсыр Чомга
21 Limosa limosa Үлкен шырғалақ Большой веретенник
22 Podiceps auritus Қызылмойын сұқсыр Красношейная поганка
23 Himantopus himantopus Ұзынсирақ балшықшы Ходулочник
24 Plegadis falcinellus Қарабай Каравайка
25 Pelecanus crispus Бұйра бірқазан Кудрявый пеликан
26 Pelecanus onocrotalus Қызғылт бірқазан Розовый пеликан
27 Larus ichthyaetus Қарабас өгізшағала Черноголовый хохотун
28 Columba livia Көк кептер Си́зый го́лубь
29 Rattus norvegicus Сұр егеуқұйрық Серая крыса
30 Ardeola ralloides Сары құтан Желтая цапля
31 Corvus ruficollis Шөл құзғыны Пустынный Ворон
32 Chroicocephalus ridibundus Кәдімгі шағала Чайка озерная
33 Circus aeruginosus Саз құладыны Болотный лунь
34 Hieraaetus pennatus Бақалақтақ бүркіт Орел-карлик
35 Aquila chrysaetos Бүркіт Беркут
36 Anas platyrhynchos Барылдауық үйрек Обыкновенная кряква
37 Gazella subgutturosa Қарақұйрық Джейран
38 Haliaeetus leucoryphus Кезқұйрықты субүркіт Орлан долгохвост
39 Recurvirostra avosetta Бізтұмсық Шилоклювка
40 Larus canus Көк шағала Сизая чайка
41 Aythya ferina Көк сүңгуір Красноголовый нырок
42 Oxyura leucocephala Ақбас үйрек Савка
43 Anas clypeata Жалпақтұмсықты үйрек
44 Netta rufina Қызылтұмсық сүңгуір Красноносый нырок
45 Phalacrocorax pygmaeus Кіші суқұзғын Малый баклан
46 Podiceps grisegena Сұржақ сұқсыр Серощекая поганка
47 Mareca strepera Қоңыр үйрек Серая утка
48 Mergus merganser Үлкен бейнарық Большой крохаль
49 Larus cachinnans Өгізшагала Хохотунья
50 Sus scrofa Жабайы шошқа Кабан
51 Ondatra zibethicus Ондатр Ондатра
52 Aquila nipalensis Дала қыраны Степной орел
53 Asio flammeus Саз жапалақ Болотная сова
54 Falco naumanni Дала күйкентайы Степная пустельга
55 Buteo buteo Жамансары Обыкновенный канюк
56 Sterna hirundo Өзен қарқылдақ Речная крачка
57 Falco tinnunculus Кәдімгі күйкентай Обыкновенная пустельга
58 Circus macrourus Дала құладыны Степной лунь
59 Mustela erminea Ақкіс Горностай
60 Canis lupus Қасқыр Серый волк
61 Sciurus vulgaris Кәдімгі тиін Обыкновенная белка
63 Lepus timidus Ақ қоян Заяц-беляк
64 Vulpes corsac Қарсақ Корсак
65 Corvus monedula Шауқарға Галка
66 Streptopelia senegalensis Кіші түркептер Египетская горлица
67 Merops persicus Жасыл аражегіш Зеленая щурка
68 Coccothraustes coccothraustes Кәдімгі ементұмсық Дубонос
69 Acridotheres tristis Сарыжағал қараторғай Майна
70 Fringilla montifringilla Құнақ Юрок
71 Dendrocopos major Үлкен тоқылдақ Большой пестрый дятел
72 Picus canus Боз тоқылдақ Седой дятел
73 Corvus cornix Ала қарға Серая ворона
75 Branta ruficollis Қызылжемсаулы қарашақаз Краснозобая казарка
76 Phoenicopterus roseus Қоқиқаз Фламинго
77 Cygnus olor Сыбырлақ аққу Лебедь-шипун
78 Gallinula chloropus Қызылқасқа сутартар Камышница
79 Fulica atra Қасқалдақ Лысуха
80 Mergus serrator Секпілтөс бейнарық Длинноносый крохаль
81 Podiceps nigricollis Қарамойын сұқсыр Черношейная поганка
82 Spermophilus pygmaeus Кіші саршұнақ Малый суслик
83 Mustela eversmanii Сасық күзен Степной хорек
85 Sturnus vulgaris Кәдімгі қараторғай Обыкновенный скворец
86 Luscinia luscinia Кәдімгі бұлбұл Обыкновенный соловей
87 Perdix perdix Сұр шіл Серая куропатка
88 Phasianus colchicus Кәдімгі қырғауыл Обыкновенный фазан
89 Botaurus stellaris Үлкен көлбұқа Большая выпь
90 Tringa stagnatilis Бұлақшы Поручейник
91 Ixobrychus minutus Кішкене көлбұқа Малая выпь
92 Chlidonias leucopterus Аққанат қарқылдақ Белокрылая крачка
93 Syrrhaptes paradoxus Қылқұйрық бұлдырық Саджа
95 Turdus pilaris Шетен сайрағы Рябинник
96 Felis chaus Қамыс мысығы Камышовый кот
97 Pseudopus apodus Сарыжылан Желтопузик
98 Vipera berus Кәдімгі сұржылан Обыкновенная гадюка
99 Ardea cinerea Көкқұтан Серая цапля
100 Ardea purpurea Жирен құтан Рыжая цапля
101 Hemiechinus auritus Құлақты кірпі Ушастый ёж
102 Erinaceus europaeus Кәдімгі кірпі Обыкновенный ёж
103 Varanus griseus caspius Ортаазиялық сұр келес Среднеазиатский серый варан
104 Cygnus cygnus Сұңқылдақ аққу Лебедь-кликун
105 Tetrao urogallus Меңіреу құр Глухарь
106 Testudo horsfieldii Дала тасбақасы Степная черепаха
107 Python molurus Жолбарыс питон Тигровый питон
108 Panthera tigris Жолбарыс Тигр
109 Pavo cristatus Кәдімгі тауыс Обыкновенный павлин
110 Porphyrio porphyrio Көкмаңдай Султанка
111 Potos flavus Кинкажу Кинкажу
112 Nasua nasua Тұмсықты жанат Обыкновенная носуха
113 Chrysocyon brachyurus Жалды қасқыр Гривистый волк
114 Leopardus pardalis Оцелот Оцелот
115 Psittacus erithacus Сұр тотықұс Жако, или серый попугай
117 Dromaius novaehollandiae Эму Эму
118 Cygnus atratus Қара аққу Черный лебедь
119 Petrogale Тастақ валлаби Скальные валлаби
120 Ptilocercus lowii Қауырсынқұйрықты тупайя Перохвостая тупайя
121 Galagoides demidoff Демидов галагосы Галаго Демидова
122 Chlorocebus sabaeus Жасыл маймыл (мартышка) Зелёная мартышка
The museum can be visited free of charge, every day, except Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 18.00, a break from 13.00 to 14.00.
Pre-registration is required by the specified phone number.
Our address: 28, Universitetskaya str., educational building of the Biology and Geography Faculty, tel.: +7 72 12 35-61-52.
Directions by bus to the stop "Universitet": No. 02, 07, 40, 118, 145, 146.