сandidate of Philosophical Sciences
Tel.: +7 72 12 35 11 55
7 Karbyshev str., building № 11
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The Pedagogical Faculty was founded in 1996. The faculty prepares highly qualified specialists for the education system and the arts who carry out professional activities in the field of education, upbringing, personal development and the implementation of inclusive policies in the multicultural environment of the region.
The faculty offers bachelor's, master's, doctoral programs. Over its long history, the faculty has trained more than 6000 primary school teachers, university teachers, colleges, educators, preschool methodologists, practical psychologists, speech therapists, and defectologists who meet the needs of the region in highly qualified specialists.
The faculty includes 4 departments: pedagogy and methods of primary education, preschool and psychological-pedagogical preparation, special and inclusive education, fine arts and design.
The Pedagogical Faculty is a laboratory for the development and testing of innovative pedagogical technologies. One of the strategic directions of the innovative activity of the pedagogical faculty is the innovation policy. The primary tasks of this policy are the introduction of foreign experience in training specialists, the exchange of experience, the creation of conditions for academic mobility of teachers, undergraduates and students, and the expansion of scientific ties.
Dates and facts
The Pedagogical Faculty was established in 1996 with the merger of the Academician Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University and the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute on the basis of two faculties – pedagogy and methodology of primary education and pedagogy and psychology (preschool). C.p.s., docent N.I. Khrapchenkova was appointed the dean of the Pedagogical Faculty.
In 2008, as a result of the merger, a socio-pedagogical faculty was created, the first dean of which was Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.A. Shkutina. Since 2009, the faculty is headed by the Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, docent M.M. Imanbekov.
In 2015, the Department of Fine Arts and Design became part of the faculty.
The demand for educational programs of the faculty shows the annual growth of the student body over the past 5 years. To date, 1567 students study at the Pedagogical Faculty, including 695 holders of state grants, 5 holders of «Golden Sign». The faculty trains representatives of different regions of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens from Russia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine. The employment rate of graduates is 76%. The faculty employs more than 70 teachers, 17 teachers of which are holders of the republican title «The best teacher of the University».
Dissertation Councils:
In 2017 the dissertation council on pedagogical programs 6D010200 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education, 6B010300-Pedagogy and Psychology was opened. The chairman of the dissertation Council is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, University Professor Abildina Saltanat Kuatovna.
Educational programs:
In 2019, the Department of Fine Arts and Design developed an innovative program «Visual arts, artistic work, graphics and design» and carried out the first enrollment of students.
Accreditation and leadership:
The constant work of the faculty is evidenced by the positive statistics of the rating places of educational programs in the National Rating of the IAAR and IQAA agencies. All bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs are accredited.
The faculty is open to cooperation. The practice of guest lectures by leading foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology, and social work from Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Russia has become widespread. The topics of the guest lectures are related to current areas of science and practice. The Faculty successfully implements international cooperation agreements: Interkulturelle Weiterbildungsgesellschaft e. V. (Germany, Dusseldorf), Charles University (Czech Republic, Prague), St. Cyril and Methodius University (Slovakia, Trnava), Central European Education Institute (Slovakia, Bratislava), Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky (Russia, Moscow), Vyatka State University for the Humanities (Russia, Kirov), etc.
Scientific traineeship of teachers and students is an important form of international cooperation. Their geography is wide and diverse: Istituto di Psicologia Analitica Esistenziale di Ascoli Piceno (Italy), Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), I. Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), Otto von Goerins University (Germany), Alexander Ioan Cuza University (Romania), etc. An integral part of international scientific cooperation is the publication of the results of scientific research of faculty scientists in foreign highly rated scientific journals and foreign scientists in scientific publications of the university and the faculty. Scientists of the faculty publish their papers in such countries as Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia, USA, China, Ukraine, etc. In turn, scientific journals «Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Pedagogy Series» and «Modern Education», which publish scientific works of scientists from Slovakia, Russia, France, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China, etc. are important platforms for the scientific ideas exchange.
Many graduates of the faculty have achieved career success in the field of education:
Adanov Kuanyshbek Bulanovich – Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Karaganda Buketov University. Awards: In 2017, he was awarded the Certificate of honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Certificate of Honor of the Akim of Karaganda «For personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the city, active labor and social activities», Karaganda; The winner of the S. Sapiev Prize of the Academician Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University in 2017; The winner of the Republican competition for the Altynsarin Prize - 2018; Winner of the title «Best University Teacher» in 2018; Letter of thanks from S. Sapiyev, the Chairman of the Committee for Sports and Physical Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for «Day of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of the professional holiday of Physical Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan» in 2019.
Yessimova Natalia Evgenievna – Director of the Alpamys kindergarten. Awards: Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017; Diploma of the Karaganda City Maslikhat «Best Kindergarten Director», 2019; Certificate of Honor of the Kazakhstan Branch Professional Union of Education and Science Workers, 2020; Letter of thanks from the Department of Education of Karaganda, for active participation in the forum «Heirs of the Great Steppe», 2020.
Koshkumbaev Kanat Tukenovich – Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of Karaganda Buketov University. Awards: Lauriate of the photo exhibition in the nomination «Image of the Country», category «Prospect-Idea», All-Russian Festival «Orenburg-Capital of Russian Design 2011»; Diploma in the nomination «Decorative plastics» Exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the city of Karaganda. Art platform «Happy Artist». Diploma of the highest degree – «II International Exhibition of the Eurasian Union of Designers dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan», the Eurasian Union of Designers - Astana-2015; Diploma of the highest degree – «For successful creative success in design», Eurasian Union of Designers – Astana-2018; Diploma – «For successful creative success in design», National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Eurasian Union of Designers – Astana-2020.
Pestova Irina Vasilyevna – Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Sverdlovsk region «Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical, and Social Assistance «Lado». Chairman of the Regional Branch of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia in Polevskaya, Sverdlovsk region. Awards: Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region; Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Presidium of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of National Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Personalized wristwatch with the state symbol «Russia needs you»; Letter of thanks from the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk region I.R. Morokov; Letter of thanks from the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Sverdlovsk Region T.G. Merzlyakova; Letter of thanks from the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region E.V. Kuyvashev.
Sarbasova Karlygash Amangeldinovna – Dean of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Professional Education of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Nur-Sultan. Awards: Honorary certificates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016, 2017), Akim of Karaganda region, rector of Academician Ye.A. Buketov KSU and KazATU named after S. Seifullin, A. Nobel Medal for contribution to the development of invention from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow.
The Association of Graduates
The Association of Graduates of the Pedagogical Faculty was established in 2008.
The mission of the Association is to strengthen the corporate spirit of all generations of teachers, to unite and socially promote graduates, their self-realization.
The contact person of the Association is the Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty, docent Imanbekov Mirlan Meirambekovich, e-mail:
Composition of the Association of Graduates of the Pedagogical Faculty
№ |
Full name |
Place of work, position |
Contact details |
1 |
Abdygalikov Shakhmurat Kabildayevich |
Director of the MSE «Children's Art School named after Aubakir Ismailov», Shakhtinsk |
2 |
Alshynbaeva Zhuldyz Yeldosovna |
Karaganda Technical University, docent of the Department of professional education and pedagogy |
3 |
Begzathan Alivbi |
Teacher of the kindergarten «Tolagay» |
4 |
Bukanov Marat Umirtayevich |
Head of IE «Bukanov», Karaganda |
5 |
Zhalelov Abylai Armiyevich |
Director of the MSI «Gymnasium No. 39 named after M. Zhumabayev» |
6 |
Isainov Olzhas Rustemovich |
Designer of the MSE «Palace of Children and Youth», Karaganda |
7 |
Kadyrova Sholpan Zhenisovna |
Teacher-psychologist of MSI «Al-Farabi School-Gymnasium» |
8 |
Kazangapova Syrgaly Ongaliyevna |
«Bolashaq» Karaganda Higher College |
9 |
Kairbekova Zamzagul Serikovna |
Director of the kindergarten «Zhuldyz» |
10 |
Kenesbayeva Dina Toleugaliyevna |
Director of Children's Art School No. 1, Karaganda |
11 |
Lytkina Anna Viktorovna |
MSI «Secondary School No. 52 named after Academician E. A. Buketov», Deputy Director for Educational Work |
12 |
Mekadilova Samal Kemelbayevna |
Bolashak Academy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology |
13 |
Nogaybaeva Alua Nogaybaikyzy |
Teacher-psychologist of MSI Secondary School No. 85 |
14 |
Rakisheva Inabat Bevovna |
Interior designer of «Proficenter» |
15 |
Rakhymbayeva Gulnur Askhatovna |
Teacher of additional education, Art School No. 2 |
16 |
Syzdykova Ardak Tuyakovna |
Director of the MSE kindergarden «Tolagay» |
17 |
Smailova Asiya Muratovna |
Teacher of special disciplines. Karaganda Technical and Construction College |
18 |
Stolyarova Alena Vitalyevna |
Technologist, IE «Karamzina», furniture salon «FUIHOUSE» |
19 |
Tashetov Amanzhol Askarovich |
Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology |
- |
Uataeva Gulmira Sultanmuratovna |
Gymnasium No. 39 named after M. Zhumabayev, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs |