Student Self- Governance

Student self-government bodies are a special form of initiative, independent, responsible social activity of students aimed at solving students' social problems and their development.

The Student Parliament is a student self-government body created in order to solve the most important problems of student life, support and implement social initiatives, and protect the interests of students in the framework of interaction with the University's leadership. The Student Parliament is headed by Zhaksylyk Mereyli - the chairman of the Student Parliament, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and information technologies.

The Student Parliament is a student self-government body created to address the most important issues of students' life, support and implement social initiatives, and protect the interests of students in the framework of interaction with the university administration. The Student Parliament is headed by the Chairman of the Student Parliament - Zhaksylyk Mereyli, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology.

View the list of deputies of the Student Parliament at the faculties
  1. Сhairmen of the Student Parliament - Zhaksylyk Mereili, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology, group M-21-1k, ;
  2. Kuantai Shugyla - Deputy of the Student Parliament, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, group KA-217-21,
  3. Kozhamberdi Karakat - Member of Student Parliament, student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Law, group Ю 24 ,
  4. Toksan Erkin Toksanuly - Member of the Student Parliament, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, KDR-21-21,
  5. Deputy of the Student Parliament - Kulibek Adilet Yeralyuly, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Biology and Geography, group GI-21-21k, ;
  6. Zhakhin Zhasulan Serikovich-Deputy of the Student Parliament, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, FKiS - 24 group,
  7. Bekzat Manarbekovich Akchekenov-member of the Student Parliament, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physics and technology, organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport-23s/p ,
  8. Tursynkul Guzal-member of the Student Parliament, 2nd year student of the Chemistry faculties, TFP215,
  9. Alzhanova Altynai -member of the Student Parliament, 2nd year student of the History faculties, IR-27,
  10. Member of the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Economics - Sadvakasov Ziyat Aydinovich, 1st year student, group ГМУ-22-1. E-mail:
  11. Koroleva Olga - deputy of the student parliament, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Education, PMNO-32
  12. Deputy of the faculty of philology - Nygymetova Aizada 2 nd year student of the faculty of philology , journalism ҚЖ-22


The candidate must have an active civic position, be able to make initiative proposals, justify his/her point of view, be disciplined and successful in studies. The principles of student self-governance are implemented through the work of the Student Parliament, Youth Affairs Committee, Debate Club, a branch of the Student Alliance of Kazakhstan, the "Zhastar Rukhy" Youth Wing.

Youth Affairs Committee

Each department has a Youth Affairs Committee, which conducts public events and represents the interests of students, interacting with the faculty administration. The Committee is supervised by the deputy dean for educational work. Every student has the opportunity to become a member of the Committee and to be elected as a Chairman for one year.

View the list of chairmen of the Youth Affairs Committeein the faculties

1. chairman of the Department of Economics, 2nd year student - Amankeldieva Zhuldyz Galimzhanovna

8 747 732 18 34

2. 2nd year student-Kaldarbek Ayazhan, Chairman of the board of the Faculty of Biology and geography

8 771 381 6219

3. Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and psychology, 3rd year student-Kurbanalieva Aksana

8 705 333 0297

4. chairman of the board of the Faculty of Physical Culture and sports 2nd year student-Rauandin Tileuzhan

8 775 241 4704

5. chairman of the board of the Faculty of Philology 2nd year student-Imanzhusip Kunsulu

8 708 769 2438

6. 3rd year student-Bekbolat Pulatbekov, chairman of the board of the Faculty of history

8 775 408 0603

7. Chairman of the Department of Law Faculty 2nd year student-Kozhamberdy Karakat

8 747 812 8929

8. Chairman of the board of the Faculty of Chemistry, 2nd year student-Mukanova Aknur Meirambekovna

8 707 122 7453

9. 3rd year student-Zhandyldina Ayaulym Kuanyshkyzy-Chairman of the board of the Faculty of Physics and technology

8 707 891 0073

10. 2nd year student-Kimash Iskander, chairman of the Department of the Faculty of foreign languages

8 778 917 2229

11. 1st year student-Timur Aituarovich Kidirbayev, chairman of the board of the Faculty of Pedagogy

8 707 817 3624

12. chairman of the ICC of the Faculty of Mathematics and information technologies 2nd year student-Zhasuzakova Aruzhan

8 705 349 0177

Debate Student Club

The University has a Debate Student Club, where students show their oratorical skills and cultivate leadership qualities. Speaking in the Club, students form a culture of debate. 

Coordinator: Mubarak Sagynysh Mubarakovna. Contact number: 8 747 192 59 97

Head: Sit Down In The Garden. Contact number: 8 708 822 88 94

Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan

Is a Republican student movement that serves as a defender of the rights and interests of students and covers all universities in the country.
Chairman of the Student Parliament of Karaganda region, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and information technologies Zhaksylyk Mereyli is supervised. Contact number: 8 707 360 65 67

The "Zhastar Rukhy" Youth wing

Students work closely with the regional branch of the youth wing of the Amanat party, participate in socio-political events of the university and the region. Head Kozhabaev Rustem Muratovich. Faculty of Economics, 3rd year student Contact phone: 8 705 208 5550

Student Council of the House of students

effective leisure activities of active youth of the House of students. Development of students with leadership experience and support of artistic youth.
Head: 4th year student of the Faculty of Philosophy and psychology Kalmenov Bekzhan
Contact number: 87021354332