Important events in the history of the university

1938 Opening of the Karaganda Teachers’ Institute

1952 Karaganda Teachers’ Institute was transformed into the Pedagogical Institute

1972 The Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Karaganda State University

1992 Karaganda State University was named after academician Yevney Arstanovich Buketov

The first enrollment of students of the Karaganda Teachers’ Institute was only 117 people. The Institute trained teachers of history, Kazakh language and literature. Only 4 departments functioned: Marxism-Leninism, Pedagogy, Language and Literature, History. The teaching staff included historians and philologists with pre-revolutionary pedagogical experience who had been released from KarLAG. It was they and their students who laid the foundation for higher education in the region. The first library fund of the institute numbered 7,000 books donated by the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen. The head of the institute was Repalova R. R., a former director of a secondary school.

There were 8 departments in the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute: the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, history, Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature, pedagogy and psychology, physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, physical education. 82 people taught at the institute, of which one doctor of science and 16 candidates of science. Mathematician S. B. Baimurzin was appointed rector. The first graduation of students was 318 people.

In 1958 the first collection of scientific articles by the teachers of the Institute “Scientific Notes” was published. In 1962 the first postgraduate programs were opened at 4 departments: Russian and foreign literature, pedagogy and psychology, chemistry, zoology.

By the beginning of the 70s, the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute became a higher educational institution of the first category, it included 22 departments, 6 faculties with a contingwnt of 5,440 students. The Institute trained 890 specialists.

In March 1972 the grand opening of the Karaganda State University took place. Famous Kazakh writer Sabit Mukanov was present at the opening. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yevney Arstanovich Buketov was appointed the rector of the university. He made a significant contribution to the development of the university. Under his leadership, a modern material and technical base and scientific infrastructure were created. E.A. Buketov is the author of over 200 scientific works, 9 monographs, 90 scientific inventions patented in the USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Finland, East Germany, Italy, Japan. In 1991 the university was named after him.

Learn more about E.A. Buketov

The 90s became a new stage in the development of the university.At this time, new faculties, magistracy, specialties were opened, and the contingent of students grew to 20,000 people. The State Pedagogical Institute became part of the university. As a result, 14 faculties and 72 departments began to function at the university. Rector Professor Akylbaev Zhambyl Saulebekovich, who led the university for 13 years, made a great contribution to the reform of the university.

Over the years, the Karaganda State University named after academician E. A. Buketov was led by Professor of Chemistry Muldakhmetov Zeinulla Muldakhmetovich, Professor of Biology Bigaliev Aitkhozha Bigalievich, Professor of Law Kubeev Erkin Kinoyatovich, Professor of Chemistry Edrisov Azamat Tirzhanovich.

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Important events of the early 2000s

2003 year – the university began to implement the credit system of education and the institute of magistracy.

2004 year – the first experience of inviting guest lecturers from foreign universities to conduct training sessions appeared. The university joined the Central Asian Management Development Fund.

2005 year – the university was among the first universities in Kazakhstan to sign the Magna Charta Universitatum in the city of Bologna; implemented a quality management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001 (Swiss company SGS), was the first among state universities in Kazakhstan to successfully pass the pilot international accreditation of economic specialties (with the participation of the EFMD Foundation). A college was opened at the university.

2006 year – the university received the first grant from the Educational Consortium of European Universities, funded by the Erasmus Mundus Foundation of the European Union. The introduction of distance learning technology at the correspondence department has begun. For the first time, graduates of the university became the owners of the international scholarship of the President of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" and received the right to study at the leading universities in the world.

2007 year – the university for the first time entered the top three leaders of national education in the rating of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education; became a participant in the republican experimental program for the preparation of PhD doctors, the first graduation of which took place in 2011. With the support of the Government of Kazakhstan and the Akimat of the Karaganda region, a monument to the first rector of KarSU, academician E.A. Buketov was opened. Student folk dance ensemble “Zhargyn” became the winner of the National Delphic Games of Kazakhstan. The University team of humor took part in the International Festival “KIVIN-2007” and the games of the major league of the International Union of team of humor.

2008 year – the university began introducing a multilingual education program, took part in the development of the “Concept of multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan” and in 2012 carried out the first graduation of bachelors of multilingual groups with simultaneous training in Kazakh, Russian and English. The university entered the International Association of Global Distance Learning Universities and the Siberian Open University Association. For the first time, undergraduates of the university received international scholarships Erasmus Mundus and DAAD for internships at universities in the European Union.

2009 year – the university received 10 scientific grants for fundamental and applied research. An engineering laboratory “Physical and chemical research methods” was opened, which was accredited in 2010 and received the right to analyze the state of air, water and soil. The Council of Young Scientists of the University was included in the top five councils according to the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The School of Civil Service was opened at the university, which functioned with the active assistance of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, the Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region.

Important events of the 2010s

2010 year – the university entered the QS World Universities Rankings for the first time, taking 601 position. The implementation of an internal project “Electronic University” has begun.

2011 year – the university entered the top ten innovation-oriented universities in Kazakhstan. An engineering laboratory “Physicochemical Methods of Research” was opened, which is currently accredited.

2012 year – the educational programs of the university were accredited by the German Institute for Certification, Accreditation and Quality Assurance ACQUIN: “Physics”, “Chemistry”, “Economics”. The University entered the world ranking of Webometrics for the first time. The dissertation council for awarding a PhD degree in nanomaterials and nanotechnology was opened. On the basis of the university, a representative office of the French Alliance was opened, cooperation with the British Council began. The implementation of the program of internal academic mobility of students began.

2013 year – the university signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Nazarbayev University. The implementation of dual education programs has begun. The university received more than 2 billion tenge for the implementation of budget programs. The educational and scientific activities of the university were awarded the state diploma “Altyn sapa” (Golden quality). On the basis of educational and industrial organizations, 53 branches of the university departments functioned.

2014 year – the university became a member of the European Association of Universities. The University has opened a Technology Commercialization Center. An experimental batch of a device for measuring grain moisture, developed by university scientists, has been manufactured. Scientists of the Faculty of Chemistry, together with JSC “Dorstroimaterialy”, built a production line for the production of road bitumen from coal tar, the first contract for the supply of finished products was concluded.

2015 year – the university started the implementation of the state program “Serpin”. Research funding amounted to 335 million tenge. According to the results of an external assessment of educational achievements, the university took the first position among the multidisciplinary universities in Kazakhstan. The University carried out 9 scientific projects on the “green” economy and alternative energy. The laboratory “3-D Technologies” was opened. 15 university teachers became the owners of the title “The best teacher of the university”. The Council of Young Scientists of the University became the winner of the Republican competition of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2016 year – the university archaeologists discovered the Kazakhstan pyramid - a unique burial complex of Central Kazakhstan of the Dosak period, the discovery aroused wide interest in the scientific world of archaeologists from Russia, France, Italy, USA, Japan. The University hosted the International Scientific Forum "Language Education in the Context of Socio-Cultural Transformation of Modern Society" with the participation of the OSCE, embassies of foreign countries, universities of France, Germany, China, Russia.

2017 year – the university opened dissertation councils in the specialties “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”, “Foreign language”, “Mathematics”, “Biology”. The Center for Youth Entrepreneurship was opened. Scientists of the Faculty of Chemistry have developed a prototype of the second generation biofuel for vehicles from the species of yarrow and wormwood. Five projects of university scientists were presented at “EXPO – 2017”: “Creation of water-saving technologies using new polymer moisture sorbents in agriculture”, “Creation of an industrial prototype of a plant for purification and softening of waste water at enterprises”, “Creation of serial production of domestic devices for measuring humidity grain”, “Second-generation biofuel for vehicles from perennial herbaceous plants in Kazakhstan” , “Plasma-chemical plant for obtaining synthesis gas from oil production and refinery waste”. The university became a laureate in the Springer Nature nomination “Top Most Published Organizations of Kazakhstan” for the high publication activity of university scientists in the journals of the publishing house. The scientific journal “Bulletin of Karaganda University” became a laureate in the nomination “Leader of Kazakhstani scientific publications” according to the international company Clarivate Analitics. 10 university lecturers became the owners of the title “The best teacher of the university”.

University student teams won prizes in special competitions in entrepreneurship: in the IX International Championship “Youth and Entrepreneurship - 2017” in the Republic of Belarus; at the National Games of Student Entrepreneurship in Almaty, in the republican project “How to feed Kazakhstan”; in the competition of the investment and production corporation “ZherSu”.

2018 year – the University opened an IT Competence Center and a Service Center for Students and Employees. All nine series of the scientific journal “Bulletin of Karaganda University” are included in the List of publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2019 year – the university signed an agreement with Kazakhmys Corporation LLP on the joint development of technology for extracting non-ferrous, rare and rare earth metals from the waste of the Karaganda processing plant, the project budget was 16.8 million tenge. On the territory of the university there is an alley “Zhastar” (Youth) with recreational areas, a green field for mini-football, a co working center for students.

2020 year – the university joined the European ETS “Global Preferred Associate Network”. The Faculty of Foreign Languages has opened the only accredited TOEFL examination center in the Karaganda region. The military department was opened.

Facts and Figures of the present

Karagandy Buketov University is a non-profit limited company with one hundred percent participation of the state in the authorized capital. The University is managed by the Sole Shareholder (MES RK), the Board of Directors, the Management Board. Doctor of Law, Professor Dulatbekov Nurlan Orynbasarovich is the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University.

The mission of the University

The mission of the University is to preserve values, disseminate knowledge, and introduce innovative approaches for training personnel based on the best educational practices and research programs.

The University is accredited by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, which is included in the European Register of Higher Education Quality Assurance Agencies EQAR and the National Register No. 1 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The University is one of the five leaders of Russian education according to the national accreditation agencies – IAAR and IQAA

The University trains bachelors, masters, and PhD students.

The University has dissertation councils.

Partners of the university in the implementation of joint grant projects are foreign and domestic agencies for education and quality assurance in education, embassies of foreign countries, associations of specialized education, universities and colleges.

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  1. Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
  2. Embassy of Italy in Kazakhstan
  3. Executive Agency for Education, Audio-Visual Media and Culture of the European Commission
  4. Institute of Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance, Germany
  5. Central and Eastern European Network of Higher Education Quality Assurance Agencies, Germany
  6. Association “Active Youth”, Lithuania
  7. Asociación Civil Red De AcciónClimática, Argentina
  8. Muwanga Development Association, Uganda
  9. Association of Engineering Education of Russia, Russian Federation Федерация
  10. Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Field of Education "Bologna Club", Russian Federation
  11. Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Kazakhstan
  12. Kazakh Association of Engineering Education, Kazakhstan
  13. Rhineland Academy TÜV RheinlandAkademie, Germany
  14. Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
  15. Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
  16. Higher Pedagogical School of Tyrol, Austria
  17. Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
  18. Tallinn Higher Technical School, Estonia
  19. Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Vagom, Slovakia
  20. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
  21. Kazan National Research Technological University, Russian Federation
  22. Tambov State Technical University, Russian Federation
  23. Don State Technical University, Russian Federation
  24. Vyatka State University, Russian Federation
  25. Bharati Vidyapeeth University, India
  26. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
  27. Non-public Joint-stock Company Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kazakhstan
  28. South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Kazakhstan
  29. Shakarim State University of Semey, Kazakhstan
  30. Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College, Kazakhstan
  31. Electrotechnical College, Kazakhstan


The territory of the university is 54,1418 hectares

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13 The University has 13 faculties and 48 departments

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12812 people, including
5817 people on state educational grants

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Students: 11,829 students, including 5,038 under state educational grants.

Undergraduates: 800 undergraduates, including 616 people on state educational grants.

Doctoral students: 183 doctoral students, including 163 people on state educational grants.

Every year, 3.5 thousand people become students of the university. Among them, more than 400 holders of the badge “Altyn Belgi” (i.e. Excellent student). Students of the University are citizens of 13 countries.

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Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Israel, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

Employment of graduates

85% of university graduates get a job in their specialty within the first three months after graduation


The university employs 1475 people.
The total number of teachers is 775 people. Almost a quarter of them have the title of "Best University Teacher" according to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Educational programs


In the bachelor's degree

103 educational programs, of which

27 are innovative,

12 are multilingual.

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Training is conducted

in 8 areas:

Pedagogical sciences;

Arts and Humanities;

Social Sciences, Journalism and Information;

Business, Management and Law;

Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics;

Information and Communication Technologies;

Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction industries;


In the master's program

92 educational programs, of which

16 are innovative.

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is conducted in 7 areas:

Pedagogical sciences;


Social sciences;


Natural sciences;

Technical sciences and technologies;


In the doctoral program

16 educational programs, of which

3 are innovative.

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Training is conducted in 5 areas:

Pedagogical sciences;


Social sciences;


Natural sciences.

Accreditation of programs

130 educational programs

including 9 programs for a period of 7 years:

«Foreign language: two foreign languages»,




Dissertation tips


Pedagogical sciences;


Social sciences;


Natural sciences.

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Scientific infrastructure

The University has 19 scientific structures

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Geography of cooperation of the university

30 countries of the world.

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Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Georgia, Spain, Italy, China, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldavia, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, USA, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Philippines, Czech Republic, South Korea

The fund of the scientific library

1 million 800 thousand books. 60 thousand documents in the electronic library

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