PhD, associate professor
st. Universitetskaya 28, building №1,
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Economic Faculty is one of the oldest and largest faculties, founded in 1972. The Faculty offers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs, and trains economists, analysts, financiers, accountants, auditors, managers, marketers, and specialists for state and local government, tourism, logistics, restaurant and hotel management.
The mission of the Economic Faculty is to reproduce the professional elite for the national and global economy.
Strategic vision for the future - leadership in the field of economic education and science.
Economic Faculty is:
Dates and facts
The history of the Economic Faculty began with the foundation of Karaganda State University. In 1972, the Faculty of Economics and Law was opened at Karaganda State University. The educational process was provided by three specialized departments of Economics and Logistics Planning; Finance and Credit; Statistics and Accounting.
Since the 1974-75 academic year, the Economic Faculty has become independent. With the development of the environment, the Faculty underwent a structural reorganization due to the emergence of new departments, including the Departments of Monetary Circulation and Credit; Economic Geography and Sectoral Economies (70s); Economics and Planning of Industries and Territories; Political Economy (80s); Economics and Foreign Economic Activity; Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activity; Economic Theory (90s).
Professors Abdrazakov T.A., Ormanbayev A.Zh., Karakesov K.K., Aubakirova A.A., Alimbayev A.A., Seitkasimov G.S., Yelemessov R.E., Andarova R.K., Amenova S.S.; associate professors Karamzin N.A., Sagindykov U.S., Zevakov A.M., Suleimenova A. A., etc were at the origins of the faculty.
The heads of the faculty in different years were:
- 1972-1974 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor T.A. Abdrazakov;
- 1974-1986 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor K.K. Karakesov;
- 1986-1988 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor N.A. Karamzin;
- 1988-1990 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor A.Zh. Ormanbayev;
- 1990-1993 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor B.K. Kazhykarimov;
- 1993-1995 - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A. A. Temirbulatov;
- 1995-1999 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Omirbayev;
- 1999-2000 - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor R.S. Karenov;
- 2000-2001 - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A.A. Alimbayev;
- 2001-2004 - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor S.N. Alpysbaeva;
- 2004-2019 - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor B.S. Yessengeldin.
- 2019 - 2023 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Zh.S. Khussainova.
Currently, the dean of the faculty is PhD, Associate Professor A. N. Lambekova
The contingent of students is 1200 people, about 20% of which are on a state educational grant, which indicates a high level of trust on the part of the state and society.
The average number of applicants entering the faculty's programs annually is in the range of 230-250 people. The average increase of students in the faculty's specialties over the past three years was 25%, which indicates the demand and relevance of educational programs. The geography of students is represented by all regions of Kazakhstan, as well as near and far abroad: Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Germany.
Students of the faculty annually become holders of presidential scholarships, scholarships of the First President's Foundation, scholarships from representatives of the business sector, prize-winners of subject international and national Olympiads, scientific and creative competitions.
Currently, the faculty employs more than 100 teachers with academic degrees of doctors, candidates of sciences, PhD and masters of sciences, of which 12 are holders of the title of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best University Teacher". Representatives of the business community also work part-time, which has a positive effect on the practical component of the disciplines taught.
Educational programs:
- 16 bachelor's degree programs, 15 master's degree programs, and a PhD program;
- 5 innovative educational programs of the bachelor's degree: "IT-entrepreneurship and Digital economy", "Business Analytics and Business Consulting", "Entrepreneurship and Project Management", "HR: Labor Economics and Safety", "Marketing and SMM", " Economic Security";
- 2 innovative master's degree programs: "Economic security", "IT-entrepreneurship and Digital economy";
- Multilingual educational programs: "World Economy", "Economy", "Tourism".
- Two-degree programs: "Economic Security" (jointly with the "MEPhI" Research Institute, Russia), "Project Management" (jointly with the Graduate School of Business of the National University of Louis, Poland).
Dissertation Council:
There is a dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of the profile in the specialty 6D050600-Economics.
Accreditation and leadership:
All programs of the faculty have national accreditation and occupy worthy positions in national rankings:
Name of the educational program |
Place in the rating |
IQAA rating |
Entrepreneurship and project management |
1 |
Business analytics and business consulting |
1 |
State Audit |
1 |
IT-entrepreneurship and digital economy |
1 |
HR: labor economics and safety |
1 |
Basics of law and economics |
1 |
Organization and rationing of labor |
1 |
Evaluation |
1 |
Economy |
2 |
World economy |
2 |
Marketing |
2 |
Tourism |
2 |
Restaurant and hotel business |
2 |
Business administration |
2 |
Logistics |
3 |
Project Management |
3 |
IAAR rating |
Basics of law and economics |
2 |
Logistics |
2 |
Management |
3 |
State and local government |
3 |
Entrepreneurship and project management |
3 |
Business analytics and business consulting |
3 |
Organization and rationing of labor |
3 |
Employment opportunities:
The average percentage of employment in bachelor's degree programs is about 80%, in master's and doctoral programs - 100%.
Many graduates of the faculty have made a successful career in the profession:
Akhmetzhanov Anuar Muratovich - First Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduated in 1996, "International Economic Relations" specialty.
Khairov Yerlan Kartayevich - Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduated in 1999, specialty "Economics";
Botabekov Aibek Toleubekovich - Managing Director for Finance and Accounting of KEGOC JSC, graduated in 1996, specialty "International Economic Relations";
Zhumangarin Serik Makashevich - Chairman of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduated in 1997, specialty "Economics";
Suleimenov Askhat Muratovich - General Director of "Baiterek Corporation" LLP, deputy of the Arshalynsky district Maslikhat of the VI convocation, graduated in 2009, specialty "Tourism";
Kulpeisov Yernar Daulovich - Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region, graduated in 2002, specialty "Economics";
Aubakirov Nurlan Yerikbayevich - Chairman of the Board of "Social and Entrepreneurial Corporation "Saryarka", graduated in 1997, specialty "Finance";
Temirkhanov Yerzhan Oralovich - Akim of Saran city, Karaganda region, graduated in 2007, specialty "State and Local Administration";
Abzhanov Saken Kairovich - Head of the Financial and Economic Department of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduated in 1997, specialty "Management";
Alimzhanov Birzhan Nurzhanovich - Head of the Department for Youth Policy of the Karaganda region, graduated in 2009, specialty "State and local government".
Higher School of Economics in Prague (Czech Republic)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
Gorno-Altaisk State University (Russia)
Charles University (Czech Republic)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky (Russia)
Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Russia)
Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)
St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia)
University of Vilnius (Lithuania)
Babes Boliai University (Romania)
Tomas Bata University in Zlin (Czech Republic)
University of Deusto (Spain)
University of L'Aquila (Italy)
University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)
Economic Faculty implements international projects (Erasmus+) and republican grant projects (funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan):
- International project Erasmus+ No. 602681-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA "Social Entrepreneurship Heroes (SEH)";
- International project Erasmus+ No. 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "Implementing Dual System in Kazakhstan/KazDual";
- International project "TEMPUS: creation of four higher schools of hotel business in the Republic of Kazakhstan";
- International project "GeKaVocc - Transfer of professional education in the field of logistics, mechatronics and sustainable energy saving in Kazakhstan" with the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg;
- International project "Countering the legalization of proceeds from Crime and the financing of terrorism in Organizations engaged in Transactions with money or other AML/CFT Property" (within the framework of the International Network University in the Field of AML/CFT);
- EU International Project "AGROCOMP - Competitiveness of the value chain of agribusiness and Food Industry SMEs through sustainable development and eco-innovation in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan" (Formaper and Innovhab ESI Agency of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Milan-Monza-Brianza-Lodi, Italy);
- International project "ODAK - Yenbekshikazakh Alliance for Sustainable Economic and Human Development", funded by the European Union together with partners of the Agency of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Milan (Italy);
- Republican project "Research of the process of commercialization of innovations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to identify problems and develop a mechanism for effective management of the innovation process" (customer - MES RK; 2015-2017; head - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Marketing Mamrayeva D.G.);
- Republican project "Development of a foresight model for the development and activation of youth entrepreneurship in the mechanism of industrial and innovative growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (customer - MES RK; 2015-2017; head - candidate of economic sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Khussainova Zh.S.);
- Republican project "Integrated multi-factor assessment of the tourism and recreation potential of Kazakhstan and development of a strategy for the development of competitive regional tourism products" (customer - MES RK; 2018-2020; head - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Marketing Mamrayeva D.G.);
- Republican project "Social entrepreneurship in modern economic systems: concept, types, mechanisms of development of Kazakhstan" (customer – MES RK; 2018-2020; head – doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Economics and international business Pritvorova T.P.);
- Republican project "Innovative susceptibility of the national economies of the EAEU countries: system characteristics, assessment, control mechanisms" (customer – MES RK; 2018-2020; head – PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and international business Zhailauov E.B.);
- Republican project "System of support for households with disabled children: conceptual foundations, effective practices, mechanisms of development in Kazakhstan" (customer - MES RK; 2020-2022; head - doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Pritvorova T.P.);
- Republican project "Industrial and innovative policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: genesis, evolution, current state, vectors of improvement" (customer-MES RK; 2020-2022; head - PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and international business Zhailauov E.B.);
- Republican project "Strategy of technological development of MMC of Kazakhstan: PPP as a driver of investment growth and foresight positioning in the context of industry 4.0" (customer - MES RK; 2020-2022; head - PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and international business Zhailauov E.B.);
- Republican project "Development of a comprehensive model for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan: convergence of productive employment, inclusive economy and digitalization of education" (customer - MES RK; 2021-2023; head - candidate of economic sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Khussainova Zh.S.);
- Republican project "Development of urban tourism routes in Central Kazakhstan on the basis of the application of smart technologies in the conditions of digitalization of tourism" (customer - MES RK; 2021-2023; head - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Marketing Mamrayeva D.G.);
- Republican project "Development of innovative business models of youth tourism in the system of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (customer – MES RK; 2021-2023; head – candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Marketing Mamrayeva D.G.);
- Republican project "Interregional economic cooperation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: a conceptual framework, assessment, mechanisms of intensification" (customer – MES RK; 2021-2023; head – PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and international business Zhailauov E.B.);
The Republican project "Strategy of innovative development of the public sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: methodology, performance, mechanisms" (customer – MES RK; 2021-2023; head – PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and international business Zhailauov E.B.).
Institutes and Centers of the Faculty:
Economic Faculty has an Institute for Digital Economy Research. Within the framework of the Institute's activities, students and undergraduates of the departments have the opportunity to participate in the implementation of grant research projects, in competitions of scientific papers and subject Olympiads, to publish joint articles in leading scientific journals of the near and far abroad.
Youth Entrepreneurship Center has been operating since 2017 and is designed to support the ecosystem of youth entrepreneurship and the startup movement of the faculty and university. Youth Entrepreneurship Center includes a Business School, Student business incubator, and a Coworking platform.
Buketov Business and Innovation Hub is an innovative business hub of the faculty, including a coworking center, Business Open Space, GreenCampus and InnoLab, where students of the faculty have the opportunity to implement their creative ideas and innovative startups.