The Resource Center for Inclusive and Special Education was created on the basis of the existing Consulting and Practical Center for Inclusive Education by the decision of the Scientific Council of KBU No. 3 of October 29, 2020.

Head: Rymkhanova Ainagul Rymbekovna, PhD, h-index Scopus – 1, ORCID ID:0000-0003-3177-4810, Author ID Scopus: 57193953755.

Contacts: 7, Karbysheva str., academic builing №11, office №116, 118. tel. 87014987819, e-mail:,

The purpose of the Center is scientific-methodological support of the process of inclusive and special education in the region.

The main tasks of the Center:

  • organizing and conducting monitoring studies to identify the conditions for the implementation of inclusive and special education;
  • implementation of research, scientific - methodological and educational - methodological developments in the field of inclusive and special education;
  • dissemination and implementation of research results in the educational process of educational institutions that implement the practice of inclusive and special education.

Directions of the Center's activities:

1. Organizational and analytical:

  • analysis of the activities of educational institutions in order to implement the practice of inclusive education at all levels of education;
  • study of the needs of educational institutions in the creation of a barrier-free environment;
  • study and determination of the nature of the special educational needs of students with special needs;
  • conducting psychological - pedagogical and sociological studies of the attitude of groups of society to the inclusion of persons with special needs in the educational process;
  • study and analysis of the training system for bachelors, masters and doctors of pedagogical specialties on the problems of inclusive and special education.

2. Educational-methodical:

  • development of local documents regulating activities regarding the support of students with special educational needs;
  • development of a database of educational materials for students with special educational needs;
  • improving the content of training programs for teaching staff, taking into account the conditions of inclusion;
  • educational and methodological support of the process of training and retraining of teaching staff;
  • development and implementation of training and retraining programs for teachers working in the preschool and school system of inclusive and special education, as well as teaching staff of universities within the framework of advanced training courses with the support of the faculty of additional education.

3. Scientific - research

  • development of scientific and methodological foundations of inclusive education, practice-oriented technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education;
  • creating a database of diagnostic, correctional and developmental techniques and recommendations for their implementation;
  • scientific and methodological support of approbation and introduction of innovative forms and technologies, effective methods of work with persons with special educational needs, including digital format;
  • organization of scientific and practical seminars and conferences, round tables, master classes, trainings of regional and national international level.

4. Consultative and educational:

  • resource provision of inclusive education at all levels of education;
  • summarizing and promoting the experience of inclusive and special education in the region through the publication of the journal "Arnaiy zhane inkluzivti bilim beru. Spetsialnoe i inkluzivnoe obrazovanie. Special and Inclusive education";
  • organizing and conducting events aimed at supporting and developing the system of inclusive education.
  • dissemination of the idea of inclusion and creation of a tolerant educational environment for persons with special needs.

Cooperation and collaboration with other institutions and organizations

The Center carries out its activities in collaboration with educational and scientific institutions, public associations and other organizations under the signed agreements / memorandums of cooperation.

The main partners of the Center are universities, the Department of Education of Karaganda Region and the Department of Education of Karaganda City, preschool and school institutions, Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, Offices and centers of psychological and pedagogical correction, Training and Methodological Center of Education Development of Karaganda Region and other NGOs that are stakeholders.

Projects being implemented:

  1. "Training of practicing pedagogical personnel for professional activities in the conditions of inclusive education" in conjunction with MPI "Secondary school №27" of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region.
  2. "Today, tomorrow and always: psychological and pedagogical conditions for the realization of the rights to receive quality education for children with intellectual disabilities in an inclusive environment (on the example of the Karaganda region)" together with the MPI "Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions of the Karaganda region" of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region.
  3. "Scientific and methodological support of volunteer activities of students in the framework of inclusive education" for 2020-2022 within the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Мастер-класс на тему «Обобщение опыта работы с детьми с ООП по коррекции недостатков развития речи» совместно с КГУ «Областная специальная школа-интернат № 3 для детей с ОВР» УОКО.

Круглый стол «Перспективное развитие детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в обществе здоровых детей» в рамках реализации программы «РуханиЖаңғыру».

Новогодний инклюзивный праздник,проведенный студентами –волонтерами специальности «Дефектология»с участием детей ОФ«Ассоциации родителей детей-аутистов г.Караганды», центра ОО «Ақбота» и КГУ «Областная специальная школа-интернат № 1 для детей с нарушением зрения».

Работа «Инклюзивного кружка», где студенты получают непосредственный опыт работы с детьми, имеющимирасстройства аутистического спектра(РАС).

Участие студентов-дефектологов и магистрантов специальности «Дефектология» в On-line Марафоне Инклюзивных Практик «Инклюзивное сообщество: здесь и сейчас» (IP-Марафонпри поддержке International Association for Community Development (IACD)

Мастер-класс на тему: «Использование нейропсихологических упражнений на коррекционных занятиях со слепыми и слабовидящими младшими школьниками»,проведенный специалистами КГУ «Областная специальная школа- интернат № 1 для детей с нарушением зрения» УОКО.

Вебинар ЦПМ КарУ имени академика Е.А. Букетова: «Инклюзивная культура преподавателя как условие успешной интеграции студентов с ООП в вузе». (Докладчик: доцент кафедры специального и инклюзивного образованияРымханова А.Р.)