head of the department
сandidate of Philology Sciences
аssociate Professor
Tel.: +7 7212 77 17 07
E-mail: Kazadebiet@buketov.edu.kz
Mukanova st, building № 8
The Department of Kazakh Literature trains specialists in the field of education, offers undergraduate and graduate programs, doctoral studies.
Students of the department have the opportunity to study in three directions: «Modern Kazakh literature: problems of genre and style», «History of kazakh literary criticism and methodological problems», «The text of a work of art and problems of textology». The curriculum includes such topical disciplines as «Introduction to literary studies», «Theory of literature», «Modern kazakh literature», «Foreign literature», «Spiritual heritage of the kazakh people», «Abay studies», etc. Students receive special knowledge in the field of Kazakh linguistics and literature.Graduates of the department will be able to work as teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, junior researchers in research institutions, literary consultants and clerks, translators.
Graduates of the department will be able to work as teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, junior researchers in research institutions, literary consultants and clerks, translators.
The Department of Kazakh Literature, relying on the achievements of world literary criticism, is developing a new system for studying and teaching the history and theory of literature. As a priority position, we put forward the study of historical sources, internal and external factors that determined the patterns of cultural and literary and artistic development, the characteristics of the national mentality.
Dates and facts
The department of kazakh literature began to function as an independent one in 1966. The department included such teachers as Z.T. Zhumagali, A. Naresov, M. K. Smagulov, A. Aziev, K.K.Lekerov. From the day of its formation until 1994, the department was headed by Professor Z.T. Zhumagali.
In order to resume the work of the creative association «Balausa», the collective in the scientific and creative direction, the department maintained close ties with the writer Zh.Bekturov and other famous cultural figures. In different periods, the creative association was headed by M.K.Smagulov and Z.T.Zhumagali, as well as Zh.K. SmagulovandB.S.Rakhimov, who made a certain contribution to the development and education of creative youth.
The faculty of the department was replenished with such highly qualified specialists as B.Karibaeva, Zh.Smagulov, B.Rakhimov, T. Esenbekov, B. Mamyraev, M.Khamzin, N.Zhumadilova. The teachers of the department organized meetings with scientists-writers S. Mukanov, S. Kirabaev, T. Kakishevich, N. Gabdullin, M.Alimbaev, K. Isabaev, N. Ondasynov, O.Bokei, M. Shakhanov, S. Zhunisov, K.Zhumadilov, R.Nurgali, E.Tileshov, B.Abdigazievich, O.Abdimanovich, G.Zhaylybai, S. Aksunkaruly and others.
The department was headed by highly qualified scientists such as Z.T. Zhumagali, K.K.Lekerov, K.P.Esbaev, B.K.Karibaeva, Zh.K.Smagulov, B.S.Rakhimov, M.Kh.Khamzin, S.B.Zhumagulov, K.A.Toleubaeva, J.Zh.Zharylgapov and S. U. Takirov.
Currently, the department has 4 doctors of philological sciences, professors, 4 candidates of philological sciences, associate professors, 3 masters of pedagogical sciences. At this time, 6 teachers of the department have the republican title «The best teacher of the university».
The teachers of the department have undergone international training in research centers in Europe and Asia. Professors Zh.K.Smagulov, Zh.Zh. Zharylgapov, S.U. Takirov, A.B. Zhumagulov underwent an international internship at the leading universities of the PRC, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. Professor Zh.K. Smagulov, Zh.Zharylgapov lectured at the University ofMindzu (PRC) in Beijing with the aim of developing international academic mobility, B.S.Rakhimov underwent an internship at the Japanese University of Tsukuba.
The contingent of students of the department is increasing annually, for three years it has grown by half. The students of the department are citizens of Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China, representatives of different regions of Kazakhstan. Students of the department participate in the academic mobility program and study at national universities in Kazakhstan and universities in China.
The graduates of the department are easily employed after graduation from the university, many achieve success in their careers, continue their studies, including the «Bolashaq» program.
Accreditation and Leadership:
The programs of the department are nationally accredited and occupy leading positions in national ratings.
The department actively cooperates with the leading universities of Kazakhstan: Kazakh national university named after S. Al-Farabi, Eurasian national university named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai, Semipalatinsk state university named after Shakarim, Zhezkazganuniversity named after A.Baikonyrova, Eurasian humanitarian Institute. Among the foreign partners are well-known universities in Russia, China, Turkey. Today there is a memorandum on joint training of doctoral students with Digle university, Gazi (Turkey), university of Ili Pedagogical University (China).
Professor of the department Zh.K. Smagulov implemented an international research project «Methodology of Literary Studies» with Minzu University in Beijing.
And also, the department is developing a scientific project «Kasymtanumuseleleri» with a budget of 10 million tenge (headed by Professor Zh.Zharylgapov).
Educational programs
6В01701 «Kazakh language and literature»: bachelors’ degree. The program is aimed at training a specialist capable of carrying out professional activities as a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree in pedagogical sciences and will be able to work as a teacher at school, as a junior researcher in research institutions, as a literary consultant, as a translator.
7М01701701 «Kazakh language and literature»: master’s degree. The program is related to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in demand in the higher education system, in the field of scientific research. Undergraduates have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English. Graduates receive a master's degree in pedagogical sciences and can be a teacher in higher, special and secondary educational institutions, cultural institutions and an editor-proofreader of publishing houses, as well as deal with office work in organizations.
8D01701 «Kazakh language and literature»: doctoral studies. The program is related to the preparation of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) capable of doing scientific work in the field of philology. Doctoral students have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English, receive advice from foreign professors. Graduates will be able to teach at universities, work in research centers.