Students are entitled to appeal examination results. Appeals may be submitted for the following reasons:
Students must submit a formal written appeal addressed to the Dean of the faculty on the day they receive the examination results. The appeal must provide a detailed explanation and justification for the disagreement with the assigned grade.
The appeal, along with the Dean’s endorsement and the student’s examination answer sheet (and, where applicable, a video recording of the examination process), shall be forwarded to the Appeals Commission. The Appeals Commission, constituted by an official order of the University Rector, shall review the appeal on the next business day following receipt of the appeal materials.
The decision of the Appeals Commission shall be documented in an official protocol signed by the Chairperson and all members of the committee. The Chairperson shall communicate the final decision to the student.
The protocol shall be transmitted by the Dean’s office to the Registrar’s Office. Upon approval of any changes, the revised grade shall be entered into the University’s Information System (IS) and made available for the student to view in their personal IS account.
If the appeal is denied, the original grade remains unchanged, and no modifications are made to the records.
Students must submit appeals through the «Appeals» module in the University’s «Platonus» IS (Academic Process section) within 120 minutes of completing the examination. The permitted duration for completing the appeal submission after accessing the appeal page is 20 minutes.
Students must select the relevant examination and indicate specific questions they wish to contest, providing clear justifications for each. The appeal is then submitted for consideration.
The Registrar’s Office shall process the appeal submissions and forward them via the EDMS to the Appeals Commission. The Commission shall review the appeal on the next business day following receipt of the materials.
The final decision of the Appeals Commission shall be documented and signed by the Chairperson and all committee members. The signed decision shall be transmitted via the EDMS to the Head of the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office shall enter the decision into the IS, after which the IS shall automatically recalculate the examination grade and make it accessible to the student in their personal IS account.
If the appeal is denied, the examination grade remains unchanged.
Feedback regarding the appeal decision shall be provided: Orally by the Chairperson and members of the Appeals Commission; Electronically via the University’s LMS – «Platonus».