In accordance with the Rector's order No. 1605 dated 12/13/2023, a socio-psychological research laboratory was established on the basis of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology.

The purpose of the laboratory is to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research from the standpoint of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of studying psychological, socio–political and philosophical problems of modern Kazakh society and personality.

Head of the laboratory: M.M. Umurkulova, PhD, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology.

Contacts: 8(700)6807010; e-mail:

Laboratory tasks:

 organization and conduct of experimental and innovative activities aimed at the implementation and implementation of research results in the organization;

 development and implementation of new technologies in the education system aimed at the formation of socio-humanitarian competencies of participants in the educational process;

 organization of cooperation with other organizations and coordination of scientific and practical activities in the field of development, creation, verification and implementation of new tools, methods and forms of work;

 provision of scientific and methodological, educational, information and other services to educational and other organizations and citizens on issues within the competence of the laboratory;

 conducting scientific and practical activities in the areas of the laboratory's activities.


Functions of the socio-psychological research laboratory

1. Educational – training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and their professional development. In this area of activity, the following activities are carried out:

discussion and review of graduation papers;

 preparation of scientific, scientific-methodical, educational-methodical literature on the problems of research conducted on the basis of the laboratory;

 implementation of information and educational activities on issues within the competence of the Laboratory.

2. Research – aimed at providing assistance in conducting scientific research and experiments of interdisciplinary applied and scientific-practical importance:

participation in international, national competitions and other grant programs of scientific research;

 development of direct creative relations with scientific organizations and other legal entities, including foreign ones;

 preparation and recommendation for the publication of scientific papers, periodicals, scientific conferences and other scientific and organizational events;

 Preparation of analytical reports on the work done in accordance with approved research programs and plans.

3. Career guidance – ensuring the continuity of pre-university and university education by performing research with the involvement of representatives of all levels of educational activity.

4. Developing – is aimed at supporting the development of the intellectual and moral spheres of the personality of students, the development of their personal potential, stimulating the desire for self-development and self-improvement.

5. Prognostic and psychoprophylactic – consists in the timely prevention of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, social maladaptation and other violations of the harmonious development of personality.


Implementation of scientific projects:

BR21882302 Kazakhstan's society in the context of digital transformation: prospects and risks