head of department
сandidate of Historical Sciences
аssociate Professor
+7 7212 51-66-06
E-mail: TarihKZ@buketov.edu.kz
38 Gogol str., building № 4
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The department trains students in the discipline « History of Kazakhstan» at the faculties of the University. In the course of training, the department forms socially significant patriotic qualities and values among students. Teachers of the department implement educational, research and educational work; promote the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
The department has doctors, candidates, masters of historical sciences, laureate of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Prize for the best scientific research in the field of humanities.
The department is a member of the Association of Departments of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, cooperates with the APK of the Karaganda region, the departments of the APK of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU, S. Toraighyrov PSU, Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Valikhanov and with ethno-cultural associations of the Karaganda region.
The department has a demonstration room, which displays visual demonstration materials, presentations, and a depository for the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
Dates and facts
The department has a long history. The department of History of Kazakhstan was established in 1997. The first head of the department was a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Momynova Sh.R. (1997-1998). In subsequent years the department was headed by: professor Alimbayev T.A. (1998-2001; 2004 - 2006); Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Malybayeva B. S. (2002 - 2004); PhD, Professor Kozina V. V. (2006 - 2012); Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumabekov D. A. (2012 - 2019); PhD, Associate Professor Zhumanova A. Z. (2019 - 2022); Since 2022 the department is headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Amrina M.S.
In 1997-2011, the department operated a postgraduate course and a competition in the specialty 07.00.02-Domestic History (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan). During this time, 11 teachers of the department defended their PhD theses.
On September 1, 2015, the Department of History of Kazakhstan was renamed the Department of History of Kazakhstan and the APK.
Traditions of the Department:
From the first years of the department's existence, initiative activities that have become traditional began to be implemented. Since December 1998, every year, on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of History of Kazakhstan holds a scientific and practical student conference «Kazakhstan — my Fatherland».
In 2015, the status of the conference became republican. The conference is attended by students of all faculties of KarU, the most active of which are encouraged by certificates and diplomas. In 2012, for the first time in the history of the department, the collection «The World of Kazakhs» was published with the publications of the best student works prepared under the guidance of teachers.
The department has become a meeting place for students of the city and the region, a center for holding republican student events, conferences, debates, round tables, and discussions. The department organizes the competition of scientific projects and videos «Tarikh tagylymy» among schoolchildren and college students, the competition of scientific works «History Lessons», the Olympiad of schoolchildren of the Karaganda region on the history of Kazakhstan and other events.
The ongoing scientific, educational, socio-cultural events and actions are aimed at preserving and strengthening civil peace and interethnic tolerance in Kazakhstan.
The department provides training in the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan" at the faculties of the university. During the learning process, the department forms socially significant patriotic qualities and values among students. The teachers of the department carry out educational, research and educational work, promote the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
Doctors, candidates, masters of historical sciences, holders of the republican title "The best university teacher" work at the department.
The department cooperates with the APK of the Karaganda region, the departments of the APK of the L. N. Gumilev ENU, S. Toraighyrov PSU, Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Valikhanov, with ethnocultural associations of the Karaganda region.
There is a demonstration room at the department, in which visual demonstration materials, presentations, and a depository on the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan are exhibited.