Today our university was visited by a young talented artist Gulnur Mukazhanova. Gulnur Mukazhanova was born in the village of Aksu-Ayuly, Shetsky district, Karaganda region. She studied fine arts at Karaganda Buketov University, then moved to Almaty, where she graduated from the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. Zhurgeneva. Then Gulnur continued her studies at the art university in Berlin.

The girl is known to the public for her creative works. Ordinary and unpretentious materials in the hands of the artist become exclusive and unlike the original projects of other artists. Gulnur mainly uses white felt and brocade in her work. According to the master, white felt has a neutral color, which creates certain convenience for any artist; other colors oblige something. Her work is closely connected with Kazakh culture and modern Kazakhstan.

“At the beginning of my creative career, I studied the history of our ancestors and the country as a whole. It was important for me to get acquainted with the past in order to find my place in the present. Today my works are dedicated to the culture, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people; they also reflect modern Kazakhstan,” shared Gulnur Mukazhanova.

Over 15 years of intensive work in the arts, the artist has accumulated considerable experience, which she is ready to share with students of the Department of Fine Arts and Design at Buketov University.

“I am honored to share my knowledge. I hope that joint cooperation will yield good results and allow students to expand their creative potential,” Gulnur emphasized.