Academic Council

The Academic Council is a collegial body authorized to manage the scientific and methodological activities of the university. The competence of the Council includes the assessment of the quality implementation of educational programs, their methodical provision.

The Academic council includes an academic committee for the methodological support of the educational process, an academic committee for the design and examination of educational programs, and a commission for assessment the quality of teaching.

The heads of departments responsible for organizing the learning process, experienced teachers representing faculties, students and employers take part in the work of the academic committees of the Academic council. The Council is headed by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

Members of the Council are delegated by faculties or included in it by position.

The work of the Council takes place in the mode of meetings with a frequency of once every two months.

View the composition of the Council

The composition of the Academic Council for the 2021-2022 academic year

1. Zhussipbek T.Z. - member of the Board for academic affairs - vice-rector, chairman

2. Akybayeva G.S. - director of the Department of academic work

3. Gagolina S.V. - deputy director of the Department of academic work, c.b.s.

4. Davletbayeva N.B. - dean of the faculty of additional education, c.e.s.

5. Dyakov D.V. - deputy director of the Department of academic work,

6. Zhetimekova G. Zh. - head of the Center of distance education

7. Smailova S.A. - deputy director of the Department of academic work

8. Beissembayeva A.U. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of foreign languages, senior lecturer of the department of foreign philology

9. Zhomartova G. Zh. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance at the faculty of biology and geography, senior lecturer of the department of zoology

10. Zhumasultanova G.A. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of philosophy and psychology, c.h.s., assistant professor of the department of political science and sociology

11. Zarkenova L.S. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the pedagogical faculty, senior lecturer of the department of special and inclusive education

12. Myrzakhmetova A.Zh. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the history faculty, c.h.s., assistant professor of the department of archeology, ethnology and Patriotic history

13. Yeskendir N.N. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of economics, senior lecturer of the department of economics and international business

14. Kalguzhinova A.M. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of law, senior lecturer of the department of criminal law, procedure and criminalistics

15. Nazarova A.M. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of physical culture and sports, senior lecturer of the department of theory and methods of physical culture and sports training

16. Omasheva A.V. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of chemistry,, professor of the department of organic chemistry and polymers

17. Ramazanova Zh.S. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of philology,, head of the department of journalism

18. Kossybayeva U.A. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the faculty of mathematics and information technologies, c.p.s., professor of the department of methods of teaching mathematics and informatics

19. Utegenova A.S. - chairman of the commission for quality assurance of the physicotechnical faculty,, associate professor of the department of radiophysics and electronics

20. Abisheva G.I. - secretary of the Academic council

21. Akifiyeva O.A. - 2nd year master's student of the faculty of foreign languages

22. Zhamburbayeva S. - 1st year doctoral student of the faculty of law

23. Pazylbekova A.M. - 3rd year student of the pedagogical faculty

View the Council’s work plan for the current year

The Work Plan of the Academic Council for the 2021-2022 Academic Year


Issues under consideration








About work of the Academic council in the 2021-2022 academic year


Vice-rector for academic affairs


About the project " Regulations on the faculty commission for quality assurance "

Vice-rector for academic affairs


Others, including the results of the examination of the teaching and methodological literature of the teaching staff



About the results of monitoring the provision of educational disciplines with methodological documents and assignments for students of distance learning programs


Head of the Center for distance education


About the results of the survey "Assessment of the level of implementation of distance learning"

Deputy director of the Department for quality assurance and risk assessment


About methodological tools for assessing the quality of teaching

Director of the Department for quality assurance and risk assessment


About the topic of online courses for the MOOC KarU platform

Dean of the faculty of additional education


Others, including the results of the examination of the teaching and methodological literature of the teaching staff




About the experience of implementing double degree educational programs at the faculty of foreign languages, the faculty of economics, physicotechnical faculty




About the implementation of the joint educational program "Clinical psychology"

Head of the department of psychology


Approval of the format of the Foundation program in Kazakh, Russian, English for foreign students, training programs in UNT subjects for applicants

Dean of the faculty of additional education


About methodological tools for assessing the quality of implementation of educational programs

Deputy director of the Department for quality assurance and risk assessment


Others, including the results of the examination of the teaching and methodological literature of the teaching staff



Analysis of student performance in the first half of the 2021-2022 academic year


Deputy director of the Department for quality assurance and risk assessment


About the academic concept of innovative educational programs sent for the republican expertise in 2022

Heads of departments


About the methodology for measuring career achievements of university graduates

Head of the career department


Others, including the results of the examination of the teaching and methodological literature of the teaching staff



About the ways of introducing advanced pedagogical experience in the educational activities of faculties


Teachers-participants of foreign internships


About the preparation of educational content for the MOOC KarU platform

Dean of the faculty of additional education


About the effectiveness of the methodological interaction of the university with secondary education organizations within the framework of the educational and methodical scientific and industrial complex

EMSIC partners, executive secretary


Others, including the results of the examination of the teaching and methodological literature of the teaching staff




The results of the work of the Academic council in 2021-2022 academic year


Chairman of the Academic council


About the implementation of the decisions of the Academic council



About the quality of classes

Commission for the assessment of quality assurance of classes


Others, including the results of the examination of the teaching and methodological literature of the teaching staff