Program-targeted funding for scientific and technical programs for years 2021-2023

«Development of new sealants and adhesives based on unsaturated polyester resins for the construction and defence industries»

1. BR10965249 «Development of new sealants and adhesives based on unsaturated polyester resins for the construction and defence industries»

2. The relevance of research. Production and consumption of sealants and adhesives in the global market is constantly increasing. A recent analysis predicts global demand for sealants and adhesives to grow at an average annual rate of 5%, to 2.0 million tonnes by 2022. The main drivers of adhesive demand will be the construction, manufacturing, electronics and packaging industries - and primarily in developing countries. According to marketing analysis, the share of adhesives imported into the Kazakhstani market is very high. Currently, the Republic of Kazakhstan does not have a domestic manufacturer of sealing and adhesive materials. In its turn, intensively developing modern approaches, technologies in construction, machine building, aircraft building, also repair and domestic services dictate production of innovative domestic materials of construction chemistry.

Consequently, the development of domestic formulations of effective sealants and adhesives based on available inexpensive raw materials becomes relevant. The use of domestically produced sealants and adhesives will significantly reduce not only the cost, but also the labour intensity and improve the quality of construction and installation work.

The variety of sealants and adhesives on the world market makes it difficult to select the right sealant for the application and labelling. Acrylate and silicone based curing sealants have become the most common among them. The main disadvantages of acrylic sealants are low resistance to moisture, UV radiation, loss of resistance at high temperatures and limited use (indoor finishing). Silicone sealants are versatile but costly.

The sealant proposed for development is a solution of unsaturated polyester in unsaturated carboxylic acids and amide. This formulation eliminates unnecessary solvent impurities in the sealant composition, increases resistance to UV radiation, adhesion and adds other positive qualities to the material.

3. The purpose of the program. Development of scientific and practical bases and innovations for creating new atmosphere-resistant sealing materials and adhesives based on copolymers of unsaturated polyester resins with unsaturated carboxylic acids and amides for sealing of small arms and artillery ammunition, joints of combined products and metal structures in machine tools and construction.

4. Expected results.

- Development of new sealants and adhesives, by research of radical copolymerization of unsaturated polyester resins, based on available and cheap raw materials. Implementation of the results obtained in the production of new import-substituting products and materials.

- Developed new materials while investigating the mechanisms of unsaturated polyesters curing reactions in vinyl monomer solutions. The developed sealants and adhesives are capable of serving as an alternative to imported products.

- Creation of new import-substituting products and materials to increase the kazakhstani content in the products of the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Reduction of the cost of final products demanded in the enterprises of machine-building, defence and construction industries of the country. Reduction of import dependence and increase of labour productivity through introduction of in-demand domestic products.

- Raising the prestige of Kazakhstan's scientific potential, integration of science and production. Creation of new jobs, increase of revenues to the budget for social needs. Inflow of young specialists to science and knowledge-intensive industries.

One of the long-term priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2050 Development Strategy is "a new economic policy - comprehensive economic pragmatism based on the principles of profitability, return on investment and competitiveness". The research developed under this programme will not only solve the problem of import substitution of some structural materials, but also contribute to the emergence of a new domestic competitive product on the international market. To build a diversified and innovative economy, it is necessary to develop its own scientific, technological and innovation base (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 636 "National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025" dated 15 February 2018). The equipment acquired under the programme will contribute to the creation of modern infrastructure for scientific research at one of the Republic's leading research centres, the E.A. Buketov Karaganda University. Formation and development of relevant local scientific and methodological capacity according to the State Programme of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020 - 2025". (PP RK dated December 31, 2019 № 1050) will contribute to the technological modernisation of the mining and metallurgical complex and processing industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. Names and surnames of members of the research team with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any, and links to the corresponding profiles)

1. Tazhbayev Ye.M. – Head of Research, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Chem. Sciences

Scopus Author ID 55214005800

Researcher ID U-5835-2018


2. Burkeyeva G.K. – Senior Resercher, PhD

Scopus Author ID 55601738500

Researcher ID U-6050-2018


3. Kazhmuratova А.Т. – Senior Resercher, Candidate of Chem. Sciences

Scopus Author ID 23469864200

Researcher ID ABH-5182-2020


4. Zhaparova L.Zh. – Senior Resercher, PhD

Scopus Author ID 23471556400

Researcher ID U-6016-2018


5. Ainabaev A.А. – Researcher, Candidate of Chem. Sciences

Scopus Author ID 13606415600

Researcher ID AAF-2956-2020


6. Kovaleva A.K. – Junior Resercher, PhD

Scopus Author ID 55601320500

Researcher ID S-1516-2018


7. Muslimova D.M. – Engineer, doctoral student,PhD

Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID


8. Galieva A.R. – Engineer, doctoral student,PhD

Scopus Author ID 57230130900

Researcher ID АВЕ-9694-2021


9. Bolatbai A.N. – Engineer, doctoral student,PhD

Scopus Author ID 57283136100

Researcher ID АВЕ-9667-2021


10. Nurseyit G.D. – Engineer, master student

Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID


11. Nasihatuly Е. – Engineer, master student

Scopus Author ID 57283296800

Researcher ID АВЕ-9685-2021


6. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.