Grant funding of scientific and technological research for 2021-2023 with a period of implementation of 12 months

AP09561879 «Nanocomposite photoelectrode for a polymer solar energy photoconverter»
  1. IRN, Project name: AP09561879 «Nanocomposite photoelectrode for a polymer solar energy photoconverter»
  2. Relevance: Organic solar cells use ZnO nanostructures with different morphologies, such as nanoporous films, nanorods, nanoplates, tetrapods and various hierarchical nanostructures. However, the energy conversion efficiency obtained in a ZnO-based OS is usually significantly lower compared to TiO2 or SnO2-based cells. Most research on ZnO-based solar cells focuses on two main problems: (1) the development of simple methods for the synthesis of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures that have good conductive properties, and (2) the search for suitable photoactive materials for ZnO. To solve this problem, we propose to use a nanocomposite electrode ZnO:SnO2. This is due to the fact that the electric transport electrode with a composite structure of ZnO:SnO2 will have a number of advantages over an electrode based on a single ZnO or SnO. Firstly, SnO2 has a better hole conductivity than ZnO, which makes it possible to transfer photoinduced holes from the active layer to the electrode more quickly, thereby reducing the likelihood of recombination of charge carriers and increasing the photocurrent of the cell. Thirdly, it is known that the SnO2-based ESE electrodes do not have a sufficiently high photovoltage due to the lower position of the quasi-Fermi electron level (EF) in SnO, when as a composite of ZnO:SnO2 has a higher EF position, and hence a ZnO-based ZnO:SnO2 will have a greater value of the generated photovoltage. Thus, the use of ZnO composite films ZnO:SnO2 with a developed surface structure will increase the photovoltaic parameters of polymer solar cells.
  3. The purpose of the work.

Investigation of the influence of structural features of nanocomposite photoelectrode ZnO:SnO2 on the efficiency of charge injection in polymer solar cells.

  1. Expected and achieved results.

- Thin films of zinc oxide and tin were synthesized by the sol-gel method. The effect of the centrifuge speed on the thickness, average diameter and surface roughness of the obtained films is investigated. The optical properties of the obtained nanostructured ZnO and SnO2 films are investigated. Optimal technological conditions for the production of ZnO nanocomposite films have been developed ZnO:SnO2 with a developed surface.

- The influence of structural features of metal oxides and interfacial layers on the process of enhanced electron injection and reduced recombination of charge carriers in the nanocomposite structure has been established.

- Based on the obtained nanocomposite photoelectrode ZnO:SnO2 inverted solar cells were designed. The optimal technological parameters of the inverted solar cell, providing a high efficiency index, have been determined.

  1. The names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if available, and links to the relevant profiles.

Aimukhanov А.К. – Researcher ID – U-6141-2018, Scopus Author ID – 35321945000, ORCID ID – 0000-0002-4384-5164.

Zeinidenov А.К. –Researcher ID – Q-4520-2017, Scopus Author – 56386144000, ORCID ID – 0000-0001-9780-5072

Seisembekova Т.Е. – ORCID ID – 0000-0002-1497-0759


  1. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.

1. T. Seisembekova, A. Aimukhanov, A. Zeinidenov, B. Ilyassov Competitive charge transport processes in the inverted polymer solar cells based on ZnO thin films // Applied Physics A. – 2021. – P.1-14. (IF 2,584; WoS Q2; Процентиль Scopus 55).  Article status: submitted.

2. Zeinidenov А.К., Abisheva А.К., Ilyassov B.R., Aimukhanov А.К., Abilmazhinov S.E. Influence of structural features of ZnO films on optical and photoelectric characteristics of inverted polymer solar elements // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal. – 2021. – Vol.18, No.2 (36). – P.40-46. (Процентиль Scopus 23) DOI 10.31489/2021No2/40-46.

3. Abisheva A.K., Khazhieva T.B., Zeinidenov A.K. Influence of pre-annealing on the optical characteristics of ZnO thin films // Book of abstracts of 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967) (May 6–7). St. Petersburg, 2021. – P.55.

4. Абишева А.К., Хажиева Т.Б., Зейниденов А.К. Синтез и исследование оптических свойств оксида цинка в инвертированных полимерных солнечных элементах // Материалы Республиканской научно-практической онлайн конференции, посвященной 85-летию видного ученого, первого декана физического факультета, доктора педагогических наук, профессора, академика Академии педагогических наук Казахстана Арынгазина Канапии Мубараковича (13–15 мая). Караганда, 2021. – С. 38-40.


АР09562730 «Development modern technology for growing nontraditional planting material in closed and open ground in arid conditions of the Karaganda region»

IRN and name of the project: АР09562730 «Development modern technology for growing nontraditional planting material in closed and open ground in arid conditions of the Karaganda region»

Actuality. In the arid conditions of Kazakhstan, the problem of creating green spaces is acute, which is associated with water scarcity, high summer and low winter temperatures, and poor soil cover. Therefore, it is important not only to select a stable assortment, but to use planting material grown in local soil and climatic conditions. The previously recommended assortment is outdated, contains few ornamental plants, so in the last 5 years a new composition of species for green construction has been developed, among which unconventional crops such as Armeniaca vulgaris, Catalpa ovatа, Paulownia tomentosa are recommended. However, there are no practical recommendations for growing these crops to obtain planting material, and the issue of creating modern nurseries in the Zhezkazgan and Balkhash regions has not been resolved to date

Aim: to develop modern technology for production of non-traditional planting material of wood crops for arid conditions of Karaganda region using moisture-saving technologies; implement its implementation in the practice of green construction in the form of grown planting material and recommendations in the territory of industrial cities of the Central Kazakhstan.


As part of the project, the features of storage and germination of seed material Paulownia tomentosa, Catalpa ovata, Armeniaca vulgaris using growth, bubbling and cryopreservation regulators were studied. Indicators of resistance of plants to winter and summer conditions of arid climate are determined on the example of the Zhezkazgan industrial region, vegetation phase, resistance to diseases and pests.

Studies were carried out to optimize the conditions for growing seedlings with an open and closed root system using moisture sorbents, drip irrigation, soil mixtures and shelter materials. A feasibility study has been developed for the creation of a nursery of tree-bush crops for arid conditions in the Karaganda region. 428 seedlings were grown, a mini-nursery was laid in Karaganda with an area of ​ ​ 188 m2; underground sowing of crops was carried out.

Information on members of the research team:


Name, surname

Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID


Ishmuratova Margarita Yulayevna



Tleukenova Saltanat Ushkempirovna



Matveev Andrey Nikolayevich





Lists of publication:

1 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Matveev A.N., Tleukenova S.U., Zhumina A.G., Musina R.T. Assessment of water-holding capacity of leaves of Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. in the conditions of the Zhezkazgan region (the Central Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series biology. Medicine. Geography. – 2021. - № 3 (103). – Р. 49-56.

2 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Matveev A.N., Tleukenova S.U. Recommendations for the creation and care of green spaces in the Zhezkazgan industrial region (practical recommendations). - Karaganda: Polygraphist, 2021. – 76 p.

3 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Matveev A.N., Tleukenova S.U., Aitymov A.K. Recommendations for growing Paulownia tomentosa, Catalpa ovata and Armeniaca vulgaris in the arid conditions of the Karaganda region (Central Kazakhstan). - Karaganda: Polygraphist, 2021. – 18 p.

4 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Aytymov A.K., Tleukenova S.U., Madieva A.N., Matveev A.N. Application of growth regulators in seed germination Catalpa ovata//International scientific and practical conference "Aspects of biodiversity conservation," dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.M. Mukhitdinov. - Almaty: al-Farabi KazNU, November 26, 2021. – P. 81-83.

5 Certificate on entry of information into the state register of rights to copyrighted objects. Ishmuratova M.Yu. Computer Program - Electronic Scientific and Methodological Manual "Recommendations for creating and caring for green spaces in the conditions of the Zhezkazgan industrial region". No. 20850 from October, 13, 2021.

Approved for printing

1 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleuknova S.U., Aitimov A., Matveyev A.N., Auelbekova A.K. Seed germination of Catalpa ovatа (family Bignoniaceae), an perspective decorative plants for Karaganda region // Seed Science and Technology (Scopus: Q2, 50%).


AP09563282 «Utilization of oil bottom sediments in reservoirs using the electro-hydraulic effect»

1. IRN, Project name. AP09563282 «Utilization of oil bottom sediments in reservoirs using the electro-hydraulic effect»

2. Relevance. The problem of cleaning tanks, tanks for permanent storage of petroleum products, arose in the period after the rapid development of oil production and the massive construction of storage facilities. In Kazakhstan, where oil production and refining has been going on for a long time and the infrastructure of transport facilities and an extensive network of oil product storage facilities have been formed, the problem of cleaning up the main storage fund is quite urgent. The storage of crude oil, fuel oil and oil products of heavy fractions over time is characterized by the difficulty of removing sediment at the bottom and on the walls of tanks, since it is no secret that oil consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and some other organic compounds that are formed as a result of stratification under the influence of ambient temperatures , saturation with moisture of oil or heavy oil products, as well as chemical and biological degradation, as a result, bituminous sediments are obtained. The choice of a method for utilizing oil bottom sediments in reservoirs depends mainly on the amount of oil products contained in them, and in each specific case, a differentiated approach is required, taking into account both environmental and economic indicators. The project for the utilization of oil bottom sediments using the electrohydraulic effect solves the problem of a waste-free technology for the utilization of oil bottom sediments in the field and liquidation of oil sludge pits, as well as the ecological problem of utilization.

3. Target. Investigation of the influence of electrohydraulic discharges on bottom oil sediments for disposal from oil reservoirs and oil storages.

4. Expected and achieved results. The rheological properties of the initial and electrohydraulic-treated bottom sediments in pipes and tanks have been established, and laboratory technological regulations for the electro-hydraulic effect of the oil bottom sediment processing technology have been developed.

Equilibrium kinetic analysis was used to calculate the rate constant of the forward and reverse reaction, the activation energy and the thermodynamic parameters of the destruction reaction of the oil bottom sediment (equilibrium constant, Gibbs energy, heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy).

Using the method of probabilistic-deterministic planning of the experiment, the dominant factors affecting the yield of light and middle fractions from the hydrogenated product obtained after processing the oil bottom sediment by the method of electrohydraulic effect have been established and a mathematical model of the electrohydraulic process of processing the oil bottom sediment will be proposed.

A mechanism for the removal of heteroatoms (O, N, S) from model organic compounds (benzofuran, benzothiophene, and indole) and a mechanism for the destruction and hydroginolysis of polyaromatic compounds (anthracene and fenontrene) when exposed to electrohydraulic discharges are proposed.

5. Names and surnames of members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any, and links to the corresponding profiles.

1. Satybaldin Amangeldy  


Scopus Author ID 57219167142

 2. Tusipkhan Almas


Scopus Author ID 56711958800

3. Alpyssova Gulnur



Scopus Author ID 57204979025

6. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.

1. Satybaldin A.Zh.,Zhakipbaeyev B.Y., Tusipkhan A. ,Baykenov M.I., Khalikova Z.S., Alpyssova G.K. The influence of a high-voltage discharge on the oil bottom sediments formed at the oil storage facilities of the atasu-alashankou station // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal. – 2021. – vol. 18, №3 (37). – P. 71-75. Percentile 23.  DOI 10.31489/2021No3/71-75.

2. A. Satybaldin, A. Tusipkhan, R. Seitzhan, S. Tyanakh, G. Baykenova, D. Karabekova, M. Baykenov Determination of optimal conditions for processing oil bottom sediments using electrohydraulic effect // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. –2021. - № 5. – 30-38. Percentile 56. DOI 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.241763.


AP09562829 «Development of integrated mechanism of endowment funding of universities as a factor of strengthening social partnership of business-sector and higher education system in Kazakhstan».

1. AP09562829 «Development of integrated mechanism of endowment funding of universities as a factor of strengthening social partnership of business-sector and higher education system in Kazakhstan».

2. Urgency. In the world practice, there are effective tools that allow to build systematic relationships between business and education to dynamize the development of universities, ensuring high standards of scientific and educational process. One of them is educational fundraising based on endowment funds. The modern endowment mechanism covers a system of actors: universities as producers of new knowledge, business community as system "donors", university graduates as special benefactors, management companies as operators of endowment growth. The overall social and economic effect of the endowment fund is concentrated in the mechanism of interrelation of the model of resource attraction, causal relations of charity, actual scientific and educational projects financed by the endowment. The development of an integrated mechanism of endowment funding of universities promotes their innovative growth and knowledge scaling and is a key factor in strengthening intersectoral social partnership.

3. The goal of the project is to develop integrated mechanism of endowment-funding of universities in Kazakhstan on basis of theoretical-methodological analysis of this phenomenon and applied instrumental modeling through institutional modernization of charity, reducing transaction costs in fundraising, improving intersectoral cooperation and social partnership of business-sector and higher education system.

4. Expected and achieved results. The theoretical and methodological base for research of endowment funding of universities has been developed. The institutional and socio-economic parameters of endowment funding of universities in Kazakhstan are revealed. An integral mechanism for the further development of endowment funds in Kazakhstan has been developed within the framework of the socio-economic specification of partnership between business and the higher education system. According to the research results, 3 works were prepared, including: 1 monograph (published); 1 article in the edition included in the KOKSON list of the MES RK (published), 1 article in the journal of the Scopus database (accepted in the "Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism". Q2, CiteScore percentile - 57).

5. Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

1) Khussainova Zhibek Seitovna, candidate of economic sciences, professor (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Head of project, MR (Scopus Author ID: 55816012800; Researcher ID: ABA-4733-2020; ORCID -0000-0002-2617-838X)

2) Adilova Zhanna Gumarovna, candidate of economic sciences, associated professor (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Project executor, LR

3) Assanova Maral Kabdrakhmanovna, candidate of economic sciences (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Project executor, LR (Scopus Author ID: 57190606396; ORCID: 0000-0001-8092-5879).

6. List of publications:

1) Khussainova Zh.S., Adilova Zh.G., Assanova M.K. Development of an integral mechanism for endowment funding of universities as a factor of strengthening social partnership between the business sector and the higher education system in Kazakhstan: Monograph. - Karaganda: Arko publishing house, 2021. - 300 р. [in Russian]

2) Khussainova Zh.S., Assanova M.K., Mardanova A.T., Petrenko E.S., Abauova G.M. Endowment-funding: socio-economic nature, operational dynamics and the possibility of extrapolating it to the domestic environment // Bulletin of Karaganda University. Economy Series - 2021. - № 3(103). - Р.164-178. [in Russian]

3) Khusainova Zh., Asanova M., Mardanova A., Akybayeva G., Abauova G. Endowment funds as an effective form of partnership between the business sector and the higher education system: case of training specialists in the tourism industry // accepted in the "Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism". Scopus, Q2, CiteScore percentile - 57