Grant funding of scientific and technological research for 2020-2022 with a period of implementation of 27 months

AR08856309 "Scientific and methodological support of students' volunteer activities in the framework of inclusive education"

IRN, the name of the project.

AR08856309 "Scientific and methodological support of students' volunteer activities in the framework of inclusive education"

Relevance: The emergence of new trends and trends in society requires new approaches to the organization of a particular activity, respectively, the study of scientific and practical foundations, including the process of personnel training, i.e. training and education of students. In our country, volunteering is a new kind of manifestation of citizenship, patriotism and humanity, at the same time it is an opportunity for students to implement social projects in various directions.

All over the world, volunteering is the most attractive and effective form of involving young people in solving social problems, some experience has been accumulated, there is practice, as well as scientifically sound provisions for organizing volunteer activities of students with persons with special educational needs (SEN). Currently, despite the significant interest of scientists and the public, the actual scientific and methodological side of the volunteer movement has not been sufficiently considered. The available statistical information on the employment of volunteers is fragmentary and does not allow for a qualitative comparison of indicators for the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to reliably assess their labor potential and contribution to the development of the socio-economic sphere.

At the initiative of President K.-Zh. Tokayev, 2020 has been declared the Year of the Volunteer, in connection with which the versatile development of this problem becomes relevant.

Inclusive education is aimed at including people with SEN in an accessible social and educational environment without barriers, therefore, the development of mechanisms and the implementation of socio-pedagogical measures with the help of volunteers is required, which contributes to the development of inclusion and increases the effectiveness of volunteer activities.


Development of the concept and model of scientific and methodological support of students' volunteer activities in the framework of inclusive education.

Scientific and methodological support of volunteer activities contributes to the choice of an effective psychological and pedagogical approach for the development of students' social activity, the formation of spiritual and moral values, the activation of citizenship, students' awareness of the pedagogical potential of volunteering with persons with special educational needs (SEN).


Expected and achieved results.


The expected result.A holistic view of the essence and specifics, legislative bases and technologies of volunteer activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad will be obtained, the main problems and prospects for the development of volunteerism within the framework of the inclusion of persons with SEN in the educational and social environment will be studied.

The results obtained:

- a review and analysis of the world practice of the volunteer movement as a whole was carried out; including the study of the Russian experience of organizing and scientific and methodological aspects of the volunteer movement of students with persons with SEN;

- the history of the emergence, the current state and prospects of the organization of the volunteer movement of students in the framework of inclusive education, including the regulatory and legal support regulating this direction in the Republic of Kazakhstan, have been studied.


The expected result.  The socio-pedagogical nature of the problems of persons with SENwithin the framework of inclusive education will be revealed, the individual and personal predisposition and typologies of students necessary for volunteer activity will be determined.

The result obtained:

- the experience of organizing volunteer activities of students of the Belarusian Republic was studied, including the practice of preparing students of pedagogical specialties of BSPU named after M.Tank for volunteering as an integral part of professional training;

- the socio-pedagogical conditions of scientific and methodological support of volunteer activities of students with persons with disabilities in the framework of inclusive education are revealed:

1) expansion of opportunities for self-realization of students in volunteer activities within the framework of inclusive education; support for initiatives of socially significant projects;

2) formation of students' tolerant attitude to volunteer activities with persons with special educational needs;

3) stimulating students' independence in developing a volunteering strategy based on social design technologies within the framework of inclusive education;

4) practice-oriented content of the organization of the volunteer movement of students with students with special educational needs;

5) development of special courses that form the necessary competencies for the organization and implementation of volunteer work with different categories of persons;

6) scientific and methodological substantiation of the problem of preparing future teachers for volunteering as one of the aspects of professional readiness.

- the socio-pedagogical foundations of the problems of persons with disabilities in the framework of inclusive education are studied from two aspects: from a pedagogical point of view, these are problems arising in the education system and from a social point of view, barriers created by a society of healthy people who indicate inferiority by their neglect or manifestation of pity, excessive guardianship, which has a negative impact;

- the levels of individual and personal predisposition of students to volunteering were determined using a questionnaire to identify motivational, personal, emotional-volitional and communicative components of readiness for volunteer work;

- a round table was held in an online format on the topic "Activation of the civic position of youth in volunteering" in order to spread the best practices of student volunteer activity with the participation of foreign and domestic speakers;

- participated with speeches in the round table and scientific-practical conference, also conducted training sessions and seminars with students of pedagogical specialties.

Thenamesandsurnamesofthemembersoftheresearchgroupwiththeiridentifiers (ScopusAuthor ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, ifavailable, andlinkstotherelevantprofiles.

1. Head - AbildinaSaltanatKuatovna, DoctorofPedagogicalSciences, ResearchProfessor, HeadoftheDepartmentofPedagogyandMethodsofPrimaryEducation.

Scopus Author ID -56128026400


ORCID -0000-0002-8324-8444

2.Performer -DyussembinovaRaifa Kydyrovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education.

Scopus Author ID - 56818982300

ORCID - 0000-0001-9625-7940

3. Performer - Rymkhanova Ainagul Rymbekovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), ass. professor of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education.

Researcher ID:


Author ID Scopus: 57193953755

A list of publications (with links to them) and patents.


Abildina S. K., Dyussembinova R. K., Rymkhanova A. R. Prospects for the formation and development of the volunteer movement in Kazakhstan/ Bulletin of the Eurasian humanitarian Institute. -Nur-Sultan, 2020. - No. 4. – P.179-186. Kazakh)


1. Rymkhanova A.R., Kasymbekova M.D. Socio-pedagogical foundations of the problems of persons with special needs in the conditions of inclusion./

International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2021. - No. 4. pp. 25-29. Impact factor of the RSCI (two-year) - 0,839. (in Russian)

2. Dyussembinova R.K., Rymkhanova A.R., Abildina S.K., Panova G.A. Socio-pedagogical conditions of the organization of the volunteer movement of students in the framework of inclusive education./ The world of pedagogy and psychology. - 2021. - №10 (63). RSCI Russian)

3. Rymkhanova A.R., Abildina S.K., Dyussembinova R.K., Ryskulova A.A. Volunteer activity of student youth as a means of forming personal and professional qualities of future specialists / Bulletin of Karaganda University. Pedagogy series. - Karaganda, 2021. – № 2(102). Pp.105-111.

DOI 10.31489/2021Ped2/105-111(in Russian)

4. Abildina S. K., Dyussembinova R. K., Rymkhanova A. R., Riza S. pedagogical conditions for training students of higher educational institutions for volunteer activities / Bulletin of Karaganda University. Pedagogy Series. - Karaganda, 2021. – № 3(103). P. 7-13. DOI 10.31489/2021Ped3/7-13(in Russian)


AP08856176 «Development of a solar energy phototransverter based on organic semiconductor nanocomposites».
  1. IRN, Project name: AP08856176 «Development of a solar energy phototransverter based on organic semiconductor nanocomposites».
  2. Relevance: The development of polymer nanocomposite solar cells is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of converting solar energy into electrical energy. In such films, doping of the polymer matrix with nanoscale organic materials makes it possible to create a hybrid layer in which the conductivity of the polymer material will be combined with high optical and electrical properties of organic nanostructures. It should be noted that the advantage of these composite materials is a simplified process of manufacturing a solar cell.
  3. The purpose of the work

2020 –Investigation of the effect of modification of the structure of the PEDOT:PSS polymer on optical, electrophysical and structural properties.

2021 – Investigation of the effect of modification of the PEDOT:PSS polymer structure on the photovoltaic parameters of the cell and the effect of the system dimension on the generation and transport of charge carriers of phthalocyanine nanostructures.

  1. Expected and achieved results.


- it was found that modification of the polymer film with ethyl and isopropyl alcohols leads to a change in the morphology and roughness of the film surface.

- it is shown that when modifying the PEDOT:PSS film in alcohol vapors, a shift of the maximum absorption of PEDOT to the short-wavelength region of the spectrum is observed in the absorption spectrum.

-  x-ray phase analysis showed that after surface modification in ethyl and isopropyl alcohol, PEDOT and PSS chains pass from a benzoid structure to a quinoid structure. In the optical absorption spectrum of the modified PEDOT:PSS, a decrease in the absorption of the aromatic fragment of PSS is observed.

-  the impedance spectra of PEDOT:PSS films have been studied. It is shown that the structural features of the morphology of the PEDOT:PSS surface influence the electrophysical parameters of the films. It is established that modification of the surface of the PEDOT:PSS film leads to an improvement in the electric transport properties of the films.


-  the observed changes in the absorption spectra are associated with a decrease in the absorption spectrum of the aromatic fragment PSS;

- improving the quality edge of the PEDOT:PSS/electrode provides faster injection and transport of holes, reduces the probability of recombination of holes with ITIC and the efficiency of hole accumulation on the external electrode;

-  it was found that the nanofilents of metal-free phthalocyanine are in the χ-phase, copper and cobalt in the β-phase, zinc in the α-phase. Metalless phthalocyanine and zinc phthalocyanine nanorods are in the β-phase, copper and cobalt in the α-phase. Nanoparticles of all studied metallophthalocyanines are in the β-phase.

- the observed band widenings and the shift of maxima in the Q and B ranges in the absorption spectra of phthalocyanine nanostructures are associated with a phase transition;

- the observed changes in the electrophysical characteristics are associated with dimensional constraints arising during the self-organization of phthalocyanine molecules into nanostructures. As a result, the conductivity in nanofilms increases, the time spent by charge carriers in traps is reduced.

  1. The names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if available, and links to the relevant profiles.

Aimukhanov А.К. – Researcher ID – U-6141-2018, Scopus Author ID – 35321945000, ORCID ID – 0000-0002-4384-5164.

Zeinidenov А.К. –Researcher ID – Q-4520-2017, Scopus Author – 56386144000, ORCID ID – 0000-0001-9780-5072

Omarbekova G.I. – ORCID ID – 0000-0002-0755-6832

Rozhkova X.S. – Researcher ID U-6167-2018, ORCID ID – 0000-0003-3048-6171

Mukametkali Т.M. – ORCID ID – 0000-0003-2685-2976

Kambar D. – ORCID ID – 0000-0003-4742-2000

Seisembekova Т.Е. – ORCID ID – 0000-0002-1497-0759


  1. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.


1. A. Aimukhanov, A. Zeinidenov, A. Zavgorodniy Influence of the size effect on the generation and transport of charge carriers of phthalocyanines // Optical Materials. – 2021. – Vol. 116. – P.111099. (IF 3.08; WoS Q2; Процентиль Scopus 74)

2. A.K. Zeinidenov, A.K. Aimukhanov, D.S. Kambar, B.R. Ilyassov, A.V. Zavgorodniy Effects of phthalocyanine nanostructure on photovoltaic performance of its polymer composite thin films // Materials Chemistry and Physics. – 2021. – Vol. 267. – P.124680. (IF 4.094; WoS Q1; Процентиль Scopus 77)

3. А.К. Aimukhanov, X.S. Rozhkova, А.К. Zeinidenov, Т.E. Seisembekova Influence of surface structure and morphology of PEDOT:PSS on its optical and electrophysical characteristics // Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Physics series. – 2021. – № 3(103). – P.93-100. DOI 10.31489/2021Ph3/93-100.

4. Аймуханов А.К., Рожкова К.С., Сейсембекова Т.Е. Влияние спиртового растворителя на морфологию плѐнок PEDOT:PSS при отжиге в вакууме // Сборник научных трудов X Международная конференция по Фотонике и информационной оптике (27-29 января). Москва, 2021. – С. 219-220.

5. Аймуханов А.К., Омарбекова Г.И., Камбар Д.С. Исследование фазовых состояний нанолент CоPc и H2Pc // Сборник научных трудов X Международная конференция по Фотонике и информационной оптике (27-29 января). Москва, 2021. – С. 223-224.

6. Аймуханов А.К., Рожкова К.С., Камбар Д.С. Влияние паров спиртов на морфологию пленок PEDOT:PSS при отжиге в инертной атмосфере // Материалы VII Международной конференции «Лазерные, плазменные исследования и технологии» ЛАПЛАЗ-2021 (23-26 марта). – Москва, 2021. – С. 161-162.

7. Зейниденов А.К., Омарбекова Г.И., Сейсембекова Т.Е. Изменение структуры пленок PEDOT:PSS при модификации полимера в парах спиртового растворителя // Материалы VII Международной конференции «Лазерные, плазменные исследования и технологии» ЛАПЛАЗ-2021 (23-26 марта). – Москва, 2021. – С. 209-210.

8. Аймуханов А.К., Рожкова К.С., Абдигалиева А.М. Влияние модификации полимера PEDOT:PSS на его оптические характеристики // Материалы Республиканской научно-практической онлайн конференции, посвященной 85-летию видного ученого, первого декана физического факультета, доктора педагогических наук, профессора, академика Академии педагогических наук Казахстана Арынгазина Канапии Мубараковича (13–15 мая). Караганда, 2021. – С. 45-48.

9. Aimukhanov A.K, Rozhkova X.S, Omarbekova G.I. Effect of alcoholic solvent on electrophysical characteristics of PEDOT:PSS thin films // Book of abstracts of 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967) (May 6–7). St. Petersburg, 2021. – P.59.


АР08856939- ОТ- 20. Project name. Resource support of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the conditions of distance education
  1. IRN:АР08856939- ОТ- 20. Project name. Resource support of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the conditions of distance education
  2. Relevance. With the obvious relevance of the use of CLIL technology in the study of non-linguistic disciplines in English at the university, its scientific and methodological support still needs to be strengthened and improved. This situation is complicated by the fact that an increasing part of the educational process of universities (due to the abolition of the part time education, the proportion of full-time distance learning students is increasing from year to year) is switching to distance technologies. In this regard, there is an urgent need for pedagogical science and higher education practice to enrich the teaching tools of non-linguistic disciplines in English in the conditions of distance education. In foreign science, there are theoretical developments in the field of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL methodology), but these developments do not fully disclose the scientific and methodological aspects of using this methodology. Content and Language Integrated Learningis a developing field of theoretical and practical research, and there is no single established concept of how a university and a school should implement such training. The introduction of the CLIL methodology in Kazakhstani universities is fragmentary, inconsequent, teachers have the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of CLIL only through self–education, and only since 2017 - at advanced training courses.
  3. The purpose of the project:theoretical substantiation and practical development of resource support for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the context of distance education.

Expected and achieved results:


- the features of the use of CLIL technology in the conditions of distance education are revealed;

- the methodology and tools of an online survey of teachers of schools and universities for the use of CLIL technology in distance education have been developed;

- an online survey was conducted among teachers of schools and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the application of CLIL technology in the conditions of distance education;

- the questionnaire "Application of CLIL technology in distance education" has been developed, which has been transferred into a Google form for conducting an online survey;

- the experience of other countries on the use of CLIL technology in distance education has been studied from available sources;


- theoretical and empirical materials for determining the content of a virtual learning environment on the use of CLIL technology in distance education are summarized;

 - to create a resource base for CLIL learning in distance education, the following have been developed: digital terminological dictionaries, frequency dictionaries, collections of tasks on subjects studied in English, training seminar programs, course modules for future subject teachers, methodological recommendations for university teaching staff on the use of CLIL technology in distance education;

 - an online resource site has been developed for the use of CLILtechnology

  1. Members of the research group
  1. Zhetpisbayeva B.A.– project manager, ScopusAuthorID – , ORCID-
  2. DiakovD.V.-leading research scientist, ScopusAuthorID- 57215856503, ORCID
  3. ShunkeyevaS.A.-leading research scientist, Scopus AuthorID -56028419800,  ORCID 9733-0943
  4. KhamitovaG.A.-chief research scientist, ScopusAuthorID- 57188727084
  5. Zhankina B. Zh. –junior research scientist, ScopusAuthorID- 57208861237, ORCID
  6. Kitibayeva A.K. - senior research scientist, ScopusAuthorID – 709910х0, ORCID-

6.List of publications

1)«Aspects of studying CLIL technology in the context of distance learning»/Bulletin of the university of Karaganda. Pedagogy. - № 4(100). – 2020.  P.130-135 (authors: Zhetpisbayeva B.A., Diakov D.V., Shunkeyeva S.A.);

2)«From the experience of using CLIL technology in distance education»/ Bulletin of theToraygyrov University. Pedagogy.- №1.–2021.– P.32-42 (authors: Zhetpisbayeva B.A., Khamitova G.A., Aliyasova A.V.);

3)«Features of the application of CLIL technology in the conditions of distance learning in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan»/ Bulletin of the university of Karaganda. Pedagogy.-№ 2 (102).- 2021.- P.188-194 (authors: Zhetpisbayeva B.A., Diakov D.V., Shunkeyeva S.A.,Khamitova G.A.);

­4)«CLIL Integration Issuesand Distance Learning Technologies»/ Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021-14(9):1322-1330 (authors: Zhetpisbayeva B.A., Diakov D.V., Shunkeyeva S.A., Tusupova A., Syzdykov M. Zh.);

5)«Methodological recommendations for university teaching staff on the use of CLIL technology in distance education»/ Karaganda: Publishing house of KarU, 2021. – 64 p. (authors: Zhetpisbayeva B.A., Diakov D.V., Khamitova G.A., Muratbekova A.A.)

AP08856161 «Plasmon-enhanced photophysical processes in condensed molecular media»

AP08856161 «Plasmon-enhanced photophysical processes in condensed molecular media»

Scientific novelty: Localized plasmon resonance (LPR) of metal nanoparticles (NPs) arises due to coherent collective electronic vibrations at the interface between two media under optical excitation. Owing to a very strong local electric field, plasmons can significantly affect the properties of electronically excited states of organic molecules placed near the surface of nanoparticles. This stimulates the interest of specialists in plasmon-induced photoprocesses and the practical use of this phenomenon. Depending on the distance between NPs and organic molecules, the rates of radiative and nonradiative intramolecular electronic transitions either can be increased or decreased. These effects can be used in optical nanotechnology to create media with desired properties, as well as highly sensitive luminescent sensors, optoelectronic devices, nanolasers, etc. The addition of metal NPs to the active medium of dye lasers leads to a decrease in the lasing threshold. However, despite the practical importance of these effects, no systematic studies of the effect of metallic NPs on the spectral-luminescent properties and stimulated emission of dyes depending on their chemical structure have been conducted to date. The intermolecular processes of electron energy transfer, which can be used for sensitization of oxide semiconductors in photovoltaic devices, have been little studied also. The photophysical processes proceeding through the triplet-excited electronic states of organic compounds in the near field of metal NPs remain practically unexplored.

Novelty: the principal novelty and distinction of this project is a detailed and comprehensive study of the plasmon effect of metal NPs on the rates and efficiency of both intra- and intermolecular photoprocesses in hybrid organometallic systems. In order to establish the general mechanisms of the influence of the plasmon effect of NPs on the transformation of light energy in condensed matter, a gradually study of the processes of generation and deactivation of electronically excited states of organic molecules under the conditions of LPR will be performed. For the first time, photoreactions involving triplet states of organic compounds in the near field of metal nanostructures will be considered comprehensively.

Scientific significance: the mechanisms of the action of plasmons on the generation and deactivation of excited electronic states of molecules with the same and different spin multiplicity will be established. The ways to optimize the transformation of light energy by organic luminiphores under the conditions of electric dipole interaction of electronically excited molecules with plasmon NPs will be determined

Practical significance: the results of fundamental research will provide an opportunity to start developing of promising methods for plasmon modulation of characteristics and signals in devices for molecular photonics, photovoltaics, photocatalysis and detectors.

The aim of the Project – is to study the effect of plasmons of metal NPs on intra– and inter-molecular electronic processes in condensed molecular systems. The mechanisms of the action of plasmons on the generation and deactivation of excited electronic states of molecules with the same and different spin multiplicity will be established. The ways to optimize the transformation of light energy by organic luminiphores under the conditions of electric dipole interaction of electronically excited molecules with plasmon NPs will be determined.

Expected and achieved results:

– symmetric indopolycarbocyanine dyes with a regularly changing chemical structure were synthesized;

– a quantum-chemical calculation of indopolycarbocyanine dyes K1 – K3 was performed. It was shown that a hypsochromic shift of the absorption maxima relative to the calculated values in vacuum is observed when the solvent is taken into account, as well as an increase in the number of molecular orbitals involved in the redistribution of the electron density;

– the spectral-luminescent properties of cationic symmetric indopolycarbocyanines in the presence of Ag NPs was studied. With the addition of Ag NPs to their solutions, an increase in the fluorescent ability of dyes was observed at constant absorption intensity. In this case, the coefficient of increase in the fluorescence intensity I/I0 of dyes in solutions with plasmon NPs increases in the vinylogical series of dyes K1–K3. The experimental data are considered on the basis of a mathematical model;

– the features of the effect of localized plasmon resonance on the fluorescence of polymethine dyes (PDs) with different molecular structures have been studied. It was shown that the energy transfer from the dye to Ag NPs is a competing process with respect to the plasmon effect, which correlates with the plasmon enhancement of fluorescence. It was found that the plasmon resonance of Ag NPs has a greater effect on the fluorescence of the anionic dye;

– the concentration dependence of the spectral-luminescent properties of merocyanine dyes M1 and M2 and polymethine K1 was studied in ethanol solutions. Stimulated emission of dyes M2, M3, K1 in ethanol was obtained. The dye M3 has the smallest threshold for stimulated emission;

– the influence of silver NPs on the spectral-luminescent and lasing properties of ethanol solutions of the vinyl series of neutral merocyanine dyes was investigated. The addition of silver NPs to ethanol solutions of merocyanines leads to a decrease in the lasing threshold of dyes;

– using the organic luminophore Eosin as an example, it was found that in the near field of Ag nanoparticles, accelerated deactivation of excited singlet and triplet states of molecules occurs both through the radiation and nonradiative channels. The optimal distance, at which the maximum amplification of all types of luminescence is achieved, approximately coincides with the Förster radius of the nonradiative inductive-resonant process.


Names and surnames of research team members:


Name and surname, position

Degree/academic rank


Web of Science (ResearcherID)

Scopus AuthorID


Ibrayev N. ChRF, Supervisor

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor





Ischenko A., ChRF

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor





Seliverstova E., SRF






Afanasyev D., SRF

PhD, Associated Professor





Derevyanko N.





Temirbayeva D., JRF






Kanapina A., JRF







articles, included in Clarivate Analytics and Scopus databases:

1.           Seliverstova E., Ibrayev N., Omarova G., Ishchenko A., Kucherenko M. Competitive influence of the plasmon effect and energy transfer between chromophores and Ag nanoparticles on the fluorescent properties of indopolycarbocyanine dyes // Journal of Luminescence. – 2021. – Vol. 235. – Р. 118000. (IF 3,599; WoS Q1; Percentile Scopus 83)

2.           Ibrayev N., Afanasyev D., Ishchenko A., Kanapina A. Influence of silver nanoparticles on the spectral-luminescent and lasing properties of merocyanine dyes solutions // Laser Physics Letters. – 2021. – Vol. 18. – P. 085001.  (IF 2,016; WoS Q3, Percentile Scopus 75.

3.           Ibrayev N.Kh., Afanasyev D.A., Omarova G.S. Features of stimulated emission of a merocyanine dye in the pores of anodized aluminum // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal. – 2021. – Vol. 18(2). – P. 29–34. doi:10.31489/2021No2/29-34 (Percentile Scopus 23).

international conference abstracts and proceedings:

  1. Ibrayev N., Seliverstova E. Sensitization of S1-S4 transition in the Rhodamine 6G molecule by the Ag nanoparticles // 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967). – St. Petersburg, 2021. – P. 23.
  2. Afanasyev D.A., Ibrayev N.Kh., Ishchenko A.A., Kim M.S., Kuanyshbekov M.Y. Effect of plasmonic nanoparticles on the optical and lasing properties of merocyanine dyes with different polymethine chain lengths // 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967). – St. Petersburg, 2021. – P. 60.
  3. Temirbayeva D.A.,  Ibrayev N.Kh. Influence of the plasmon effect of silver nanoparticles on the photonics of  Langmuir–Blodgett film of Eosin // 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967). – St. Petersburg, 2021. – P. 62.

republican conference abstracts and proceedings:

  1. Омарова Г.С., Селиверстова Е.В., Ибраев Н.Х., Ищенко А.А. Влияние плазмонных наночастиц серебра и золота на спектрально-люминесцентные свойства полиметинового красителя // Актуальные проблемы современной физики и смысловой педагогики: Сборник научно-практической онлайн конференции, посвященной 85-летию академика Арынгазина К.М. – Караганда, 2021. – С. 79-82.
  2. Куанышбеков М.Е., Ибраев Н.Х., Афанасьев Д.А. Спектрально-люминесцентные и генерационные свойства раствора индополикарбоцианинового красителя в присутствии наночастиц серебра // Актуальные проблемы современной физики и смысловой педагогики: Сборник научно-практической онлайн конференции, посвященной 85-летию академика Арынгазина К.М. – Караганда, 2021. – С. 65–67.
  3. Ким М.С., Ибраев Н.Х. Исследования влияния плазмонных наночастиц на Ферстеровский перенос энергии в растворах // Актуальные проблемы современной физики и смысловой педагогики: Сборник научно-практической онлайн конференции, посвященной 85-летию академика Арынгазина К.М.  – Караганда, 2021. – C. 60–63.