In accordance with the order of the rector of the E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University of 03.09.2013 on the basis of the laboratory "State and legal research" at the Law Faculty Scientific-research institute of legal research and state studies was opened.

Director: Candidate of Juridical Sciences, PhD, associate professor of constitutional and international law department Balgimbekova Gulnara Ukibayevna, ResearcherID: ABA-5126-2020, h-index Scopus – 3, AuthorID: 57194527166, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4405-1339.

Contacts: 8(7212)35-64-14,,

The main scientific direction is research of fundamental scientific-theoretical, scientific-educational and applied researches in the sphere of legal sciences and jurisprudence and in the sphere of national-legal system of the state

Objective: to contribute to the legal science development in modern conditions within the framework of education innovative development.

- priority development of fundamental and applied research as a basis for the creation of new knowledge, mastering of new technologies, formation and development of scientific schools in the most important directions of legal science development;
- assistance in preparing qualified specialists;
- research and development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and development of higher education in the legal sphere;
- provision of conditions for strengthening the influence of science on the solution of educational and upbringing tasks, preservation and strengthening of the basic, defining nature of legal science;
- effective use of the scientific potential of higher education for solving the priority tasks of updating the taught legal disciplines and making proposals for the necessary transformations.

- participation in the development of scientific, legal, anti-corruption and linguistic expertise of draft laws, draft by-laws submitted by the relevant state bodies;
- issuing opinions on individual draft laws at the request of state bodies;
- organization and conduct of scientific and scientific-practical internships at the Research Institute of "Legal research and state studies" for specialists in the field of jurisprudence with the assignment of leading researchers and the issuance of internships documents;
- carrying out scientific researches by order of state establishments and organizations, including attraction of grants for their carrying out;
- participation in international, republican competitions and other programs of scientific researches;
- development of direct creative relations with scientific organizations and other legal entities, including foreign ones;
- carrying out of joint scientific researches with domestic and foreign universities and scientific centers;
- preparation and recommendations for publication of scientific works and periodicals;
- publication of educational, educational and methodical literature, electronic textbooks, teaching aids, courses of lectures on electronic media;
- promotion of uniting the activity of state bodies and civil society institutes for the purpose of legal education and science development and legislation improvement and practice of its application.

Academic affiliations:
University of Wroclaw (Poland)
Higher School of Management, Legnica (Poland)
University of International and Public Relations Prague (Czech Republic)
University of Finance and Administration (Czech Republic)
Kyrgyz State Law Academy under the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (Kyrgyzstan)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Russia)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)
Tyumen State University (Russia)
Chelyabinsk State University (Russia)
Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

Institute staff:


Full name, position

Academic degree, rank


Web of Science (ResearcherID)

Scopus AuthorID

Research Gate

Google Scholar



Balgimbekova G.U., director

PhD, Associate Professor





Gulnara Balgimbekova



Musilimova K.S., Senior Research Officer

Candidate of Law, Professor








Bilyalova M.I., Research Officer

PhD, Associate Professor








Abikenova G.B., Research Officer

Master of Laws








Nurbekova G.T., Research Officer

Master of Laws








Ybyrai A.K., Research Officer

Master of Laws








Isabekova V.S., Research Officer

Master of Laws








Aliyeva I.Zh., Junior Research Officer

Master of Laws







1. Fundamental grant theme No. 104- Ю "Constitutional and legal protection and ensuring the rights of the child in the formation and development of the juvenile system in Kazakhstan and in the modern world" (2015-2017)

2. Topic of Program-targeted funding, program code Ф.0780, "Constitutional and legal problems of compliance with international electoral standards in national law" (2018-2019).