In accordance with the Order of the Rector No. 310 dated 19.03.2013, a Scientific Research laboratory on the problems of Language Education was established on the basis of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The purpose is to conduct research activities in the field of foreign language education and linguistics and to introduce the findings into educational practice

Head of the laboratory: Cand. Sc. Philology, Associate Professor Arataeva A.T., ORCIDID0009-0004-7619-2720

Contacts: 8(701)4757657;e-mail:

Areas of activity:

  • scientific and educational activities: coordination of students' research activity, applied research practice  within the framework of doctoral, master's, diploma theses and startup projects.
  • publication activities: publication of monographs, dictionaries, educational and methodological literature, scientific articles indexed in Scopus and Web of Science database in foreign editions, in the materials of international conferences)
  • implementation activities: approbation of research findings on the basis of departments and educational institutions branches, integration of research and educational process at all levels of training (school-college-university)
  • innovative activities: implementation of initiative and scientific projects within the framework of the Ministry of Science and Higher  Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan grant financing
  • organizational activities: conducting scientific and practical conferences and seminars on the problems of foreign language education and linguistics
  • advisory activities: scientific advisory support to students, teachers and researchers on the methodology of scientific research, monitoring the quality of research and reviewing research papers

In accordance with the areas of activity, the following activity types are realized on the basis of the laboratory, necessary for the enhancement of the faculty scientific activity:

- conducting and testing the research findings within the framework of doctoral, master's and diploma works. Conducting research that contributes to the maximum involvement of students in scientific activities, the formation of a scientifically-oriented approach to the analysis of the studied phenomena;

- preparation and publication of scientific articles indexed in the Scopus, Web of Science database (articles are discussed and reviewed on the basis of the laboratory);

- expertise and recommendation for publication of scientific and methodological literature in foreign languages accomplished by university teachers;

- research practice within the framework of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan grant financing, the intramural financing of research works. Dissemination and popularization of the scientific research findings conducted by the faculty staff. Using the scientific research findings in the educational process.

- enhancement of international scientific cooperation, formation of international research teams for joint research, scientific events.

Research priority areas:

- theory and methodology of multilingual (trilingual) education

- early foreign language learning

- linguo-didactic fundamentals of professional education

- linguistic and cultural studies of linguistic units in different structural languages

- comparative pedagogy and ethnopedagogy

Scientific ties:

- Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia

- I. I. Yakovleva Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Russia

- Ataturk University, Turkey

- Shihezi University, China

- Suleiman Demirel University

- "Goethe-Institute branch in Kazakhstan", Almaty

- French Alliance

Implementation of scientific projects:

2018-2020: Patterns of development and functioning of the category of aspect in the Kazakh language and its comparative analysis with the category of aspect of the English language (Research advisor: candidate of philological sciences, professor Kakzhanova F.)

2021-2023: Resource support for integrated subject and language learning (CLIL) in distance education (supervisor: PhD, Professor Zhetpisbayeva B.A.)

2021-2023: Linguocognitive and discursive foundations of national identity in the context of foreign language education (supervisor: PhD, Professor Issina G.I.)

2021-2023: Facilitators in further training for teachers in blended learning: efficiency assessment, methodology, vectors of competence development (supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor Shelestova T.Yu.)

2022-2024: Implementation of Smart technologies in the design of a teacher’s personal digital educational environment in the conditions of distance learning at a university (Research advisor: PhD, associated professor Sarzhanova G.)

2023-2025: Scientific and methodological foundations for the implementation of professional foreign language training in the context of convergence of formal and informal higher education (supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor G.K. Tleuzhanova)

2023-2025: Connectivist model of foreign–language educational SMART environment in the context of Kazakhstan: justification of necessity, analysis of availability and development strategy (supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor Shelestova T.Yu.)

2023-2025:  Pedagogical strategies and mechanisms of bilingual education in the context of axiologization of the language educational environment (supervisor: Zhuman A.K.)

Services offered:

  • designing a new content of language training of teaching staff in universities and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • development of educational and methodological base for continuous language training of scientific and pedagogical staff
  • implementation of advanced training courses for teachers of foreign languages in schools, colleges and universities

Participation of teaching staff in the intramural grant competition for research work

Holding scientific and methodological seminars within the framework of advanced training for teaching staff

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