head of department
Associate Professor
Телефон: +7 7212 51 66 05
E-mail: Arheology@buketov.edu.kz
Gogol str., 38, building №4
The Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History trains specialists in the field of history, archeology, ethnology and Islamic studies with knowledge of the Arabic language, offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs.
The training program includes a complex of historical, socio-economic, political, pedagogical, linguistic and other disciplines. Students will receive special knowledge that will allow them to be competitive teachers of history in the middle and secondary specialized level, analysts and experts, employees of archival and museum services, inspections and other state and non-state institutions with fundamental and applied knowledge, research skills for the implementation of pedagogical and professional and practical activities.
The scientific interests of the department are related to the study of topical issues of Patriotic history, historiography, source study, history of personalism, history of everyday life, archeology of Central Kazakhstan, modern history of Kazakhstan.
The department carries out close cooperation with the Education Department of the Karaganda region, the Saryarka Archaeological Institute, the State Archives of the Karaganda region, the Regional Museum of History and Local Lore, the State Inspection for the Protection of Monuments of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Karaganda Region.
Dates and facts
By order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Kazakh SSR dated October 1, 1966, the Department of History of the Karaganda State Pedagogical Institute was divided into two departments: the Department of General History and the Department of History of the USSR and Kazakhstan.
Since 1972, the department of history of the USSR and the department of history of Kazakhstan functioned at the faculty. Since 1992, the Department of Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Teaching History was separated from the Department of History of the USSR. This department existed until 1997. An independent department of archeology, ethnology and history of the ancient world emerged from the department of history of Kazakhstan.
In 1998, the Department of Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Teaching History was merged with the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and History of the Ancient World and became known as the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and History of Kazakhstan. Since 2005, the department was renamed the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History.
The heads of the department were doctor of historical sciences, Professor Artykbayev Zh.O. (1998 - 2000); Candidate of historical sciences , Associate Professor Alpysbes M.A. (2000 – 2001); Candidate of historical sciences , Associate Professor Beisenbekova N.A. (2001 – 2006); doctor of historical sciences, Professor Saktaganova Z.G. (2006 – 2007); Candidate of historical sciences , Associate Professor Uskembayev K.S. (2007 – 2019); Candidate of historical sciences , Associate Professor Abdrakhmanova K.K. (2019 – 2021); doctor PhD , assistant Professor Bodeyev K.T. (2021 to present).
The department employs leading Professors, Associate Professors/Associate Professors and teachers in the fields of “History”, “Historiography and Source Studies”. Among the teachers of the department are Professor researcher, doctor of historical sciences Saktaganova Z.G. – Academician of the Academy of History and Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; scholarship holder of the International Bolashak Program , winner of a Soros Foundation grant in the competition of study programs in basic university disciplines (“History of Kazakhstan”) in the field of social and human sciences; 5 holders of the title “Best University Teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan”: Saktaganova Z.G. (2006, 2011), Shotbakova L.K. (2008), Uskembayev K.S. (2012), Zuyeva L.I. (2015), Amrina M.S. (2017); scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Professor Saktaganova Z.G. (2009, 2013, 2019), winner of the scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for talented young scientists - senior teacher Amirov Ye.Sh. (2017), winner of the literary prize "Altyn Kalam" - Professor researcher Saktaganova Z.G. (2019), winner of the award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Best Researcher of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - Professor Researcher Saktaganova Z.G. (2022) , winner of the Prize for the Humanities named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanova - Professor Zhumashev R.M. (2020), laureate in the category “Young Teacher of the Year” in the competition of the akim of the city of Karaganda “ Nurkadam ” - senior teacher Muratova M.B. (2020) , holder of the badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - Candidate of historical sciences, assistant to Professor Myrzakhmetova A.Zh. (2021); holder of the badge “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ” - Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor Varfolomeyev V.V. (2020). Laureates of the award of K.Zh. Zhuasov – Professor researcher Saktaganova Z.G., Professors Zhauymbayev S.U., Shotbakova L.K., Associate Professor Varfolomeyev V.V., assistant Professor Beisenbekova N.A.
Availability of the Hirsch index by scientists of the department: Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor V.V. Varfolomeyev (Scopus - 8, Web of Science - 6); Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Researcher Z.G. Saktaganova (Scopus - 5); Doctor of History, Professor R.M. Zhumashev (Scopus - 2, Web of Science - 1); Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor L.K. Shotbakova (Scopus - 1); Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor K.K. Abdrakhmanova (Scopus - 1); Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Karsybayeva Zh. A. (Scopus - 1), Doctor PhD, Assistant of Professor Abdukarimova Zh.K. (Scopus - 1).
Professor Zhumashev R.M. is the chairman of the Dissertation Council 6D020300/8D02202-History for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) in the educational program “History”, a member of the Association of the Siberian Open University at TSU, an expert of the NAOKO agency; Professor researcher Saktaganova Z.G. is an expert of the NAOKO agency, an expert of the Accreditation Council of the IAAR agency, a member of the National Scientific Council (2018, 2019), deputy chairman of the Dissertation Council 6D020300/8D02202-History for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) in the educational program “History”, member editorial boards of scientific journals “Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series History. Philosophy”, as well as of the magazine “EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders " (Prague, Czech Republic), " Asian Journal of Social and Human Sciences " (Slovakia); “Historical and socio-educational thought” (RF) (2016-2023); Professor Shotbakova L.K. and Associate Professor V.V. Varfolomeyev were experts of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( 2017-2022) . Senior teacher Amirov Ye.Sh. – member of the Public Association “Kazakhstan Archaeological Society”; Professor a Zhauymbayev S.U. and Shotbakova L.K. – members of the Congress of Historians of Kazakhstan; Professor Zhauymbayev S.U. and assistant Professor Beisenbekova N.A. – members of “ Duniezhuzi” How we work now "Kauymdastygy ".
Professor researcher Saktaganova Z.G., Professors Zhumashev R.M., Shotbakova L.K., assistant Professor Beisenbekova N.A. were members of the State Commission for the complete rehabilitation of victims of mass political repression in Kazakhstan ( 2020-2023 ) .
The demand for the educational programs of the department is proven by the annual increase in the number of applicants. Students and undergraduates of the department’s educational programs represent almost all regions of Kazakhstan.
As part of academic mobility, students and undergraduates from Kazakhstani universities and foreign countries. Such as the Russian Federation, Italy, Estonia, Hungary .
Students of the department annually take an active part in the Republican subject Olympiads and take prizes:
I team place in the educational program 5B011400 - “History” (based on Shakarim University , Semey)
II place in the educational program 5B020300 – History (based on L.N. Gumilev ENU, Nur -Sultan)
II place in the educational program 5B020800 – Archeology and Ethnology (based on Al- Farabi Kazakh National University , Almaty)
II place in the educational program 5B020800 – Archeology and Ethnology ( based on L.N. Gumilev ENU, Nur -Sultan).
III place in the educational program 5B020300 – History (on the basis of NJSC Toraigyrov University , Pavlodar )
1st place in the educational program 5B011400 / 6B01601 – “History” (on the basis of KRU named after A. Baitursynuly, Kostanay)
1st place in the educational program 5B020300 / 6B02204 – History ( based on L.N. Gumilev ENU, Nur -Sultan ).
2nd place in the educational program 5B020800 / 6B02203 – Archeology and Ethnology (on the basis of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Kyzylorda)
2nd place in the educational program 6B02203 – Archeology and ethnology ( based on L.N. ENU Gumilyov, Astana).
Over the years, students of the department’s educational programs have become winners of the Presidential Scholarship:
- 2019-2020: Tutkysh Aidana (5В011400-History), Ashirbekova Zarina (5В020300-History), Tobylov Adil (5В020300-History), Baspakova Madina (5В020300-History).
- 2020-2021: Zhapparova Madina Nurdauletovna (6B01408-History, fundamentals of law and entrepreneurship), Koldasova Gulniza Omarbekovna (6B01408-History, fundamentals of law and entrepreneurship), Kasymzhanova Zhibek Erikkyzy (6B01601-History).
- 2021-2022: Telman Ulykbek Dumanuly (6B01601-History), Rakhymberlinova Aikumis Bolathankyzy (6B01601-History), Gulniza Omarbekovna Koldasova (6B01408-History, fundamentals of law and entrepreneurship), Nargiz Almasovna Baygazieva (6B0220 4- History); Askerbekova Aiym Zhanatovna (6B02204- History), Prilutsky Mikhail Alexandrovich (6B02204- History), Abutalip Aigerim Rizabekkyzy (6B02204- History)
- 2022-2023: Rakhymberlinova Aikumis Bolathankyzy (6B01601- History), Koldasova Gulniza Omarbekovna (6B01408-History, fundamentals of law and entrepreneurship), Baygazieva Nargiz Almasovna (6B02204- History), Askerbekova Aiym Zhanatovna (6B02204- History), Mukha Metzhanova Gaukhar Kudiyarovna (6B02204- History), Prilutsky Mikhail Alexandrovich (6B02204- History), Telman Ulykbek Dumanuly (6B01601- History), Tursynbek Talshyn Askhatkyzy (6B01601- History), Baltabay Ainur Nurbolkyzy (6B01601- History), Kulzhanova Diana Askarovna (6В01601- History .
Students of the department’s educational programs won a scholarship from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
2019 - Baspakova M.E.
2023 - Baygazieva N.A.
The employment rate of department graduates is 100%.
Accreditation and Leadership:
The department's programs have national accreditation by NAOKO and occupy worthy positions in national rankings:
Programs _ |
Place in the ranking |
201 9 |
20 20 |
202 1 |
6В01601 |
History |
1 |
2 |
1 |
6В02203 |
Archeology and ethnology |
2 |
2 |
2 |
6В02204 |
History |
2 |
2 |
2 |
7М01601 |
History |
3 |
3 |
2 |
7М02201 |
History |
2 |
3 |
3 |
Programs |
Place in the ranking |
2021 |
2,022 _ |
202 3 |
6В01601 |
History |
4 |
4 |
4 |
6В02203 |
Archeology and ethnology |
2 |
3 |
3 |
6В02204 |
History |
2 |
3 |
3 |
7M01601 |
History |
4 |
1 |
5 |
7М02201 |
History |
2 |
3 |
3 |
8D02202 |
History and archeology |
3 |
3 |
3 |
In 2021, the educational program 6В02204-“History” took 3rd place for the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Atameken rating .
In 2022, the educational program 6B01601- “ History ” took 2nd place in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Atameken rating .
Dissertation Council:
By order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2016 No. 316, a dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), doctor in the field was opened on the basis of the Faculty of History of KSU named after Ye.A. Buketov .
A.I. Kukushkin defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD . on the topic “The Bronze Age of Kazakhstan in the works of domestic and foreign researchers.” Scientific consultants : Doctor of History, Professor R.M. Zhumashev , Doctor of Philosophy , Professor Y. Murakami.
On February 28, 2020, the doctoral dissertation was defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD by Grigorkevich A. A . on the topic “Physical education and sports in the history of urban everyday life in Central Kazakhstan in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries.” Scientific consultants is Doctor of History, Professor Saktaganova Z.G.
On December 28, 2020, the doctoral dissertation was defended by the senior teacher of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History Bodeyev K.T. on the topic “ Ortalyk Kazakhstan Dini Uyimdarynyn Tarikh (1941-1991)", 6D020300 History. Scientific consultant s are: Doctor of History Professor Saktaganova Z.G. , Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Lysenko Yu.A.
On July 1, 2022, the doctoral dissertation was defended by senior Lecturer of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History Abdukarimova Zh.K. on the topic “Soviet childhood during the war (1941-1945): history and everyday life (based on materials from Central Kazakhstan)” . Scientific consultants are: Doctor of History, Professor Saktaganova Z.G. , Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Salnikova A.A.
On July 1, 2022, G.M. Baigozhina defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD. on the topic “Soviet national policy in Kazakhstan 1946-1991.” Scientific consultants are: Doctor of History, Professor Saktaganova Z.G. , Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Korovushkin D.G.
On November 17, 2023, the defense of the dissertation for the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD was held by the senior teacher of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and National History Ybyraikhan M.Y. on the topic “1964-1985 LJ. Ortalyk Kazakhstan auyl eldi-mekenderi turgyndaryny kondelikti omir tarikha". Scientific consultants: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Saktaganova Z.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Shcheglova T.K.
The department cooperates with ISAA Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russian Federation), Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Institute named after. Max Planck (Germany), Higher School of Social Sciences - EHESS (France, Paris), etc.
Over the years, memorandums of understanding and cooperation were signed with leading scientists from major universities and research centers around the world: Eva Keskula (Professor at the Max Planck Institute (Germany), Tomasso Trevisani (Professor at the University of l'Orientale (Italy), Ahmed Tashagyl (Professor at the University of Edema) Tepe (Turkey), Lyudmila Eremina (Professor at the Institute of International and Public Relations in Prague (Czech Republic), Michal Koch (Professor at the Institute of International and Public Relations in Prague (Czech Republic), Atabaki Turazh (Professor at the University of Leiden (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) , K. Variku (Professor at the J. Nehru University (New Delhi, India), Y. Murakami (Professor at the Ehime University), Andreas Buller (Referent at the Social Ministry of Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart, Germany), Jan Laschek (Professor Karlova University of Prague (Czech Republic), D.G. Korovushkin (Professor of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation), K. Veverkova (Dr. ThDr, Associate Professor, Dean of the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Yu.A. Lysenko (Professor at Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia).
Scientific projects:
Leading Professors and teachers of the department over the years have been leaders or implementers in scientific projects:
- Sheth Onirinin Tarikh : 1824-2017 Head – Candidate of Historical Sciences , assistant Professor Zhakin M.S. (initiative project, 2017-2018)
- The most ancient cities of Kazakhstan (study of urban, cultural and economic centers of the Bronze Age). Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences , Associate Professor Varfolomeyev V.V. Performer: senior teacher Amirov Ye.Sh. (MES RK, 2018-2020).
- The Great Patriotic War and women of Kazakhstan at the fronts and in the rear: women’s stories and everyday life. Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Z.G. Saktaganova , performers - Candidate of Historical Sciences , Associate Professors Abdrakhmanova K.K., Karsybayeva Zh.A. (MES RK, 2018-2020)
- Monuments of ancient metallurgy of Central Kazakhstan. Head – Candidate of Historical Sciences , Professor Zhauymbayev S.U. (MES RK, 2018-2020)
- Historical knowledge as the basis for spiritual modernization and renewal of the national consciousness of the younger generation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (based on materials from Central Kazakhstan). Performers - Professors Shotbakova L.K., Zuyeva L.I. (MES RK, 2018-2020)
- Formation of the information culture of Kazakhstani youth as a factor in the growth of the intellectual potential of societies . Supervisor - Candidate of Historical Sciences, assistant to Professor Myrzakhmetova A.Zh. (MES RK, 2020-2022).
- National historical studies are the core of the intellectual history of Kazakhstan in the 40s and 50s of the twentieth century. Head – Professor Zhumashev R.M. (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2024)
- Children of the Gulag: from the history of Kazakh camps and special settlements . Head - Saktaganova Z.G. (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2024).
- Soviet childhood in Kazakhstan during the war years (1941-1945): history and everyday life . Supervisor – assistant to Professor Abdukarimov Zh.K. (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2024).
- Akhmet Baitursynuly – azattyk qozgalystyn rukhani kosemi. Supervisor – Candidate of Historical Sciences, assistant Professor Beisenbekova N.A. ( intra-university grant, 2022) .
- Creation of a bibliometric database of Buketov KarU. Head – senior teacher Amirov Ye.Sh. ( intra-university grant, 2022) .
- Akzhan al-Mashanidin ruhani zhane gylymi kyzmeti. Head – senior teacher Smagulov N.B. ( intra-university grant, 202 2 ) .
- University of Kabyrgasynan tulep ushkan tulgalarga arnalgan republic “Tulgalar tagylymy” series (akyn, galym Burkit Yskakuly mysalyna). Head – senior lecturer Zhagypar A.B. ( intra-university grant, 202 2 ) .
- Formation and development of education in the Karkaraly region in destinies and persons (late 19th-20th centuries). Head – Professor Shotbakova L.K. ( intra-university grant, 2023) .
- Karagandy oblysynyn tarihi-madeni murasyn GAZh (GIS) taldau. Head – teacher Umitkaliyev D.B. ( intra-university grant, 2023) .
Educational programs
6B01601 "History": bachelor degree. The program is aimed at training a history teacher with fundamental and applied knowledge, research skills for the implementation of pedagogical, professional and practical activities in the context of the updated content of secondary education. Students are offered to study relevant disciplines, including "Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of schoolchildren", "Pedagogy", "Management in education", "Inclusive education", "History of the ancient world", "Ancient history of Kazakhstan", "Ethnography of the peoples of the world" , "Ethnology", "Medieval history of Kazakhstan", "History of the Middle Ages (West, East)", "Designing a modern history lesson in the framework of the updated content of education", "System of criteria-based assessment at school", "Archival studies", "Museology", "Domestic historiography of the history of Kazakhstan".
Graduates receive a bachelor's degree and can work as teachers of history and humanitarian disciplines in educational institutions, employees of archival and museum institutions, employees of advanced training institutes for teachers, occupy administrative positions in gymnasiums, secondary schools, lyceums, colleges, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental subordination.
6B01408 "History, Foundations of Law and Entrepreneurship": Bachelor's degree. The program is innovative, aimed at training a competitive teacher of history, foundations of law and entrepreneurship, who has fundamental and applied knowledge, research skills for the implementation of scientific, pedagogical, professional and practical activities in the context of the updated content of secondary education. Students are offered to study relevant disciplines, including "History of the Ancient World", "Ancient History of Kazakhstan", "New History of Kazakhstan", "Ethnology", "Medieval History of Kazakhstan", "History of the Middle Ages (West, East)", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "Theory of State and Law", "Kazakhstan in the XX century", "Civil Law", "History of World Museums", "Archival Studies", "History of Archival Institutions of Kazakhstan", "Museology", "Protection of Cultural Heritage Kazakhstan”, “Theoretical source study”, “ Domestic historiography of the history of Kazakhstan”.
Graduates receive a bachelor's degree and can work as teachers of history, foundations of law, entrepreneurship in educational organizations, employees of advanced training institutes, occupy administrative positions in akimats, initiate entrepreneurial activities in the provision of educational services, teachers in gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, regardless of the form of their property and departmental subordination.
6B02203 "Archeology and Ethnology": bachelor's degree. The program is aimed at training a competitive specialist, a researcher of archeological monuments, an organizer of school museum and local history work, a researcher of the research, exposition and fund departments, a tour guide, a chief curator at a research institute (center), a history teacher, a junior scientific employee in public service bodies, a chief specialist in the field of protection of historical and cultural monuments. Students are offered to study relevant disciplines, including "Prehistoric evolution of mankind", "Stone Age of Kazakhstan", "World history", "Ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan", "Ancient metallurgy and mining of Kazakhstan", "Foreign archeology", "New and modern history of Kazakhstan", "History of political parties and movements in Kazakhstan in the XX century", "History of the movement "Alash", "New and recent history of foreign countries", "History of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Demography and population statistics", “Auxiliary Historical Disciplines”, “Introduction to Archeology”, “Introduction to Ethnology”, “Ethnogenesis and Ethnic History of Kazakhs”, “Culture of Central Asia and Kazakhstan”.
Graduates receive a bachelor's degree and can work as employees of state committees for the protection of historical and cultural monuments: archaeological centers and institutes, cult and memorial complexes in Kazakhstan, a network of museum organizations of various profiles; teachers of secondary and special educational institutions; employees of the sphere of public administration in the field of culture, education, domestic policy; organizations of cultural and educational tourism business, as well as auctions for the sale of historical and artistic values.
6B02204 "History": bachelor degree. The program is aimed at training a competitive specialist with fundamental and applied knowledge of history, scientific research, cultural, educational, public administration competencies that allow performing professional activities at a high level in organizations and institutions. Students are offered to study relevant disciplines, including "Ancient history of Kazakhstan", "History of the ancient world", "Medieval history of Kazakhstan", "History of the Middle Ages", "Ethnology", "Historical local history", "Ethnography of the peoples of the world", "New history of Kazakhstan ", "Modern history of the countries of Europe and America ", "Nomadic civilization of the Kazakhs", "New and recent history of the countries of Asia and Africa", "Totalitarianism in Kazakhstan and the history of political repressions", "Kazakhstan in the XX century", "History of political parties and movements in Kazakhstan in the XX century”, “Auxiliary historical disciplines”, “Culture of Central Asia and Kazakhstan”, “Demography and population statistics”, “Methods of teaching history”.
Graduates receive a bachelor's degree and can work as employees of research institutes and institutes for advanced training, employees of archival and museum, cultural and educational institutions, hold administrative positions in government bodies, work in the media and teachers of history and humanities in gymnasiums, general education schools, lyceums, colleges.
7М01601- "History": Master's degree. The program is aimed at training highly qualified and competitive specialists who are in demand by the domestic education system and are motivated to research activities. Undergraduates are invited to study relevant disciplines, including "Commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities", "Innovations in the teaching methods of National history", "History of pedagogical thought", "Methods of teaching history in higher education", "Eurasianism: theory and practice", "Methodology of historical science ", "Actual problems of the historiography of the history of Kazakhstan", "New directions in foreign historiography", "World integration and globalization: civilizational aspect".
Graduates receive a master's degree and can work in the system of secondary, secondary specialized and higher education, research centers, state and local government.
7М02201-"History": magistracy. The program is aimed at training highly qualified personnel with competitive advantages in the labor market to carry out professional activities in the field of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines and in the field of management in educational and cultural institutions, executive bodies. Undergraduates are invited to study relevant disciplines, including "Commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities", "Innovations in teaching methods of national history", "Cultural heritage of Kazakhstan: origins and current state (in English)", "Theoretical and methodological problems of source study and historiography”, “Economic modernization of Kazakhstan in the XX century”, “World integration and globalization: civilizational aspect”, “Actual problems of foreign historiography ”.
Graduates receive a master's degree and can work in the system of secondary, secondary special and higher education, research centers, state and local government bodies, commercial and non-profit enterprises, museums, archives, inspections, etc.
8D02202 - History: doctoral studies. The program is aimed at training specialists with fundamental scientific and professional training, possessing modern information technologies, who are able to organize and conduct research and experimental research activities in the chosen direction, who can successfully compete in the labor market. Doctoral students are offered to study topical disciplines, including "Methods of Scientific Research", "Historical Science and Contemporary Theories", "Actual Problems of Historiography and Source Study of Domestic History", "History of Everyday Life: Problems of Theory and Historiography", "Fundamental Problems of Domestic History of the XVII- XX centuries".
Graduates receive a PhD degree and can teach at a university, engage in research activities, and management in education.
Teacher profiles