Academic Mobility

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Russia) Babayev Yevgeniy Veniaminovich reads a course of lectures for students of the Chemical Faculty from October 17, 2022 to November 12, 2022.

Course description

The main purpose of the discipline "Chemistry of heterocycles" is to familiarize students with modern ideas about the specifics of the reactivity of heterocyclic systems, complementing the basic course of organic chemistry and chemistry of heterocycles with a basic emphasis on the reactivity of pharmacologically active heterocycles. The main objectives of the discipline are: the fundamental classification of heteroaromatic pi systems into three types and the use of this classification both to explain the known facts and mechanisms of their reactivity, and for independent planning of reactions involving heterocycles. Basic concept of heterocycle retrosynthesis based on the type of polarity of the reagents used. Methods of synthesis of pharmacologically significant heterocycles are naturally introduced into the course.

For more information, please contact the dean's office of the faculty